New Online Exhibit Looks at German-Americans in the World War II Era

A desolate street in an unknown post-war German city

A desolate street in an unknown post-war German city

A new online exhibit is available on the Archives and Rare Books Library website highlighting the library’s German-Americana collection. This exhibit, entitled A War in Shades of Gray: German-Americans and Germany in the World War II era, examines the thoughts and experiences of a few German-Americans through images and words from the German-American collection. The exhibit begins in Hitler’s pre-war Germany and continues through the end of the war to the clean-up and the questions that remained after the war.

The exhibit displays photographs, essays, and letters from three archival collections:the George E. Armstrong Photograph Collection, GA-08-02, the Gerhard R. Schade Papers, GA-06-03, and Helmecke family papers, GA-09-04, along with images from the Rare Books Collection. Almost twenty images and documents are on display in the exhibit including Nazi propaganda, a letter from a German-American teaching in Nazi Germany, photographs of the destruction to German homes, buildings, and infrastructure taken at the end of the war, and the thoughts of a German-American on the Cold War that began soon after the end of the war.

Discover Carl Blegen

blegenHave you ever wondered about the man who gave his name to the Blegen Library? Now, thanks to a new exhibit located on the fourth floor of Blegen Library, you can find out more about this icon of the world of archaeology.

Curated by Janice Schulz, University Records Manager and Archives Specialist in the Archives & Rare Books Library, Discovering Carl Blegen includes images from Blegen’s major campaigns in Troy and Pylos as well as his work and life at UC and abroad. Continue reading

UC Libraries Introduce Retooled Homepage

UC Libraries Retooled Homepage

UC Libraries Retooled Homepage

Introduced August 18, the retooled homepage provides direct access to library resources. Front and center on the retooled homepage is a new search box that allows users to search for library resources such as books, articles, electronic journals, and more.

Users can also access online reference materials such as almanacs, dictionaries, and encyclopedias, as well as links to “Help Using the Library.”

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New Blog for the Nat’l Book Award:60 Years

nbaThe National Book Foundation has a new blog up to celebrate it’s 60th anniversary. The Blog features 77 fiction novels that have won their National Book Award. Notice something strange?

As the LA Times says:

“The National Book Foundation, celebrating its 60th anniversary, is running a series celebrating the 77 novels that have won its fiction award — or rather, awards. Because obviously somebody got fancy in there if they ended up with 17 more winning books than there have been years.”

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Welcome New Student Orientation

orientationWelcome New Student Orientation

Langsam Library is playing host to new students 10-11am, June 30-Aug 13.

UC Libraries Orientation Volunteers are giving new students a taste of what’s available in the Libraries. While visiting Langsam, the new students spend time in the Info Commons to learn about the UC Libraries Web site, printing in the libraries, and to take their turn at trying to stump a peer mentor on their trivia knowledge.

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Views of Outer Space


Last night I was treated to an awesome sight as the International Space Station traveled through the southern sky at 9:32 pm and then the northern sky at 11:06 pm. Without the aid of binoculars or a telescope I could see a dazzling light sailing through the sky.

Sorry you missed it? It will appear again throughout the next couple of weeks. Continue reading