Hungry?! Come to the Edible Books Festival April 1

Edible BooksOnce again, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled for Wednesday, April 1st from 1-2 p.m., on the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library.

At the event, nearly 20 participants will present their edible creations that represent a book in some form. There are few restrictions in creating an edible book – namely that the creation be edible and have something to do with a book. Submitted entries include edible titles such as Lemons: A Global History. Classic books Fahrenheit 451 and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are represented along with nonfiction works with Commentaries on the Laws of England and Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box. Contemporary fiction such as Wild and favorite children’s books Where the Wild Things Are, Green Eggs and Ham and Click, Clack Moo are among other literary greats at the festival. Continue reading

Next Up in the Digital Humanities Speaker Series: Dr. Alex Gil

Alex Gil

Alex Gil

UC Libraries is thrilled to welcome Dr. Alex Gil to campus Monday, April 6, 2015 as the second expert in our Digital Humanities Speaker Series. He will present a series of talks, all free and open to the public, to be held in 480 Langsam Library.

  • 10:00-11:30am: “Setting up Playgrounds for the Digital Humanities: Strategies to Foster and Support Digital Humanities Activities and Communities” (followed by a lunch reception)
  • 12:45-1:45pm: “Breaking the Code: The Developing Librarian Project at Columbia University Libraries” (targeted for library faculty and staff, but all are welcome)
  • 2:00-3:30pm: Keynote: “Hacking Light, Crossing Borders: Building Transnational Communities in Digital Scholarship and the Case of GO::DH” (reception to follow in 480)

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Music in the Gorno Library to Feature Pianist Esther Wang

Gorno music programJoin us Monday, March 30, in the Gorno Library Reading Room, 6th Floor, Blegen Library, 1:00 p.m. for the next “Music in the Gorno Library” concert. This concert will feature the pianist, Esther Wang, associate professor of piano at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota.

Ms. Wang will be playing pieces from composers Louis Couperin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Doug Opel, Augusta Read Thomas and Francis Poulenc. A full program is available online.

Ms. Wang is a College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) alumna and former student employee in the CCM Library while she was studying for her degree from CCM under Frank Weinstock. Her full bio is here:

Esther will be playing the library’s historic Steinway piano. The Music in the Gorno Library concert series are free and open to all.


Check Out the Latest Issue of Source, UC Libraries’ Newsletter

SourceRead the online newsletter to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes an Interview with Dean Xuemao Wang about UC Libraries’ evolving global initiatives, as well as an announcement of the return of the Life of the Mind UC lecture series. The next speaker in the Digital Humanities Speaker Series is announced as well as a Save the Date for the annual Cecil Striker Lecture. There is an article highlighting the Libraries expanding digital collections, as well as two articles about collaborations that brought more attention to the work of two pioneers in their respective fields — one in urban planning the second in the study of anatomy. Read these articles and much more.

Source is available on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Nathan Tallman to Attend ILEAD USA

Nathan Tallman

Nathan Tallman

Nathan Tallman, digital content strategist and assistant librarian for digital collections and repositories at the University of Cincinnati Libraries, has been selected as one of 13 future library leaders to participate in ILEAD USA – Ohio 2015.

Sponsored by The State Library of Ohio, ILEAD USA is a multi-state program designed to help library staff understand and respond to user needs through the application of participatory technology tools. Ohio participants will join others from Wisconsin, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Delaware, North Dakota, New York, Maine, Illinois and Utah in this national initiative. Participants are organized into teams, mentors and instructors for the year-long program. Tallman and his team members, Jillian Carney (Ohio History Connection), Shannon Kupfer (State Library of Ohio) and Elizabeth Allen (Bexley Public Library), successfully submitted a proposal for a team focused on digital preservation of Ohio cultural heritage materials. Continue reading

UC Libraries Seeks Edible Books Creators for Annual International Festival

imageKnow of a good book to eat?! Create an Edible Book for UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival

It’s time once again for the fan favorite International Edible Books Festival scheduled for Wednesday, April 1, 2015, from 1:00-2:00pm in Langsam Library’s 5th floor lobby. UC Libraries is seeking people interested in creating an edible book for the enjoyment (and consumption) of all in attendance. There are few restrictions – namely that your creation be edible and have something to do with a book – so you may let your creativity run wild.  Continue reading

“Life of the Mind” Lecture Series Returns March 26 with Dr. Jeffrey Whitsett Presenting

logo_lifeofmind15UC President Santa J. Ono will moderate the discussion on the theme of “Technology and Innovation in Medicine.”

Life of the Mind, interdisciplinary conversations with UC faculty, will return March 26, 4-5:30pm in TUC 400ABC with a lecture by Jeffrey Whitsett, MD, professor of pediatrics in the College of Medicine, as well as co-director of the Perinatal Institute and chief of neonatology, perinatal and pulmonary biology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Life of the Mind is a semi-annual lecture series that features a distinguished University of Cincinnati faculty member presenting his or her work and expertise. A panel of three responds to and discusses the lecture from diverse perspectives. The series includes intriguing insights from diverse perspectives and encourages faculty and students from across UC to engage in further discourse. The presentation is not simply a recitation of the faculty member’s work but promotes an informed point of view. Continue reading

Don Jason Named Alumnus of the Year

djasonCongratulations to UC Libraries’ Don Jason for being named Alumnus of the Year from the Information Architecture Knowledge Management program at Kent State University’s School of Library and Information Science. We are proud to have you among our ranks!

Don is the Clinical Informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library. Read more about Don and the work of his fellow UC Libraries’ informationists in a recent Source article.

UC Libraries’ Tiffany Grant to Attend Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course

tjgphotoTiffany Grant, research informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, has been accepted into the Georgia Biomedical Informatics course to be held April 12-18, 2015.

Organized by the National Library of Medicine, this week-long survey course is designed to familiarize individuals with the application of computer technologies and information science in biomedicine and health science. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on computer exercises, participants will be introduced to the conceptual and technical components of biomedical informatics. Acceptance into the course is a competitive process. Kristen Burgess, UC Libraries’ assistant director for research and informatics, attended previously.

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