UC Libraries Closed Thanksgiving

thanks imageUC Libraries will be closed Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 for Thanksgiving, with the exception of the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, which will be open Friday, November 27 noon – 5:00pm. Regular library hours will resume Saturday, November 28. Happy Thanksgiving!

Important Note: Due to a planned electric shutdown for preventative maintenance, the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Library (Baldwin Hall), Chemistry-Biology Library (Reiveschl) and Langsam Library will all be closed Saturday, November 28.

This closing includes the UCit@Langsam Lab located on the 5th floor of Langsam Library. The lab will close 12am, Saturday, November 28 and reopen noon, Sunday, November 29 when the remainder of Langsam re-opens.

Both the CEAS Library and Chemistry-Biology Library have spaces with 24-hour card access. These will be deactivated beginning 5pm, Wednesday, November 25 through the next time the libraries open (Sunday, 11/29 at 1pm for the CEAS Library, and Monday, 11/30 at 8:30am for the Chemistry-Biology Library).



A diverse group representing research fields from music to IT to medicine at UC attended the 2015 UC GIS Day Celebration Lecture.   Dr. Alan T. Murray from Drexel University’s Center for Spatial Analytics and Geocomputation presented an entertaining and informative overview on the application of GIS analysis to contemporary issues. Dr. Murray examined challenges and strategies for spatial optimization in public alert systems design, fire response, transit system design, nighttime urban lighting and recreational space planning in the extreme Arizona climate. The mix of storytelling, real world problems and the mathematics of GIS engaged the audience of nearly fifty prompting several audience members to propose collaborative projects on the spot. This year’s event was sponsored by UC Libraries, IT@UC and the Geography Graduate Student Organization. UC Libraries is now offering Introduction to GIS workshops in partnership with the Department of Geography. For more information about GIS or library workshops, contact Dr. Changjoo Kim (changjkm@ucmail.uc.edu) of the Department of Geography or Amy Koshoffer (koshofae@ucmail.uc.edu) Science Informationist for UC Libraries.

Photo credits: Song Shu, graduate student, Department of Geography

Celebrating International Education Week with New Online Guides

International Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. The University of Cincinnati participates in this joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education aimed at preparing Americans for a global environment and attracting future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences in the United States.

This year UC Libraries celebrates IEW with two new online guides. Continue reading

GSA Fine Arts Collection

The Fine Arts Collection (http://www.gsa.gov/fa/#/) is one of our nation’s oldest and largest public art collections. It consists of permanently installed and moveable mural paintings, sculpture, architectural or environmental works of art, and works on paper dating from 1850 to the present. These civic works of art are in federal buildings and courthouses across the United States.  Maintained by GSA as a part of our national and cultural heritage, the Fine Arts Collection serves as a reminder of the important tradition of individual creative expression.  Searchable by state – check out the art works in Ohio!

Cincinnati Industries, William Harry Gothard

Help with End of Semester Research

Countdown to semester’s end!  How is that paper or project going? If you need help with research resources for your papers and projects, the Clermont College librarians are willing to help you in a variety of ways:

  • We can help you decide which databases to use for your topic and steer you toward other resources, such as books, scholarly articles, primary sources and interviews.
  • If you are having problems finding information for your paper, we will make recommendations.
  • We can also help you cite sources.study group

You may come into the library during our regular hours, but please consider making an appointment to guarantee a spot at this busy time.

Contact a librarian by phone or email:
Kathleen Epperson
Phone: 513.558.7010

If you like, we can Skype with you as well!

Note: UC EAST students can make an appointment to meet at either UC East or the Clermont Campus.

Kathleen Epperson
Reference Librarian

Remembering The University of Cincinnati’s 25th General Hospital of WWII

Murray Lambert Rich, MD: husband to the former Miss Mabel Burrows and father of
John M. Rich, James B. Rich, and Charles L. Rich.
This photo serves as a link to the blog,
“A Special Visit with Dr. Rich.

By: Nathan Hood

In the summer of 1941, the United States federal government requested that the Cincinnati General Hospital – now a division of the University Hospital – organize the 25th General Hospital. Intended as a military organization similar to the one during WWI by the same name, the project gained momentum after Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The General Hospital was soon after “ordered into active military service … on June 1, 1943.” The 25th was fully organized by June 10, 1943, at Nichols General Hospital. The General Hospital began with 500 enlisted men, 56 military officers (physicians from the Cincinnati General Hospital), 105 nurses, 3 hospital dietitians, 2 physio-therapists, and 1 warrant officer. The 25th was trained at the Medical Field Service School, Carlisle Barracks, in Pennsylvania. Part of this training required the entire organization (exempting female personal) to complete a 10-day “bivouac” at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, from the 17th to the 26th of July, 1943. Here the 25th was rigorously tested under field conditions.

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