Complete Finding Aid for the papers of German Studies Professor Hans-Georg Richert is Now Available

The Archives and Rare Books Library holds the papers of former professor of Germanic Languages and Literature, Hans-Georg Richert.   Richert was a dedicated teacher and scholar with research interests in the history of the German language, medieval studies, and 19th century German literature.  He taught both undergraduate and graduate courses in the German language, German literature, and German culture. Continue reading

St. John's Unitarian Church Records: Searching the History of one of Cincinnati's Oldest Churches


The Confirmation class of 1903 with Rev. H.G. Eisenlohr

The Archives and Rare Books Library holds the records of a few local churches, including St. John’s Unitarian Church, one of Cincinnati’s oldest houses of worship.  This church’s rich history began in 1814 when Joseph Zaeslin (also spelled Zaeslein), a Moravian minister, organized a church for German immigrants in Cincinnati under the name The German Evangelical and Reformed Church.   The history of this church is important to both Cincinnati’s religious history and to the history of Cincinnati’s German-American community. Continue reading

New Link to PubMed

PubMed has a new URL!

With this URL change comes a different but probably familiar button uc-articlelinker in the PubMed citation abstract view that tells you whether you can access the full text article.

So bookmark the new PubMed URL and if you have a ‘My NCBI’ account, update it to see the UC Article Linker button while logged into your account.  To learn how go to update your ‘My NCBI’ account.

If you have any questions, please contact please contact Edith Starbuck at 558-1433 or

Winter 2010 Records Quarterly Now Available

rqwinter2010_40pThe Winter 2010 edition of Records Quarterly, the newsletter of University of Cincinnati Records Management, is now available on the records management website . This issue features articles about records retention schedules and the recent shredding event sponsored by Information Security, as well as the continuation of our series on the history of records at UC. The current installment discusses records from the founding of the University of Cincinnati to the eve of the introduction of the university’s first computer. Continue reading

Explore the CCM Library in Its New Location

CCMLibraryHallwaywebExplore the Albino Gorno Memorial Music (CCM) Library in its new location on the 6th floor of Blegen Library.

Accessible via the grand staircase in Blegen Library, the renovated CCM Library includes a computer and listening lab, group study and microfilm rooms, areas for study and reading, and space for the library’s collections of books, periodicals, and scores.

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