Fall 2014 Records Quarterly Now Available

By: Eira Tansey

rqfall2014-cover-smallThe Fall 2014 UC Records Management newsletter shares information on wrangling email, program developments, information on upcoming workshops in November and December, and program news.

Click here for the latest issue and if you have any questions about UC records, just contact Eira Tansey in the Archives & Rare Books Library at 556-1958 or at eira.tansey@uc.edu.

For more information on the Archives & Rare Books Library and its holdings, please contact us by phone at 513-556-1959, by email at archives@ucmail.uc.edu, or on the web at http://www.libraries.uc.edu/arb.html.

Coming Together to Give Thanks


langsamconnectPlease join us for a wonderful celebration of traditions around the world.



November 13th at 3 pm @ the Triceracopter

 Coming Together to Give Thanks

 What:       Join us for food & fun to learn about other cultures and how people around the world celebrate the fall, harvest, family, and giving thanks.

When:      Thursday, November 13, 2014 @ 3:00pm

Where:    Langsam Library @ the Triceracopter

Who:        UC students

?s               olga.hart@uc.edu, 556-1580


UCBA Fun Facts: Favorite villain?

Question: Who’s your favorite fictional villain?

HeatherHeather Maloney, Library Director: So many, but I’ll go with the White Witch in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the witch, and the Wardrobe….Tilda Swinton really brought her to life in the movie!


Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Hilly Holbrook in The Help by Kathryn Stockett or Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling


KellieKellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Can I say “The Man?” Like, when a group of scrappy friends go up against The Man/Authority? Okay, probably not. In that case, I currently really love President Snow from The Hunger Games. I won’t say too much – spoilers! – but he is creepy in the best way.

LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianHmm…hard to just pick one, but I’ll go with Dexter Morgan in the Dexter series by Jeff Lindsay.  I guess he’s considered a villian, but he has a good side too.


RachelRachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: Miranda Priestly in A Devil Wears Prada. You can consider her a villain but it depends on the day.

ChrisChris Marshall, Public Services Assistant: Miss Breakbone from the children’s book “The Dunderheads” by Paul Fleischmen


Online Contest: Lessons from the Winners

sherlockThe online contest is over! Thanks to all who participated.

Friday challenge answer:

The Airplane crossing image is real. It shows Gibraltar Airport , where the runway insurrects with a road. The other two images have been manipulated. –
– The airplane that was Oscar Meyer wiener jet actually looks like this. Read the story of this fakery on the Museum of Hoaxes site.
– The crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine looks very different. See this fake debunked at http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/fauxphotos/, a very useful site documenting hoax photos and viral videos.

Friday challenge winner: Kylee Loebick

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Online Contest: Image Detective. Day 5

As we celebrate Information Literacy Awareness Month, we challenge you to demonstrate your skills as an image detective.
There are asherlock lot of amazing picture posted on the web, but many of them are real and others are not – there are so many ways to alter images or pass them for what they are not by adding a misleading caption. Let’s see how good you are at spotting fakery!

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