Welcome to Clermont College Library, Kathy Ladell!

Kathy Ladell

Clermont College Library welcomes a new faculty member – Reference Librarian, Kathy Ladell! 

Kathy comes to UC Clermont from Northern Illinois University where she served as an Outreach Librarian. Kathy worked for many years with non-profits serving Spanish-speaking individuals before obtaining a master’s degree in Library Science and Latin American Studies from Indiana University. She worked in public libraries for 7 years before transitioning to an academic library. 

Kathy’s role at Clermont College Library will focus on reference and research services. She will work to develop online reference services while continuing to support our on-campus students, faculty, and staff.  

Please join me in welcoming Kathy to UC Clermont College! 

Exploring Academic Search Complete

As you work on final projects and need to find information sources, don’t forget about Academic Search Complete! Academic Search Complete contains news, scholarly articles, magazines, and more. It’s a general database that contains information about a lot of different topics and is especially useful when search results from Summon (the search box on the library homepage) seem overwhelming. Check out the two videos linked below for tips on using Academic Search Complete and advanced database searching to get the right sources fast! 

Remember when accessing resources from off-campus, you’ll need to use the proxy login first before you can get into the database. As always, if you need help with accessing Academic Search Complete, using the proxy, or any other library resources, contact us at clermontlibrary@uc.edu for help! 

Accessing Library Resources from Off-Campus: Using the Proxy

Important edit: This information is no longer up-to-date. For more information, visit the Access Library Resource page on the libraries’ website.

With the move to remote learning, many students, faculty, and staff may be using the library’s resources from off-campus for the first time. If so, you may have been surprised that most of our electronic resources are not freely available online as they appear to be when accessing them from on-campus.

In order to use library resources off-campus, you need to prove that you are affiliated with UC due to many of the licenses with vendors that provide our e-book and other electronic resources. Given recent changes to the VPN, we strongly recommend all faculty, staff, and students utilize the Proxy option to access library resources. Instructions for using the Proxy are listed below along with links to instruction videos.

Proxy Login Instructions

Go to: https://libraries.uc.edu/

View Step-by-Step video instructions. [no audio]

NOTE: Login/authentication may not carry over between browser tabs.

These step-by-step videos show how to connect to directly to resources:

As always, if you need assistance, email us at clermontlibrary@uc.edu and we’ll be happy to help!

Welcome Hilda Knepp to the Clermont College Library!

Photo of Hilda

Hilda Knepp

Please join me in welcoming Hilda Knepp to the Clermont College Library!

Hilda graduated from Otterbein College with a BS in Equine Science in the 1980’s, planning to further her studies in Veterinary Science with any reputable university that would take her. Unfortunately, she was sidetracked and acquired an MLS at the University of Kentucky. First love–horses, second love–books. Who knows, right?

During her long career working in libraries, most of her time was spent in the Clermont County Public Library, working at various branches as a reference and children’s librarian, and finishing as a Branch Supervisor at the Doris Wood (Batavia) branch. For a brief three years, she worked part-time for the Clermont County Law Library and learned to speak legaleze. Hilda is working at the Clermont College Library in public services on a part-time schedule, after retiring from the public library.

Hilda lives in the Milford area with her husband, Gary, two cats, and one dog. Currently her grand-dog is staying with her while Mariah, the daughter, figures out what she wants to do with her life. When she is not guiding her daughter on the road to success, Hilda reads, writes, empties litter boxes, researches genealogy, and travels.

Stop by the Clermont College Library to say hello!

Heather Mitchell-Botts
Instruction Librarian

For the Love of the Library — Thank You!


The Clermont College Library hosted a special event, For the Love of the Library, on Thursday, February 9th.  The purpose of this event was to highlight the 1st floor renovations made possible by our donors and share plans for student-centered improvements to our library’s 2nd floor.


Thanks to all who celebrated with us from our community, UC’s Clifton campus, UC Libraries, and UC Clermont.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Student Art Spotlight: The Notable Nine

This spring, Professor Kim Taylor worked with library staff to bring art into the library from nine Clermont College students and one part-time English faculty.  Relocating our information desk in December also provided the opportunity to relocate student art — and double our display area!  You’ll love the results.

Haley Dennison: Haley
Nicholas Dereshkevich: Untitled
Abigale Morris: Adam
Hailey McManus: Brave
Treva Noakes-Miller: Bloom and Dream
Elizabeth Sowders: Untitled
Riley Stickney: Untitled
Bernadette Terrell: Cakes and Untitled
Julia Wahle: They Is and Homey

Amy Abafo: Rice PaddyAdventure Bound, and Baggage (faculty submission)


Keep reading, writing, and learning,

Katie Foran-Mulcahy

Library Director

Local History at the Clermont College Library

Elizabeth Terry’s ENGL 1001 students completed writing projects examining local cities, villages, and places during the fall 2016 term. The projects examined questions relating to a place’s relative growth or isolation.

Students spent a great deal of time using the local history collections of the Clermont College Library, the Clermont County Public Library, and local historical societies. They also snapped photos of their research subjects — now on display in the Peters-Jones hallway outside of the library.  The photographs represent an additional investigative method, capturing indefinable beauty in landmarks we often pass without a second thought.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Clermont College Library Director

Philanthropy Books




Industrialist, millionaire, and philanthropist,
Andrew Carnegie. 1913.
Marceau, photographer. Library of Congress.



In the holiday season many people participate in philanthropic endeavors such as food and clothing drives, monetary giving and donations of time.

If you’re interested in learning more about philanthropy Clermont College Library has e-books you might like to browse:

Philanthropy and the Philanthropy Sector: An Introduction by Theo N.M. Schuyt

Nonprofit Organizations and Civil Society in the United States by Kelly LeRoux
and Mary K. Feeney

The Almanac of American Philanthropy by Karl Zinsmeister

Philanthropy and Education Strategies for Impact edited by Ekkehard Thümler, Nicole Bögelein, Annelie Beller, and Helmut Anheier



Konnichiwa! Bonjour! Hola! Guten Tag! Hi!


Want to do more than just say hello in a different language? The University of Cincinnati offers an online language learning system called Mango Languages. Mango has over 72 languages plus several English courses geared for
non-English speakers. Mango Languages is available to students, faculty and staff.

You will need to create an account when using Mango Languages for the first time.

For more details, please stop by and talk with our friendly library staff or visit our website at Clermont College Library!

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Chess and Checkers in the Clermont College Library

This fall, you’ll notice two custom-made game sets near the windows in the Clermont College Library.


The anodized aluminum chess/checker combo was produced by capstone students in the Manufacturing Engineering Technology program at UC East in spring 2015.  Led by Profs. Dexter Hulse and Chris Goodman, students designed the set using CAD and CAM software and produced it on our campus, utilizing conventional and computerized numerical control machine tools.


The 3-D printed checkers set was created in fall 2016 by the IT Pros, an award-winning Clermont College student organization. The project was led by Patrick Voto (President, 2015-16) under the guidance of the faculty advisor Prof. Bill Nicholson. The printer produces pieces using an additive manufacturing technique. Each square took approximately 20 minutes to print, checker pieces took 12 minutes to print. The total production time added up to around 36 hours.

We love our new games – and so do our students.  Thanks again to the Manufacturing Engineering Technology students and the IT Pros for these amazing (and usable) works of art.


Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director