Hungry? Bite into an Edible Book with UC Libraries

Celebrate books good enough to eat at the International Edible Books Festival set for 1 p.m., Tuesday, April 4, Langsam Library 5th floor lobby.

To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird

The University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled from 1-2 p.m., on Tuesday, April 4, in the fifth floor lobby of Langsam Library.

At the event, nearly 20 participants will present their edible creations that represent a book in some form. There are few restrictions in creating an edible book – namely that the creation be edible and have something to do with a book. Submitted entries include edible titles such as “Me Cookie.” Best sellers “Fifty Shades of Grey” and “The Manual of Detection” are represented along with favorite children’s books “Charlotte’s Web,” “Ten Little Ladybugs” and “Where do Balloons Go?” among other literary greats.

Interested in creating an edible book? E-mail by Tuesday, March 28 with your name and the title of your creation. Continue reading

Digital Archivist Eira Tansey Named an Archives Leadership Institute Cohort

Eira Tansey

Eira Tansey

Eira Tansey, digital archivist and records manager in the Archives and Rare Books Library, has been selected as an ALI17 cohort member. The Archives Leadership Institute (ALI) is a program funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a statutory body affiliated with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and is being hosted at Berea College for the years 2016-18. ALI will provide advanced training for 25 archival leaders each year, giving them the knowledge and tools to transform the profession in practice, theory and attitude.

“The Archives Leadership Institute is a well-regarded program in the American archives profession that brings together archivists of diverse backgrounds and work experiences to learn leadership skills together at a week-long institute every summer,” said Eira. “All ALI participants commit to working on a practicum at their home institution, and I have committed to working on increasing documentation of student life within University Archives at the Archives and Rare Books Library.”

Eira joins an elite group attending ALI as only 25 people are accepted each year. More about the Archives Leadership Institute is available on its website.

The Children of Lir: Ireland’s Sweethearts

By: Sydney Vollmer, ARB Intern

It’s that time of year again. Winter is *hopefully* leaving and making room for spring.  March brings a lot to look forward to, especially for the Irish-American community.  Every year since 1991, the president has declared March to be National Irish Heritage Month.  But what does Irish heritage mean?  One University Honors class is on a mission to find the answer to that question.  It turns out that “to be Irish” means a lot more than having red hair, drinking beer, and being one with a short temper.  Led by professor Kevin Grace, along with Debbie Brawn of University Honors, 20 students will travel to Ireland over spring break to get an in-depth look at the country from where so many Americans emigrated.  The weeks leading up to the study tour were filled with readings of Irish-American literature, such as Angela’s Ashes and Irish America: Coming Into Clover, as well as the viewing of films and many discussions about what Irish heritage means. Continue reading

Celebrate International Women’s Day with Two Exhibits Featuring Women on WWI Illustrated Sheet Music

sheet music graphic

In commemoration of both Women’s History Month (March) and the centennial of the United States entry into World War I (April 6, 1917), two new library exhibits feature illustrated sheet music from the era. “Sheet music served as propaganda for the war effort, but also offered solace—and sometimes levity—to those on the home front. Between the war years of 1914 and 1918, music publishers produced over 13,500 individual compositions,” said exhibit curator Theresa Leininger-Miller, associate professor of art history in the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. Continue reading

Mozart in the Library

Ever wonder what people are playing while they are practicing the keyboard in Langsam and CCM Libraries? Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center, did so he asked one student if he could listen in.

michael rollins

Michael Rollins, BioMedical Engineering (Ph.D.) student



And, because you can’t always be Mozart…


A collaboration between UC Libraries and the College-Conservatory of Music (CCM), the keyboards are open to anyone wanting to play on a first come-first served basis, but bring your own headphone as they are required.

BAE: Bureau of American Ethnology (not the Danish word for “poop” or an abbreviation of “babe”)

By: Colleen O’Brien, ARB Student Assistant

The acronym BAE does not refer to a common slang term amongst young folks or even to the Danish word for “poop.” Rather, in this instance it is a term which means Bureau of American Ethnology.

How did the Bureau of American Ethnology come to be and why is it important?

In 1879, as the discipline of anthropology was taking hold in universities across America, Congress established an agency called the Bureau of Ethnology.  There is some controversy over the exact purpose for which this department was founded, but one explanation is that the Department of the Interior needed to transfer archives and other materials to the Smithsonian Institution because the two entities were set to merge shortly thereafter.  Thus Congress decided to create a department to ease this change. The second reason, on the other hand, states the Bureau of Ethnology was established as a purely research division of the Smithsonian. Regardless, John Wesley Powell, the Bureau’s key founder, believed it should be used to promote anthropological research in the Americas.   In fact, in 1897, the Bureau of Ethnology changed its name to Bureau of American Ethnology in order to limit geographic interests. Continue reading

The Passing of Henry Heimlich (1920-2016)


This gallery contains 7 photos.

