Brea McQueen Leaving UC Clermont Library

Brea McQueen has resigned from her position as the Operations Manager in the UC Clermont Library. Her last day will be on August 12, 2022. Brea joined UC Clermont in September 2021. In her short time here, she has helped move forward ideas for our 2nd floor renovation, organized our student workforce, and made changes to our technology lending program. She will be missed but has an amazing opportunity to join the faculty at Miami University – Hamilton as the Student Success Librarian. We wish her the best. 

A search committee will commence immediately to refill her position. In the interim, questions that you may have sent to Brea can be sent to 

Summer Semester at UC Clermont

Beginning May 2, the Clermont campus library will be open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You can also request an appointment online to visit the campus library outside of these hours.

The UC Clermont Library will be closed on the following dates: Monday, May 30; Monday, June 20; and Monday, July 4.

Don’t forget you can use online resources 24/7 at

New Library Hours at UC Clermont

Earlier in the semester, UC Clermont ran a pilot for extended hours. As promised, we did some reflection on the use and attendance of these hours. It took us a little time to prepare the staff, but we are now ready to announce longer hours for the remainder of the semester.

Beginning November 1, UC Clermont Library will remain open until 6:30 PM on Mondays through Thursdays. Friday hours will remain the same with a 5 PM close. These hours will be in place until the semester ends on November 10.

Welcome New UC Clermont Staff, Brea McQueen

UC Clermont Library has made some exciting changes to its staffing. Emily Wages transitioned to a new role and is now UC Clermont’s Collection Manager. Emily will now work with new acquisitions, course reserves, donations, and weeding projects.

To fill Emily’s previous role as Operations Manager, UC Clermont is excited to welcome Brea McQueen to the team. Brea will handle technology lending, library spaces & events, library accounts, and student employment.

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Clermont College Library Online Beginning November 16

Due to a desire to further reduce human density on the Clermont College campus, the Clermont College Library is switching its operations earlier than planned. Beginning now on Monday, November 16, Clermont College Library will be transitioning its support to online and changing its visiting hours to by appointment only.

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Meet Your UCC Librarian: Emily Wages

Your UC Clermont library team is pretty new to campus. Because we may not have a chance to meet you in person this semester, we wanted to offer you a snapshot of each of the library’s faculty and staff. Each employee will be featured throughout the semester. This week Emily Wages, Operations Manager, is featured.

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Meet Your UCC Librarian: Kathy Ladell

Your UC Clermont library team is pretty new to campus. Because we may not have a chance to meet you in person this semester, we wanted to offer you a snapshot of each of the library’s faculty and staff. Each employee will be featured throughout the semester. This week Kathy Ladell, Assistant Librarian, is featured.

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Meet Your UCC Librarian: Catie Carlson

Your UC Clermont library team is pretty new to campus. Because we may not have a chance to meet you in person this semester, we wanted to offer you a snapshot of each of the library’s faculty and staff. Each employee will be featured throughout the semester. This week Catie Carlson, Associate Librarian and Library Director, is featured.

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