Dinosaur Sculpture Looms Large in Langsam Library

Langsam Library is the new home for Triceracopter – an impressive half triceratops, half helicopter 30-foot sculpture.

Created in 1977 by artist Patricia A. Renick to commemorate the U.S. Bicentennial, Triceracopter: The Hope for the Obsolescence of War combines the form of a triceratops dinosaur with an Army OH6A Cayuse combat helicopter flown in Vietnam. Although a triceratops and a helicopter are unlikely candidates for a single sculpture, the artist has combined them to invite wonder and nudge reflective thinking.

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New System for Requesting Articles and Books

The Health Sciences Library has moved to a new system (Illiad) for requesting articles and books.  To access the system, look for the Request Article/Books link on the left side of the Health Sciences Library’s web page (http://www.libraries.uc.edu/hsl).   Use your UC central login credentials to access the system.  Once you log into the Illiad system for the first time, you will be prompted to complete a profile.  You will only need to complete the profile one time. Illiad will store the information for use on all future requests.

If you have any questions about this or experience any problems, please contact Lorna Newman, Head of Interlibrary Loan Services and Government Documents (lorna.newman@uc.edu or x61885) or Gerry Wagner, HSL Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery (gerry.wagner@uc.edu or x88389).

RWC Library Presentations on Slideshare

You can now access RWC Library Faculty Development presentations via Slideshare at www.slideshare.net/rwclibrary. Slideshare is an online community for sharing presentations, documents and pdfs. The latest Faculty Development Workshop presentation, What the RWC Library Can Do For You, conducted by Heather Maloney and Michelle McKinney, is available for viewing. All future workshop Powerpoint presentations will be posted via Slideshare so be sure to follow us to stay up-to-date on library resources.

RefWorks Adds RefShare, a New Sharing Model

RefWorks is a web based personal bibliographic management service that enables users to electronically collect, manage, and organize bibliographic information and full-text articles.   RefWorks also facilitates the research report and manuscript composition process by automatically creating in-text citations, footnotes and bibliographies in nearly 2000 different output styles.  In short, RefWorks can save countless hours of time spent on resources management and manuscript or report production.

Provided by the University of Cincinnati Libraries, RefWorks has been available for all UC students, faculty and staff since 2004.  RefWorks has become a very popular research tool for UC scholars of all levels and disciplines.   More than 4,000 RefWorks accounts have been created at UC, and approximately 80 new accounts are created every month.

Beginning this fall, University of Cincinnati’s RefWorks users will have access to RefShare, a collaborative research module that provides RefWorks users with the ability to share their RefWorks personal database (or any part of it) with anyone in the world who has Internet access.   By simply posting a RefShare link in an email message, in Blackboard or on a web page the intended audience — e.g., an individual, a class or anyone viewing the web page — can view, print or export references from a personal RefWorks database.  Additionally, because the RefShare link points to a folder in a dynamic RefWorks database, the references are as current as the database.

Set up a RefWorks account to explore the possibilities for increasing your productivity and reducing some of the stress in your academic life.   For more information about RefWorks, see the contact information or web sites listed below.

RefWorks Web Sites

UC — East campus RefWorks site:   http://libraries.uc.edu/hsl/reference/elec/refworks.cfm

UC — West campus RefWorks site:  http://libraries.uc.edu/services/tech_services/refworks.html

RefWorks site:  http://www.refworks.com/


Classroom Instruction: http://webcentral.uc.edu/hslclass/

General RefWorks tutorials: http://www.refworks.com/tutorial/

RefShare tutorial: http://www.refworks.com/tutorial/RefShare%20User%20tutorial.htm


East campus:   Edith Starbuck (edith.starbuck@uc.edu)

West campus: Randall Roberts (randall.roberts@uc.edu)

Looking for News about UC Libraries?

Read Source, the UC Libraries newsletter for faculty, students, staff, and friends.

The latest issue highlights the CEAS Library, new digital collections such as The Cincinnatian Online, and the most recent UC Libraries Quality Service Award Winners. You can also read about staff news, recent acquisitions in the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library, and more. Source is available in print around the various libraries and online.

Libraries Receive a Grant to Make Available the Papers of Theodore Moody Berry

The University of Cincinnati Libraries have received a $61,287 grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to process the papers of Theodore Moody Berry (1905-2000), a civil rights pioneer, community activist, and elected official from Cincinnati.

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