Don Jason Named Alumnus of the Year

djasonCongratulations to UC Libraries’ Don Jason for being named Alumnus of the Year from the Information Architecture Knowledge Management program at Kent State University’s School of Library and Information Science. We are proud to have you among our ranks!

Don is the Clinical Informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library. Read more about Don and the work of his fellow UC Libraries’ informationists in a recent Source article.

UC Libraries’ Tiffany Grant to Attend Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course

tjgphotoTiffany Grant, research informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, has been accepted into the Georgia Biomedical Informatics course to be held April 12-18, 2015.

Organized by the National Library of Medicine, this week-long survey course is designed to familiarize individuals with the application of computer technologies and information science in biomedicine and health science. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on computer exercises, participants will be introduced to the conceptual and technical components of biomedical informatics. Acceptance into the course is a competitive process. Kristen Burgess, UC Libraries’ assistant director for research and informatics, attended previously.

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Stumping the Curator : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 31, March/April 2015

The restored 1913 Foster flashpoint apparatus.

The restored 1913 Foster flashpoint apparatus.

Issue 31 of Museum Notes recounts some of the puzzles that have confronted the museum curator when it comes to identifying the nature and use of some of the items that are donated to the museum.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from The Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.

Deaf and Dumb or The Orphan Protected: A Dublin Play in the Archives & Rare Books Library

By Sydney Vollmer, ARB student assistant

Tile Page for Deaf and DumbHere at the Archives and are Books library, we have a vast collection of 18th and 19th c. plays and I have been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to read a play from our Irish subset of these holdings. Though we have numerous titles which grabbed my attention, I came across one that I couldn’t ignore: Deaf and Dumb, translated by Thomas Holcroft and published in Dublin in 1801.

The title struck my interest because last summer, I began watching a TV show called Switched at Birth. One of the main characters in the show is Deaf, so there is a lot of sign language as well as the juxtaposition between the hearing and deaf worlds. Before watching the show, the obstacles Deaf people face and the idea of Deaf culture had never occurred to me. Continue reading

March 5th Webinar: NCBI and the NIH Public Access Policy

On Thursday, March 5, 2015 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST, NCBI will host a webinar outlining how to use My NCBI to report public access policy compliance for NIH grant holders.  Topics include:

  • The NIH Public Access Policy
  • The NIHMS and PubMed Central submissions
  • Creating My NCBI accounts
  • Use of My Bibliography to report compliance to eRA Commons
  • Using SciENcv to create biosketches


Joseph Alsop Papers in ARB – Part 2 – Joe Alsop's Greek Bronze Age Archive at the University of Cincinnati

Below is the second in a series of blogs in which Jack Davis discusses Joseph Alsop and his papers in ARB.  It was originally published on From the Archivist’s Notebook, a blog of Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, head of the archives at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.  

By:  Jack Davis, Carl W. Blegen Professor of Greek Archaeology at the University of Cincinnati 

fromthesilentearthSearching library catalogues and online archival finding aids sometimes produces unexpected consequences. As I wrote in Part I of this two-part post, Joseph Alsop’s principal archive is curated in the Library of Congress. The University of Cincinnati Archives and Rare Book Library, however, contains five boxes of manuscripts of From the Silent Earth and relevant correspondence between Alsop and the eminent scholars Emmett Bennett, Carl Blegen, Maurice Bowra, John Caskey, Sterling Dow, and Leonard Palmer. While writing From the Silent Earth: A Political Columnist Reports on the Greek Bronze Age (1964), Alsop solicited advice from these distinguished Aegean prehistorians and Classical philologists, all of whom were supportive of his efforts. Jack Caskey, for example, replied to an initial letter of inquiry: “I’m particularly interested in absorbing your political analysis. It sounds neither foolish nor pretentious to me in your brief summary.”

In Part I, I explored how it was that one of Washington’s foremost political analysts of the Cold War era (and for two decades a trustee of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens) came to write a book about the Greek Bronze Age. In Part II, I describe the contents of the archive in Cincinnati, discuss its academic significance, and consider what light it sheds on Alsop’s research methods. Continue reading

Checking Out the Neil Armstrong Website

websiteHave you visited the Neil Armstrong Website? The site pays tribute to Armstrong’s professional life from his early career as a test pilot to his monumental first steps on the moon and concluding with his time as a professor and researcher at the University of Cincinnati?

Check out what others are saying about it:

From CHOICE Reviews Online

Anyone curious about the career of the first man to walk on the moon should begin with this site.  The rich content exposes users to highlights as well as little-known but important, interesting aspects of Neil Armstrong’s life.

From Air@Space Smithsonian

The University [of Cincinnati] has a nice online archive commemorating Armstrong’s time on the faculty.  The collection includes some items from the astronaut’s early life, like his pilot’s log book from the Navy, but mostly it covers in pictures and documents his career in academia.

New and Improved DynaMed Mobile App!

DynaMedlogoGet the latest point-of-care information you need  on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device more quickly and easily with the new and improved DynaMed™ mobile app.  The new app provides:

  • Seamless authentication
  • Easy access & improved user experience
  • Offline access
  • Bookmark favorites
  • Ability to email topics or write & save notes

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Elliston Poetry Lecture, February 27, 2015, Mary Szybist

The next reading in the Elliston Reading Series will be by poet Mary Szybist.

February 27, 2015 4:00 PM, Elliston Poetry Room, 646 Langsam Library

Mary Szybist is most recently the author of Incarnadine, winner of the 2013 National Book Award for Poetry. She is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rona Jaffe Foundation, the Witter Bynner Foundation in conjunction with the Library of Congress, and the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center. Her work has appeared in such publications as Best American Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, Ploughshares, and two Pushcart Prize anthologies. Her first book, Granted, won the 2004 GLCA New Writers Award and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. A native of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, she now lives in Portland, Oregon where she teaches at Lewis & Clark College.

Look for recordings of this presentation soon in the digital collection, The Elliston Project: Poetry Readings and Lectures at the University of Cincinnati.

Learn more about Events sponsored by the Elliston Poetry Fund.

Browse and Borrow Books for the National African American Read-In

naariUCBA students, staff and faculty are invited to participate in the 26thannual National African-American Read-In.  The goal of the NAARI is to make the celebration of African American literacy a traditional part of Black History Month activities.  This year, the National African-American Read-In will be observed at UC Blue Ash College on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 from 11:00am – 1:00pm in Walters 100.

During the event, volunteers read aloud a short passage by an African-American author. Information about the national event, a list of recommended readings, and the volunteer registration form can be found on the National African American Read-In Guide at Be sure to stop by the UCBA Library to browse and borrow suggested titles in the UCBA Library’s periodicals area near the entrance.

We look forward to seeing you there!