Data Visualization Lunch & Learn and Hands-on Shiny Workshop – Nov 28th 11:45 am to 3 pm

Join us Wednesday, November 28 for a Lunch & Learn and Hands-on Shiny Workshop with Dr. Olga Scrivner, Research Scientist at Indiana University’s Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center. REGISTER

Olga Scrivner is a research scientist at Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center (CNS) in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University, a faculty fellow at the Center of Excellence for Women in Technology, and a corporate faculty in Data Analytics at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. She has substantive expertise in developing web application tools for data mining and visualization using Shiny and R. Her current research at CNS focuses on mapping of occupational landscape and educational attainment, with specific emphasis in understanding the healthcare workforce in the areas affected by opioid epidemic.

Wednesday November 28 in Langsam Library room 475  LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED.

If a picture is worth of a thousand words, data visualization is worth millions: Toward a framework for actionable visual insights
Current shift in scientific landscape toward cross-disciplinary teams, evolving cyberinfrastructure and complex data requires a new kind of data analysis and visualization tools. This talk will introduce a visualization framework developed at Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center (CNS) at Indiana University, founded and directed by Professor Katy Börner, Victor H. Yngve Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Information Science (

This two hour hands-on workshop will step through the process of building, visualizing, deploying, and sharing Shiny web applications. Learning this workflow will enable you to build your own interactive tools that can be used for research and teaching.

R Workshops in the Health Sciences Library: Coming Soon

In January 2017 the Health Sciences Library will begin to offer workshops on the R programing language and statistical software.

In these workshops participants will learn:

  • the various data types
  • how to install R
  • how to import and export files
  • how to select statistical methods
  • how to perform different statistical analyses on given data
  • how to understand when to choose a statistical analysis for answering a type of research question

In addition, some basic statistical analyses will be covered that include one sample t-test, two-sample t-test, and different types of regression. At the end of both workshops participants will gain a practical experience of using R programming for Data Analysis.

To register for the January R workshops go to .  The January schedule will be posted toward the end of December.

If you have any questions, please contact Tiffany Grant, PhD, Research Informationist at the Harrison Health Sciences Library, at 558-9153 or