Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine Annual Lecture May 17

The Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions will present the third annual lecture of the Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine on Thursday, May 17 at 4:30 p.m. At the event, Frederic Krome, assistant professor of history at UC Clermont College and co-author of Jews of Cincinnati, will present A Tradition to Help the Sick and Needy – Jews and Medicine in Cincinnati, 1850 to 1970. Continue reading

Springer Protocols Handbooks Available

Springer Protocols Handbooks is an online series of protocols available to UC users through OhioLINK, the statewide consortium.   The handbooks included in the series are:

Search within the series or when you click on one of the titles, search or browse that title.

Access the protocols via the Health Sciences Library eBooks page where there are links to each protocol as well as the series.


Albert Sabin, MD, Among 2012 Class of Great Ohioans

Dr. Albert B. Sabin was one of six honorees named a 2012 "Great Ohioan."

This press release originally appeared on the UC Health News website on Thursday, April 19, 2012.

By: Richard Puff

CINCINNATI—Albert Sabin, MD, former distinguished service professor of pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine and researcher at Children’s Hospital (today known as Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center), was named as a Great Ohioan for his pioneering work in developing the oral, live polio vaccine that helped eliminate polio from most countries. Continue reading

The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project: Interview with Vincent Racaniello

Program from the 1983 International Symposium on Poliomyelitis Control, where Dr. Racaniello met Dr. Sabin for the first time.

The Sabin digitization project has provided me with opportunities to connect with different people about Dr. Sabin and his collection. Last week, I had the chance to speak with Dr. Vincent Racaniello, whom I wrote about in a blog post called “An Influential Man” in February 2012. Dr. Racaniello has been studying viruses for over 30 years and is currently a Professor of Microbiology at Columbia University Medical Center. I thought I would share a little bit from the interview with you, especially since it was really interesting to talk to someone who has been studying virology (particularly polio) for such a long time and seems very passionate about teaching people about the subject. Continue reading

New Addition to ARB's Strobridge Lithography Company Calendar Card Holdings

By Lauren Fink, ARB Intern, 2011-2012

March 1902 Calendar CardAn exciting collection of Strobridge Calendar cards has just been processed in the Archives & Rare Books Library.  The new Gaylord Oscar Shepherd Collection of Strobridge Lithography Company Calendar Cards contains 53 cards and is a wonderful complement to the 114 cards already held in The Lawrence F. Albers and George J. Albers Collection.  All of the cards in the new collection have been scanned and are available for online viewing in this web exhibit.

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Spring 2012 Records Quarterly Now Available

Records Quarterly Cover Spring 2012The Spring 2010 edition of Records Quarterly, the newsletter of University of Cincinnati Records Management, is now available on the records management website at http://www.libraries.uc.edu/libraries/arb/records_management/recordsquarterly.html. Articles in this issue include:

  • Managing Email Messages as University Records – Learn how to identify record material in your inbox and how to organize and maintain those records.
  • Case Study: DAAP Student Records – See how DAAP was able to streamline student recordkeeping by centralizing responsibility.
  • Records in the Cloud – Discover the world of cloud computing and learn about the special things you need to consider when creating and storing University records there.

You will also find announcements for the spring Information to Records Management workshops and the spring shredding event.

Records Quarterly is distributed electronically via the Records Management website. Subscribers to the Records Management Listserv will receive notification of new issues automatically. You can sign up for the listserv by going to the subscription page, or by sending an email to Janice.Schulz@uc.edu. Please include your name and email address and use “listserv sign-up” in the subject line.

HSL Spring Lunch & Learn Instruction Series continues through May

The Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library (HSL) invites you to join us for the second half of our Spring ‘Lunch & Learn’ instruction series, Tuesdays, May 1-May 29, 12:10-12:50pm in the HSL Classroom (MSB G005G).

Bring your lunch and learn during these quick information sessions. Open to all, the ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions focus on instruction along three tracks: Efficient Searching, Tablets and Multimedia, and Getting Noticed. Come to one session, a few, or all!

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The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project: Interview with Konstantin Chumakov

Recently, I wrote a blog post about an article that appeared in a recent issue of Scientific American about Drs. Sabin and Chumakov and their cooperation when testing the oral polio vaccine during the Cold War. Through the author of the article Mr. William Swanson, I was connected with Dr. Konstantin Chumakov, son of Dr. Mikhail P. Chumakov. Yesterday, I had the chance to speak with him about his father and Dr. Sabin. I wanted to share a bit about our conversation, as well as some materials in our collection.

Photograph of Dr. Sabin with the Chumakov family in Moscow, 1961

For those of you that don’t know, Dr. Sabin kept everything. So it was not a surprise to me that we have a folder in the “Correspondence” series of the Sabin collection that contains letters to and from Dr. Konstantin Chumakov. Most of these letters are about an article that Dr. Chumakov and his colleagues wrote for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), which Dr. Sabin sponsored. However, there is a photograph (seen to the left) which is labeled “Moscow, 1961.” According to the photograph, “Kostya” (Dr. Konstantin Chumakov) is the first child from the left, standing in front of his father. Continue reading

Next LIFE OF THE MIND Lecture Series Scheduled for May 8

The second in the “Life of the Mind” lecture series on the theme of “Identity” is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8 from 3:30-5pm in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center.

Life of the Mind” features interdisciplinary conversations with UC faculty around a one-word theme. Each quarter, there are two “Life of the Mind” sessions with three “thought provocateurs” contributing to each session. Each scholar provides a 15-minute talk followed by audience Q&A. Continue reading

"Mr. UC": The Life and Service of Daniel Laurence

Daniel Laurence as UC Vice President of Business Administration

By Janice Schulz

When Daniel Laurence was at the height of his career at the University of Cincinnati, he was honorably dubbed “Mr. UC.” This is not a title that was given out lightly, but a testament to Laurence’s career and his devotion to the University. He spent 62 years of his life at the University of Cincinnati from 1890 to 1961. Of those decades, four years were spent as an undergraduate student, football star, and student leader, 40 as clerk of the Board of Directors, Secretary and Business Manager, and Vice President, and 18 as Emeritus Vice President. Laurence was there as the University grew from a small city school to a strong institution. He saw 12 presidents come and go. He watched as 43 buildings and Nippert Stadium rose from the ground and oversaw many of those building projects as Vice President. During his time, enrollment grew from 133 to 17,538 students and the one Academic Department of 1890 became six separate colleges.  And largely under his supervision, the annual budget grew from $76,860.57 to over $18 million. If anyone deserves the title of “Mr. UC,” it is surely he. Continue reading