Managing Research Data from Generation to Preservation

Join the University of Cincinnati Libraries for a workshop on data management planning. This interactive and hands-on workshop will address universal data management best practices. While much of the focus is on STEM fields, this course will be useful for anyone interested in learning more about data management practices and principles. The workshop will be held in the Engineering Library in 850D Baldwin on Tuesday, November 17, 2015.

Register for the workshop at

Managing Data from Generation to Preservation

This 3 hour activities based workshop will examine data management principles for the various phases of data. Participants will create a data set and apply principles covering topics such as types and formats of data, file naming conventions, Readme files, metadata, backup and archiving data using UC resources, roles and responsibilities regarding data and university and national data policies.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 – 850D Baldwin

Contact Kristen Burgess, Assistant Director for Research and Informatics, Health Sciences Library with any questions.

UC Libraries Welcomes Digital Humanities Expert Constance Crompton

imageUC Libraries is thrilled to welcome to campus November 19 and 20 the next expert in the Digital Humanities Speaker Series ~ Dr. Constance Crompton, assistant professor of digital humanities and English, Department of Critical Studies, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies at the University of British Columbia. She will present a series of talks and hands-on workshops, all free and open to the public, in the Walter C. Langsam Library. Participants are encouraged to come to any or all sessions that are of interest to them and to their work.

Thursday, November 19

  • Session #1: 1:30pm-2:30pm – Planning for Success: Project Management for the Digital Humanities… and Beyond! Langsam Library 480

Friday, November 20 (Participants are encouraged to bring laptops for the Friday sessions)

  • Session#2: 10-11:30am – Keynote – Making History: Collaboration, Collection and Creation in the Digital Humanities, Langsam Library 462
  • LUNCH: 11:30-12:30pm – Langsam Library 480
  • Session #3: 12:30-1:30pm –   What the Computer Doesn’t Know…:Representing Primary Source Documents in TEI (Overview of the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines – see for more information), Langsam Library 462
  • Session #4: 2-4pm –  Digital Humanities in the Classroom: Tools, Tips, and Tricks,  Langsam Library 462

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Registration Open for November 12th NCBI Webinar “PubMed for Scientists”

On November 12th, NCBI will present “PubMed for Scientists”, a webinar that will show you how to search biomedical literature more efficiently with PubMed. NCBI staff will teach you how to search by author, explore a subject, use filters to narrow your search, find full text articles, and set up an e-mail alert for new research on your topic. Finally, we will answer your questions about searching PubMed.

Date and time: Thursday, November 12, 2015 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Registration URL:

After the live presentation, the webinar will be uploaded to the NCBI YouTube channel. The webinar and any materials will also be accessible on the Webinars and Courses page by clicking the Archived Webinars & Courses tab. You can also check the Webinars & Courses page to find information about future webinars.

• NCBI on YouTube:
• NCBI Webinars and Courses:



This image serves as a link to the
official website for the book.

The Winkler Center is proud to announce the publication of The Jewish Hospital & Cincinnati Jews In Medicine by Dr. Frederic Krome; Dr. Krome is an Associate Professor of History at the UC Clermont campus.

While Dr. Krome utilized many collections on or relating to Jewish Hospital in libraries and archives throughout the Cincinnati area, the bulk of his research and the majority of photographs utilized in the book stemmed from the Winkler Center’s extensive collection.

Also, in 2012, Dr. Krome presented on the history of the medical tradition within the Cincinnati Jewish community at the third annual Cecil Striker Society lecture series; a video of Dr. Krome’s presentation is now streaming through the Winkler Center website and is accessible by clicking on the photograph below.

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Lap Desks @ the UCBA Library

by Julie Robinson


The UCBA Library is happy to announce we have lap desks available for checkout at the Information Desk. Traditional desk seating can be at a premium during certain points in the day and it’s not always comfortable to work in one of the chairs or benches in the alcoves! Lap desks may be checked out for a two hour period.

