The Christ Hospital Winkler Center Collaborative Oral History Program Kicks Off with an Interview of Dr. William Schreiner

Screenshot 2016-01-14 16.20.38

This image serves as a link to the
interview with Dr. William Schreiner in
UC Libraries Mediaspace.
The entire Winkler Center Oral History Collection is now easily available in a streaming form
through the abovementioned website.

We are proud to announce the completion of the first interview in The Christ Hospital Health Network in collaboration with the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions Oral History Series; our first interview subject was one of Cincinnati’s most prominent physicians who is also considered to be “The Doctors’ Doctor”, Dr. William Schreiner.  The entire interview is now available in a streaming format through the UC Libraries mediaspace.

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Bridges to Diversity and Inclusion Exhibit in Langsam Library

bridges to diversity and inclusion iconUC Libraries received a grant from the Provost’s Office to promote and celebrate diversity throughout the university community. Entitled “Bridges to Diversity and Inclusion” this initiative will provide a school year filled with events, programs and exhibits designed to celebrate diversity on the UC campus and beyond.

A new exhibit on the fourth floor of Langsam Library highlights “Bridges to Diversity and Inclusion” with information on ways that people can participate in the initiative and a showcase of library resources that celebrate and explore all areas of diversity. Continue reading

Check Out the ADA Display

ada displayBy Josh Beckelhimer

On July 26, 1990 President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law. Following laws like the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the ADA is an “equal opportunity” act for people who have disabilities. The law guarantees that people with disabilities have equal opportunity to participate in normal American life. It allows people with disabilities to be employed, buy goods and services, and participate in government programs without discrimination.

This year Langsam Library and the Health Sciences Library are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the ADA with a display. The display provides information about the ADA and how it helps college students. The display shows that 11% of Undergraduates and 9% of Graduate students have disabilities, while 80% of students with disabilities choose not to disclose, thus reinforcing the importance of the law. Continue reading

Coming Together to Give Thanks November 12

Giving Thanks graphic

Join the University of Cincinnati Libraries for “Coming Together to Give Thanks” ~ Thursday, November 12, 3:30-5:30pm, Langsam Library 4th floor.

Learn what people are thankful for and about Thanksgiving and Harvest Festivals around the world. Enjoy food, drink and fun.

The event is free and open to the public.

bridges iconThe Coming Together to Give Thanks Celebration is part of a Diversity Grant, “Bridges to Diversity and Inclusion,” the Libraries received to promote and celebrate diversity throughout the university community.

For more information, contact Susan Banoun at  556-1440 or



New Report Reviews Successful Global Digital Scholarship Programs

report coverA new report from Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang sheds light on the expertise required to support a robust and sustainable digital scholarship program.

In late 2012, the University of Cincinnati Libraries was awarded a Scholarly Communications and Information Technology Program planning grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to define and describe the key skills and competencies required to support a robust digital scholarship program. The project’s findings have now been published in a report titled “Building Expertise to Support Digital Scholarship: A Global Perspective.”
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Check Out the Latest Issue of Source

sourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes an An Update from Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang on the Implementation of our Strategic Plan, a Celebration of William Shakespeare and an interview with Lori Harris, NLM Associate Fellow. There are articles about two exciting spaces in the Health Sciences Library – the new Informatics Lab and the newly named Dr. Stanley B. Troup Learning Space, as well as a list of fall events in UC Libraries. Read these articles and more.

Source is available on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Join UC Libraries October 17 at Books by the Banks

books by the banks logoOn Saturday, October 17, the 9th annual Books by the Banks: Cincinnati USA Book Festival will take place downtown at Duke Energy Convention Center from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Once again, UC Libraries is an organizing partner of the literary event that allows readers to meet and greet favorite authors.

The day-long festival will feature over 100 regional and national authors, book signings, author panels and activities for the entire family to enjoy. The popular “Writing and Getting Published” series returns this year with panel discussions covering hot topics for writers and workshops to help hone the craft of writing. All events are free and open to the public. Continue reading

Renovations Underway on the Fourth Floor of Langsam Library.

service desk sketch

Sketch of new service desk.

Students starting classes Monday will be met with construction and an enhanced classroom in Langsam Library.

Once completed, the renovations will provide more collaborative, flexible and comfortable work spaces to do research and to study in Langsam, as well as offer improved access to enhanced technology. Work began this summer with the renovation of the Langsam classroom 462 and will continue throughout the fall semester on the fourth floor of the library.

As a result of the construction, The Desk@Langsam (the main service desk) has been moved to just beyond the main staircase. Signs and way finding lead users to the temporary desk location. All other Langsam Library services and spaces remain open and available for use at this time.

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