HSL visits Heart of Northside Health Fair

Don Jason at the Health Sciences Library table.

On Saturday, February 15, Don Jason, clinical informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, represented the University of Cincinnati as a sponsor of the Heart of Northside Health Fair. This fair allowed community members to connect with approximately 15 different vendors. They were able to get screened for issues such as hypertension and diabetes, as well as receive educational materials and meet local healthcare providers.

The Heart of Northside Health Fair was organized by UC College of Medicine Faculty member, Florence Rothenberg. Rothenberg is a cardiologist who has been treating Cincinnati patients for almost 20 years. When the North Presbyterian Church dissolved and closed its doors, Rothenberg purchased the building in 2022 with the goal of creating a wellness center for patients who do not have as much access to the resources needed to maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

Health Sciences Library Newsletter – October 2023

Explore the news and recent happenings at the HSL with our latest newsletter…

Data, data, data! Data is everywhere and constantly growing – and we are here to help. Join us for the Future directions of Data with UC Data Day, get help with your data with RDS’s student assistant, and learn new skills to work with data with this month’s workshops. Need additional assistance? Let us know!

UC Libraries New Dean

On August 14, 2023 UC Libraries welcomed Elizabeth Kiscaden, MLIS, AHIP, as dean and university librarian. Prior to UC, Kiscaden served as university librarian and assistant vice provost of library services at Creighton University. Read more…

Need help with data?

Saurabh Verma is the new Data Literacy Research Consultant and Graduate Assistant for Research & Data Services. Saurabh will be housed in the Health Sciences Library Informatics Lab and provide research and data services across both the main and medical campuses. Saurabh has a bachelor’s degree in statistics and a master’s degree in economics, both earned from the University of Pune, India. Saurabh Verma is presently enrolled in the MS in Business Analytics program at Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati, and he brings to RDS more than seven years of extensive experience in the field of data science and analytics. Throughout his career as a data scientist, he has contributed his expertise to various sectors, including public relations, telecommunications, as well as sales and marketing. Email Saurabh to schedule an appointment.

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Native Voices Children’s Programming Event a Success

Last week several UC Libraries (HSL, CECH, Langsam) collaborated to produce the first installment in our Native Voices: Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness public programming. This inaugural event focused specifically on children as Langsam Library received a visit from twenty-four students of the Arlitt Child & Family Research & Education Center. Cheryl Ghosh, Senior Librarian at UC’s CECH Library put together an amazing program of dramatic skits, activity stations, and multi-media fun.

First, the 3 to 5-year-olds were treated to an introduction and brief play about the Iroquois legend of the Three Sisters and its corresponding gardening tradition. This tradition of planting corn, beans and squash (the sisters) in close proximity is widespread among Native American farming. At the same time the story functions as a metaphor for supporting and helping one another.

After the skit, the children were divided into groups and each group moved on to an activity station. One group and its chaperones built a teepee. The other, shucked corn and picked beans from bean plants. After ten minutes the groups switched and tried the other activity.

After fifteen minutes of activities, the students had a brief snack then proceeded to the Student Technology Resource Center (STAC) where video was taken of them in front of a green screen. At that point the video was superimposed onto an image of the Great Plains and an American Indian village complete with moving buffalo.

Finally, as a parting gift, each child received the book D is for Drum: A Native American Alphabet by Debbie and Michael Shoulders and Irving Toddy. The event lasted approximately an hour and at no time did our worries of waning attention spans among the children materialize. They never once lost interest. A success, if we  do say so!  And a huge thanks to all who assisted.

Please plan to attend the Native Voices: Native American Concepts of Health and Illness opening event on Thursday, July 26th in the CARE/Crawley Atrium of the UC  Medical Sciences Building.  And stay tuned for the six weeks of supplementary programming the HSL has planned.

Please see the gallery below for more images of the event.


Health Sciences Library Positions Available – Please Apply

The Health Science Library is currently accepting applications for student assistants.

Positions are now open in the following Departments

  1. Circulation
  2. Winkler Center

Positions require a commitment of at least 6 – 15 hours per week.  Some positions require a Federal Work Study Grant.

The library is located, near the main elevator banks, on the E level of the Medical Science Building, on the Medical campus.

Please fill out the Library specific application.  Be sure to mark HSL as a preferred job site.


For questions concerning the Circulation Department,

Email: bacheldn@ucmail.uc.edu


For questions concerning the Winkler Center,

Email: pasigo@ucmail.uc.edu

Explore the HSL Subject Guides

Find research help, subject specific resources, and more in the Health Sciences Library (HSL) Subject Guides.  These guides put together by HSL librarians to help you find the resources and information you need.

Included in these guides:

Find the HSL Subject Guides on the HSL home page http://libraries.uc.edu/hsl under Express Links.   Click on Subject Guides to explore the wealth of information and resources that are available to assist you with your studies, your research, and your access.  Other guides will be added as they are developed.

Questions and suggestions are welcome.  Contact Edith Starbuck at edith.starbuck@uc.edu or 558-1433.