UC Libraries Pay Tribute to UC Authors, Editors and Composers

Exhibit of Published Works on Display in Langsam Library’s 4th and 5th Floors through June 10, 2012

The annual Authors, Editors and Composers reception and program was held Tuesday, April 17, in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center. At the event, UC Libraries honored 285 faculty members and their 413 creative and scholarly works published in the year 2011. Participating faculty members represented every UC college plus the Division of Professional Practice, and the Libraries. Continue reading

New: HSL Books

Check out the new books at the Health Sciences Library! 

Click on the link to the list of books made available in March 2012.  At the top of the list are the new electronic books, followed by print titles in the Browsing Room collection, on Reference, on Reserve, in the Rothenberg Speech & Hearing collection, and in the Health Sciences stacks.

HSL New Books March 2012

The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project: Polio and the Cold War

Telegram from Dr. Chumakov to Dr. Sabin, September 1958

The April 2012 issue of Scientific American Magazine features an article about Dr. Albert B. Sabin and Dr. Mikhail P. Chumakov called “Birth of a Cold War Vaccine” by William Swanson. Mr. Swanson conducted research in the Sabin Archives for the special report on polio. Regarding the “surprising” alliance of these scientists, Mr. Swanson wrote, “Their joint venture would have outraged fanatics on both sides of the iron curtain if those fanatics had been aware of it. Yet the collaboration—fleshed out in archival materials recently made available at the University of Cincinnati and by several contemporaneous sources—led to one of the greatest medical achievements of the 20th century and saved countless lives around the world” (p. 66). Continue reading

New HSL CampusGuides: Tutorials, Mobile Health, Anesthesiology, Clinical Laboratory Science, and Communication Sciences and Disorders

The HSL recently published five new CampusGuides:

  • The Tutorials guide provides database, software, and citation management tutorials from the HSL in addition to HSL YouTube videos and a separate page for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice tutorials.
  • Mobile Health Resources highlights HSL subscription apps, free mobile health resources, and app news and reviews.
  • The Anesthesiology guide provides links to journals, eBooks, and other resources relevant to anesthesiology practice and research.

See all current Health Sciences Library CampusGuides here.  As more topic guides are published, the links on the Electronic Resources page will be changed to lead directly to the new topic guide.

Please contact us if you have any feedback and suggestions for us as we work to make these guides as useful as possible!

The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project: Commemorative Stamp

By Megan Ryan, Sabin Project Student Assistant

A scientist cannot rest while knowledge which might reduce suffering rests on the shelf.
-Albert B. Sabin [1]

Albert B. Sabin Commemorative Stamp

On March 8, 2006, Dr. Albert B. Sabin was recognized for his work in the elimination of polio by the United States Postal Service. An 87-cent stamp was created to honor the virologist “who developed the ‘sugar-cube’ vaccine that’s credited with wiping out polio in much of the world.”[2] The stamp, part of the Distinguished Americans series, was issued to recognized his various accolades and research accomplishments. The USA Philatelic Catalog explained that Dr. Sabin’s “successful efforts to develop a polio vaccine made him one of the most esteemed scientists in the world. For his dedication to fighting polio and other infectious diseases, he received numerous awards, including the National Medal of Science (1970) and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1986).”[3] Continue reading

From Pyramids to Spacecraft

exhibit imageThe traveling exhibition From Pyramids to Spacecraft will be shown at the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) April 20 – May 15, 2012. The exhibit features selected projects by the design studio Architecture and Vision, founded by Italian architect Arturo Vittori and Swiss architect Andreas Vogler, with offices in Munich, Germany and Bomarzo, Italy. Continue reading

See the UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival 2012 Entries

The University of Cincinnati Libraries celebrated the International Edible Books Festival for the 10th year on April 5, 2012. Twenty UC students, librarians, and staff submitted entries. For more information about the participants and the International Edible Books Festival see the UC News and Magazine article.  Or view the video below of edible book entries from the UC News and Magazine article. Continue reading

Hungry?! Bite into Some Tasty Books at the Annual International Edible Book Festival

For the 10th year, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled for Thursday, April 5 from 12:30-1:30pm on the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library.

At the event, over 20 participants will present edible creations that represent a book in some form. There are few restrictions in creating an edible book – namely that the creation be edible and have something to do with a book. Continue reading

The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project: Featured in the Ohio Archivist

In my estimation no man has ever contributed so much effective information — so continuously over so many years — to so many aspects of poliomyelitis, as Sabin.
-John R. Paul, MD, renowned epidemiologist

The Spring 2012 issue of the Ohio Archivist is now available on the Society of Ohio Archivists’ (SOA) website. Along with SOA news and information for Ohio archivists, this issue features an article on the Sabin digitization project by Stephanie Bricking, Linda Newman, and Stephen Marine. The article describes how the Henry R. Winkler Center is “Making Dr. Sabin Accessible for All.”

Be sure to click the Ohio Archivist logo above to visit the SOA website and download a copy of the issue!
Continue reading

The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project: March 30 is National Doctors Day

The One Hundred First Congress of the United States passed a joint resolution marking March 30, 1991, as “National Doctors Day.” This resolution recognized the importance of physicians by saying:

Whereas society owes a debt of gratitude to physicians for the contributions of physicians in enlarging the reservoir of scientific knowledge, increasing the number of scientific tools, and expanding the ability of health professionals to use the knowledge and tools effectively in the never-ending fight against disease; and

Whereas society owes a debt of gratitude to physicians for the sympathy and compassion of physicians in ministering to the sick and in alleviating human suffering

The resolution also called on the President to issue a proclamation for “National Doctors Day.” Continue reading