Going to Market = Adventures in the Subway and Street Improvements Digitization Project

By:  Angela Vanderbilt

One of the country’s oldest surviving public market houses to operate on a continual basis, Findlay Market is one of the nine original municipal markets that were open for business in downtown Cincinnati at the turn of the 20th century. The major source of goods for Cincinnati’s densely populated urban center, these markets began operating in the early 1800’s and continued to provide fresh produce and other goods to local residents through the mid-1960s, with Findlay Market being the sole survivor in the downtown area.

Shoppers returning from Findlay Market

Shoppers returning from Findlay Market, June 25, 1920

Findlay Market

Findlay Market, 2007

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CEAS Library celebrates National Library Week 2013

The week of April 14-20, 2013, the College of Engineering and Applied Science Library joins libraries in schools, campuses and communities nationwide in celebrating National Library Week, a time to highlight the value of libraries, librarians and library workers.

Libraries today are more than repositories for books and other resources. As the heart of the campus, community, or school, libraries are deeply committed to the places where their users live, work and study.

Librarians work with students, faculty, small business owners, the public and many others to discover what their communities needs are and meet them. Whether through offering e-books and technology classes, materials for English-language learners, programs for job seekers or those to support early literacy, librarians listen to the community they serve, and they respond.

The CEAS Library serves the UC College of Engineering and Applied Science by providing an extensive research collection of 180,000+ Books, 70,000+ E-Books, 35,000+ E-Journals, as well as Expert Reference assistance, Study Spaces, a beautiful Reading Room and Art Collection, and an Info Commons computing space.

Engineering Library (now CEAS Library), ca. 1938.

Engineering Library (now CEAS Library), ca. 1938.

The CEAS Library is celebrating National Library Week with a special display on the History of the Library as well as items authored by Alumni and Faculty of the College.

First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April.

For more information, visit the College of Engineering and Applied Science Library at the University of Cincinnati, 850 Baldwin Hall, call 513-556-1550 or see the library’s Web site: http://www.libraries.uc.edu/libraries/ceas/.

Boutique 18 Features UC Alumna

Katie Gottlieb, former design student in the College of Design, Architecture, Art, & Planning (DAAP) and one-time library student worker, was selected by Boutique Design magazine as one of their 2013 Boutique 18, its yearly roster of noteworthy, on-the-rise designers of hospitality interiors.

You can read about Katie, and the other 17 designers, in the magazine available online.

Coming Soon! Celebrate National Library Week: Test Your Research Skills and Win Prizes

During the week of April 14-20 the University of Cincinnati Libraries will join other libraries on campuses and communities nationwide in celebrating National Library Week. The University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate National Library Week by offering our users an opportunity to demonstrate their research skills and win prizes by taking a research skills contest.

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Hungry?! Bite into an Edible Book with UC Libraries

unbirthdayOnce again, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled for Monday, April 1 from 12:30-1:30pm on the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library.

At the event, nearly 20 participants will present their edible creations that represent a book in some form.

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Spring 2013 Records Quarterly Now Available

By:  Janice Schulz

The Spring 2013 edition of Records Quarterly, a newsletter of the University of Cincinnati Records Management Program, is now available on the records management website at http://www.libraries.uc.edu/documents/RQSpring2013.pdf. Articles in this issue include:

  • Records Quarterly Cover Spring 2013Public Records: Your Rights and Responsibilities – Learn what your responsibilities are as a UC employee when it comes to Ohio public records laws and your rights as a citizen to obtain government records.
  • Social Media and the Ohio Electronic Records Committee – See how the Ohio Electronic Records Committee is studying social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook for their capability to create records and how that translates to UC’s social media activity.
  • When do I Dispose of Records? – Discover the answer to this oft-asked question with the help of some handy charts that make it easier for you to time your records disposition.

You will also find announcements for the spring shredding event sponsored by the Office of Information Security, “Records in the News,” current events in legislation that could affect recordkeeping, and recent gifts to the University Archives.

Records Quarterly is distributed electronically via the Records Management website.