The Winkler Center was saddened over the weekend to learn of the passing of Dr. Henry J. Heimlich. In lieu of writing another obituary or quick biography like the ones that can be read here at the Cincinnati Enquirer or … Continue reading

Dean Wang Invited to Participate on International Dunhuang Consultative Committee

Xuemao Wang

Xuemao Wang, Dean and University Librarian, attending the International Dunhuang Consultative Committee meeting.

This past October, Xuemao Wang, dean and university librarian, was invited by the Dunhuang Research Academy of China to participate in a two-day International Dunhuang Consultative Committee meeting sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to consult on the Digital Dunhuang project. The consultative committee included individuals from such institutions as UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Microsoft Research Asia, The University of Hong Kong Libraries, the British Library, the Victoria and Albert Museum, Jawaharlal Nehru University Library, the National Museum in New Delhi, the Korea Institute of Dunhuang, National Taiwan University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, and the University of Science and Technology of China, among other institutions. Members of the Consultative Committee received a three-year appointment from the director of the academy, Mr. Wang Yuanlong.

The objective of the two-day meeting was to review Digital Dunhuang’s current infrastructures, policies, and challenges, particularly in the three key areas of: digital asset management, digital resource integration, and digital preservation. The committee was charged by the director to prepare a set of recommendations for future activities in each of the three areas. At the end of the two-day, intensive meeting, the international consultative committee presented a draft set of recommendations to the academy.

Dunhuang Cave

Dunhuang Cave

The Dunhuang Caves, the best-known of which are the Mogao Caves, comprise some 492 temples and contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art spanning a period of 1,000 years. Named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, the caves are one of the most comprehensive cultural heritage museums in existence. The Dunhuang Research Academy  has been devoted to the protection of the Dunhuang Mogao Caves since its founding in 1944. Currently, the Academy is undertaking a massive endeavor known as Digital Dunhuang whose ambitious goals include, eventually, digitizing all 492 caves’ resources—including 3-D imaging of murals, sculptures and the caves themselves—as well as managing the resulting digital resources with long-term digital preservation strategies.

Another Dunhuang project, the International Dunhuang Project is a consortium of libraries and museums that are linking their collections of digitized Dunhuang manuscripts and making them available on the Internet.

This was Dean Wang’s first visit Dunhuang, although he remembers learning about it in his Chinese high school history class. “I was tremendously impressed by its historical and artistic richness and the beauty of the mural paintings, Buddhism manuscripts and massive cave structures,” said Dean Wang. “Dunhuang Research Academy’s vision and work on digitizing the cave’s entire historical and cultural objects for both access and preservation using cutting edge digital technologies is an important and impressive endeavor.”

NLM Biomedical Informatics: Bedside to Bench

GeneVariationAre the National Library of Medicine (NLM) National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) resources just for researchers or just for clinicians?  The upcoming HSL workshops on April 26 and May 18 will demonstrate that NCBI resources are for research, clinical and educational use.

NLM Biomedical Informatics: Bedside to Bench with NCBI will walk through a case study where participants will assist in diagnosing a genetic condition, identifying genetic tests for disease confirmation, and helping determine the molecular etiology of the disease. All while using NCBI resources.

So check it out. Find out how NCBI resources can work for you. Register for the April or May workshops being held in the HSL Troup Learning Space.

Questions? Contact Tiffany Grant, PhD

SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts) Workshops & Consultations: March 24

On Thursday, March 24, UC Libraries will host topical workshops and Q&A/consultation session.  John Zabilski, SciFinder’s lead trainer and database expert will be our presenter.

These sessions will provide you with search techniques and tips to help scour the literature landscape and to keep updated on research findings. The workshops are designed for both advanced and entry-level SciFinder users.  Get to know SciFinder & register for your UC account at prior to the session.

You are welcome to attend any of the four session times.  Please register in advance: .

9:30 – 11:00 AM

SciFinder Workshop – Polymers/Materials  850D Baldwin (CEAS Library)

11:00 – 12:00 PM

SciFinder Consultation time / Q&A  850D Baldwin (CEAS Library)

1:30 – 3:00 PM

SciFinder Workshop – Drug Discovery/Clinical                                     /Pharmaceutical Research Areas Troup Learning Space G005G (Health Sciences Library)

3:00 – 4:00 PM

SciFinder Consultation time / Q&A Troup Learning Space G005G (Health Sciences Library)

Workshop topics will include the following:

  • Analyzing and refining searches with controlled terms
  • Substance detail enrichments (i.e. Experimental Data, Physical Prop., Regulatory info, etc.)
  • Structure/Markush Searching, and Patent Indexing
  • SciPlanner (interactive workspace for reaction & synthetis schemes)
  • Analytical Method indexing and Protocol Searching
  • User Alerts and Notifications

John Zabilski, Senior Application Specialist at Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), has worked at CAS for 30+ years, with positions in editorial (organometallic), Customer Help Desk, new product development, and the STN search service.  John has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from Cornell, did graduate work in chemistry at Texas A&M, and received a MBA from Ohio State University. John is a registered US Patent Agent.

Register now at to the session, register for your UC SciFinder account at

Questions?  Contact Ted Baldwin or Edith Starbuck