Board Games at the CEAS Library!

Whether you’re nostalgic for Candyland or interested in trying something new like Gloomhaven, the CEAS Library’s new board game collection has you covered. Games are available to all UC faculty, students, and staff for one-week check outs. Learn more about the library’s collection and keep up with upcoming game outreach events on the CEAS Library’s Board Games Collection LibGuide

Happy gaming!

We Love d/Deaf Children’s Books: Special event with the ASL Club

You’re invited… To recommend new children’s books for the CECH Library collection with d/Deaf representation, d/Deaf characters, and d/Deaf stories.

Using a framework created by ASL 2003 Psychosocial Aspects of Deafness, participants in this event will use their knowledge of d/Deaf culture and American Sign Language to recommend new books for the CECH Library children’s collections, including books for young children through young adults (YA).

WHEN: Wednesday, February 14th at 4:30pm
WHERE: CECH Library’s classroom, room 320
REQUIRED: An interest in d/Deaf culture, inclusion, and representation in books/media

All are welcome, RSVP to participate in this fun event on Valentine’s Day afternoon.

This event is co-sponsored by the ASL Club and the CECH Library and is funded by a CECH Diversity Grant. For further questions, contact Katie Foran-Mulcahy, CECH Library Head.

Spotlight on Library Databases

library databases

UC Libraries provides access to hundreds of research databases available online for searching and downloading of information. Last year, there were 4,627,063 database searches and 2,191,398 full-text article downloads. Below is a list of new databases for 2023/2024.

For more databases, browse the list of A-Z databases online.

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Announcing the 2022-2023 UC Libraries Annual Report

annual report graphic

Beginning Anew

Announcing the 2022-2023 University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Report. My tenure as dean and university librarian began in mid-August 2023, a time of great growth at the University of Cincinnati. I’ve spent these past six months learning as much as I can about the Libraries – how our mission to “empower discovery, stimulate learning and inspire the creation of knowledge by connecting students, faculty, researchers and scholars to dynamic data, information and resources” supports the university’s NEXT Lives Here Strategic Directions. Documents such as the Annual Report have been key to my education.

In this Annual Report, we look back at the top News & Events, applaud Staff Accomplishments & Milestones and look at the Libraries By the Numbers and Financially. Under the leadership of interim dean and university librarian Lori Harris, we welcomed a significant number of new librarians and staff members who will provide essential library services and research support and help move the Libraries forward. We acquired, processed, preserved and made available collections used for research. We held events to bring people into the Libraries to interact with our facilities and collections. We created welcoming places – both virtual and in-person – for people to study, research and collaborate. And, we provided our expertise to the students, faculty and researchers who rely on UC Libraries for their academic pursuits.

Looking Forward

While we celebrate the accomplishments of the past academic year, we also continue to move forward and plan for the future. This past fall we began the process of developing an updated strategic plan with goals and initiatives that will continue to advance the mission of the University of Cincinnati. This plan will build upon the successes of UC Libraries and respond to the rapidly changing landscape of higher education, as well as the increasingly diverse needs of our students, faculty and researchers. The strategic plan will be completed this summer and will guide our work for the next three years. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, enjoy reading the 2022-2023 University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Progress Report.

Liz Kiscaden,
Dean and University Librarian

Visit the Digital Displays by Frederick A Marcotte Library @ UC Clermont

The Frederick A. Marcotte Library at UC Clermont curates several monthly library material displays that pertain to timely issues. The displays in the library feature new books as well as monthly rotating topics. There are also display cases within the Snyder and Edith Peters Jones buildings that feature rotating subjects each month. You’ve probably seen these throughout campus and maybe even checked out materials from them. For these physical displays we lay out books, DVDs, periodicals, and QR codes for ebooks relating to a particular topic. We feature all materials available in these physical displays in our digital display so that you can explore what is on our physical display shelves from the comfort of your home, access electronic materials, and request items from each display.

Learning Commons at the Library: Survey question 4

We may be coming out of a wintry weekend, but it’s definitely spring semester! Thank you for your thoughtful responses to our Learning Commons at the Library survey questions throughout the fall. We’re back now with a few more questions for you. Your responses will help our collaboration with our new neighbors be the best it can be!

From now until February 25th, we’re asking: Is the library a welcoming space for you? How can we better meet your needs?

Please respond anonymously through this online form or the response collection boxes located outside of the Library’s main entrance and in the McDonough lobby.

Course Reserves at UC Clermont’s Frederick A. Marcotte Library

In support of UC Clermont’s teaching mission and affordable learning initiatives, our library holds a course reserves section for which we purchase core textbooks that cost more than $100. Some textbooks may be available as eBooks. Students can request physical textbooks at the library information desk and check them out for four hours at a time; they may be renewed if not requested by another student. A valid Bearcat Card or photo ID is required to check out. The library does not purchase lab manuals, bundled sets, custom editions, access codes, or loose-leaf format items. Users can search UC’s course reserves online by class or instructor.

Keeps Tabs on New Books at Frederick A. Marcotte Library

UC Clermont’s library shares our newest purchases each month on our New Books Blog. You can browse this month’s newest titles or take a look at previous months. By clicking on the titles, you can see them in the catalog and put a hold request on any you are interested in. There is also the option to subscribe to the new books blog so you never miss a title! If you would rather browse a physical display, we also feature a rotating new book display on the first floor of the library.

Today, the John Miller Burnam Classics Library, in cooperation with the Klau Library of Hebrew Union College, commemorates the Bicentennial of the First Jewish Congregation in Cincinnati

On January 18, 1824, the first Jewish congregation in Cincinnati was formed, the first west of New York, making the Queen City a center of Judaism in the United States.

The first recorded Jewish man in Cincinnati was Joseph Jonas, a watchmaker, from Plymouth in England, who arrived in New York in October 1816 with the intent of making his way to the new city of Cincinnati. He left for Cincinnati from Philadelphia on January 2 in 1817 but did not arrive in Cincinnati until March 8, two months later, after a long and difficult journey traveling in horse carriage across the mountains and then on a flatboat (see below) south on the Ohio River.

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