Win Movie Tickets

Who doesn’t enjoy a good movie during the holidays?

Clermont College Library is giving away two tickets to the Pierce Point Movie Cinema in Amelia. What a great treat for winter break. To enter stop by the library, fill out an entry, and drop it in the box in front of the Readbox trifold. The winner will be drawn on December 3.

movie ticket contest









If you have questions ask at the front desk.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Coming Together to Give Thanks November 12

Giving Thanks graphic

Join the University of Cincinnati Libraries for “Coming Together to Give Thanks” ~ Thursday, November 12, 3:30-5:30pm, Langsam Library 4th floor.

Learn what people are thankful for and about Thanksgiving and Harvest Festivals around the world. Enjoy food, drink and fun.

The event is free and open to the public.

bridges iconThe Coming Together to Give Thanks Celebration is part of a Diversity Grant, “Bridges to Diversity and Inclusion,” the Libraries received to promote and celebrate diversity throughout the university community.

For more information, contact Susan Banoun at  556-1440 or



New Biomedical and Programming Workshops at the Health Sciences Library

Check out several new workshops at the UC Health Sciences Library this November!

All workshops will be held in the HSL Troup Learning Space G005G

Registration available at

Thursday, November 12, 2015, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

NLM Biomedical Informatics: Bedside to Bench with NCBI

This workshop is designed for both researchers and clinicians who are looking to identify NCBI resources for research, clinical and educational purposes. Participants will learn about NCBI, NCBI’s “Information Hubs”, and NCBI’s experimental databases. The bulk of the workshop will involve an interactive hands on demonstration of a case study where participants will assist in the diagnosis of a genetic condition, identify genetic tests for disease confirmation, and help determine of the molecular etiology of the disease all while using NCBI resources. Many of the resources used for the demonstration are new or often over looked resources that are highly useful to the basic, translational and clinical research communities.

Thursday, November 19, 2015, 9:00 am – 10:30 pm

Bioinformatics: Seeking and Finding Data

In this workshop researchers will learn to navigate the bioinformatics tools Ensembl and Cytoscape to discover information about genes, gene variants, proteins, biological pathways, comparative genomics, molecular interactions, and phenotypes associated with disease.

Thursday, November 19, 2015, 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Introduction to Python

Come and learn this widely used, general purpose, high-level programming language. Python is often used as a scripting language for applications such as data processing, parsing and web services. This workshop will cover the basics of Python, including variables and data types, arrays, dictionaries, operators, conditions, loops, and functions. The focus will be on the hands-on exercises to help provide a better understanding of Python to the attendees. No programming experience is necessary.  Beginners are encouraged to attend. For supplemental information on this workshop, Registration is required for this workshop.

In addition to these workshops, we will also be teaching a data management workshop in collaboration with the Science and Engineering Libraries.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 – 850D Baldwin

Managing Data from Generation to Preservation

This 3 hour activities based workshop will examine data management principles for the various phases of data. Participants will create a data set and apply principles covering topics such as types and formats of data, file naming conventions, Readme files, metadata, backup and archiving data using UC resources, roles and responsibilities regarding data and university and national data policies.

Contact Kristen Burgess, Assistant Director for Research and Informatics, Health Sciences Library at with any questions! We look forward to seeing you in November!

Wherefore ART Thou, Romeo?

By:  Sydney Vollmer, ARB Intern

Because he’s so given to romantic portraiture, and so is Juliet. Below, I have hand-selected fifteen images from six different editions of Romeo and Juliet. One of the great things about this collection is how many illustrated renditions there are of each play. For this blog, I chose to feature Romeo and Juliet because it’s a story with which everyone is familiar and there are a few different artistic styles captured within the works. I hope you enjoy as you peruse some images from our collection, and if there is another Shakespearian work from which you would like to see illustrations, please make an appointment to visit our library, or let me know by sending us a message on Facebook at, calling 513.556.1959, visiting our website at or emailing us at Continue reading