UCBA Library Services During Spring 2022 Remote Start Period

Given the university’s shift to online operations, we wanted to provide you with updates to the UCBA Library’s services and support beginning today through Friday, January 21st. We will revert to regular spring semester operations on Monday, January 24th.

The UCBA Library facility is closed as of Wednesday, January 5th through Friday, January 21st; however, we do have drop-in hours from 9a-5p Monday-Friday as well as virtual support (see below for options). Hallway signage instructs visitors on how to contact us when they arrive, so that we can meet them at our library staff door (ex. laptop or materials pick-up/returns).

Laptops are available for UCBA students with an initial check-out until March 11th. Students can return and renew the laptop by that due date for the rest of the semester.

Calculators and Course Reserve Materials are available for check-out through January 25th. During this time, we will not be issuing short term loans (e.g. 4 hours, 3 days). Calculators and course reserve materials will be given a due date of Tuesday, January 25th. These items will revert to their designated short term loan period after their return.

Important Reminder: A Bearcat ID or acceptable alternative ID (e.g. driver’s license) is required to check out items.

Virtual Services/Support available Monday-Friday 9a-5p

Winter Book Crush at the UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

Looking for some good reads for winter break? Find recently published novels, short stories, biographies, and more at the UCBA Library’s Winter Book Crush. Stop by for a book and a winter treat! 

Find us outside the UCBA Library front entrance (next to the Commons) on the following days/times: 

  • Tuesday November 30, 12:30-2:00 PM 
  • Wednesday December 1st, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM 

Can’t make it during the above times? 

The Winter Book Crush will move inside the UCBA Library from December 2 – 10. Please refer to the UCBA Library website for hours. Note: UC ID is required to borrow books.

UCBA Library Research Labs Offers Direct Help from Librarians

Get research help from UCBA librarians. In this one hour working session, you can ask specific questions about your research assignment. It’s open to all UCBA students and for any individual or group research assignments. Registration is required and you can join any time during the session. Be sure to bring your research assignment.

Dates and Times

  • Tuesday, October 12, 10-11 am (Zoom)
  • Wednesday, October 20, 2-3 pm (In-Person, Muntz Hall 117).

Reserve Your Spot

Register for these research labs by using this registration link. The Zoom link will be sent to the same email you used to register. For the in-person session, bring your device with you.

Library Display: Celebrate Diversity!

By Lauren Wahman

This display showcases a selection of books (print/electronic) and streaming media available through the UC Blue Ash Library and includes a range of topics and authors. The display will be available until January 29, 2021 with physical items available to request via Click and Collect. Be sure to visit the Celebrate Diversity online display. 

 book display atop bookshelves

Resources for Faculty Research

by Lauren Wahman

scrabble tiles spell out the word research

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Whether it’s discipline-specific, creative, or a classroom-based research project, we’re getting you started with a newly redesigned Faculty Research Guide. To help with specific research needs, schedule an online research consultation with your department’s library faculty liaison. Or, find research-focused online workshops through the UC Libraries Calendar and the Faculty Enrichment Center’s Program Calendar.  Finally, watch for a special 4th Annual Faculty Research Lightning Talks blog post in the spring that will showcase faculty scholarship. 

Celebrating UC Blue Ash’s Artists, Authors, Editors and Composers

by Lauren Wahman and Heather Maloney

The Life of the Mind lecture and Artists, Authors, Editors & Composers combined event took place on September 22, 2020. As a follow up, the UCBA Library celebrates selected works submitted this year from UCBA faculty and staff. In case you missed it, please visit Life of the Mind for the online exhibit, bibliography, and event recording.

David Hartz | Associate Professor | Electronic Media Communications Department

Description of My Creative Process: This new body of work is titled, “Drawing Water.” This series consists of drawings of various water sources I have seen in and around Ohio. I became interested in this subject matter after seeing Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings depicting how water moves around various objects. I am fascinated as to how water moves and how I could add values and depth to drawing this formless element. I study martial arts and this quote by Bruce Lee inspired me as well, “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water.” Water forms to whatever contains it. My intention with these drawings is to give, not only shape, but also value, shadow, highlight and playfulness to moving water.

All of these drawings are created in Procreate on an iPad Pro. I love the portability of the iPad and use it with my Urban Sketching group as well. It has replaced my sketchbook and pencils in many situations. I have found that it has a feature that no traditional media has. In this digital arena, the ability to zoom way into a piece of work is remarkable. As long as the resolution is high, you can zoom way into the art and provide details that would be near impossible with traditional media. I am making use of this feature in my current drawings in this “Drawing Water” series. This is the reason that I include detail shots in the submission of these drawings. Normally a detail shot is unnecessary in a 2D drawing, however, it is quite necessary to show the full detail that are involved with these works. Each drawing has two views: one is the overall view of the water that, at first, has a photographic look. The second view is the detailed view of the work as you move in close to it and see the hieroglyphic mark making process. Continue reading

From the desk of … Kellie Tilton

Hi! Welcome to my apartment! It’s small and I share it with an opinionated cat, but I’m enjoying taking advantage of the natural light, the nearby caffeine sources and the ability to use different setups depending on my mood!

Faculty Research Lightning Talks: Meet Linda Wunderley

The UCBA Library’s 3rd Annual Faculty Research Lightning Talks on March 10, 2020 featured four presenters and their discipline-based research projects via short, 15 minute presentations. In our  Meet the Presenters series, each presenter shares some insights into their research project.

Linda Wunderley | Assistant Professor, Adjunct | Business & Economics
Presentation: The Real Truth About What Determines Our Professional Performance

Linda Wunderley presents her research.

Linda Wunderley discusses her research.

Research Project
Today’s frenetic pace of market change and stressful organizational environments have the business world struggling with not only redesigning their professional development efforts to address this new normal, but also attempting to understand why past practices have repeatedly proven so ineffective! At the same time, Neuroscience research may have uncovered a critical correlation (between an individual’s significant life experiences and their repetitive thoughts, feelings and behavior) which could provide the very insight and direction needed for a professional development reinvention. But empirical data specific to the business world is needed. This research study is attempting to provide that data.

collage of famous people in a powerpoint slide

A slide from Linda Wunderley’s The Real Truth About What Determines Our Professional Performance presentation. Source: Linda Wunderley

What excites you most about your research?
Top management across the U.S. today, as well as the likes of Deloitte and McKinsey, report little or no behavior change on the part of the ‘trained’ or the ‘coached.’ But the need for improved soft skills such as better communication, persuasion, team building and creativity is huge and growing. This research could provide the empirical data for a potential sea change in our approach to such Professional Development.

What are your next steps with your research?
Continue to recruit participants to increase sample size.

Past Publication

Wunderley, L. J., Reddy, W.B. & Dember, W.N. (2006). Optimism and Pessimism in Business LeadersJournal of Applied Social Psychology. 28 (9) 751-760.

Additional Resources
* Library copy currently unavailable to request at this time

  • *Dweck, C. S. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Random Books.
  • Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2017). The Talent Delusion: Why Data, Not Intuition, Is the Key to Unlocking Human Potential. Great Britain: Piatkus
  • Felitti, V. J. et.al. (1998). Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 14, 4, 245-258.
  • Kellerman, B. (2012). The End of Leadership. New York: HarperCollins.
  • *Lipton, B. (2005). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Publishers.
  • Merzenich, M. (2013). Soft-Wired: How the New Science of Brain Plasticity Can Change Your Life.

San Francisco: Parnassus Publishing.


By Lauren Wahman