UC Clermont Library Annual Report

Want to know what UC Clermont Library during the 2022-2023 academic year? You can find our annual report on Sway with your UC log in credentials.

This issue’s sections align with the UC Clermont Library’s planning strategies:

  • Develop Space
  • Provide Access
  • Promote Teaching & Learning
  • Foster a Community Culture
  • Faculty & Staff Highlights
  • By the Numbers

Learning Commons @ UC Clermont

The Learning Commons is coming to the UC Clermont Library! Our 2nd floor has been undergoing transformations to create space to allow tutoring and academic support services to come to the library (pictures below). Beginning July 25, writing tutoring will be available on the library’s 2nd floor with more services available in Fall semester. Check-in for the Learning Commons will be located at the Library’s Information Desk.   

The quiet study zone of the 2nd floor should not be impacted by this exciting new addition. 

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UC Clermont Library’s Digital Display

UC Clermont Library curates three monthly library material displays that pertain to timely issues inside the library and in display cases in the Snyder and Edith Peters Jones buildings. You’ve probably seen these throughout campus and maybe even checked out materials from one. For these physical displays we lay out books, DVDs, periodicals, and QR codes relating to a particular topic. We feature all materials available in these physical displays in our digital display so that you can explore what is on our physical display shelves from the comfort of your home, access electronic materials, and request items from each display.

UC Clermont Library’s New Books Blog

UC Clermont Library shares our newest purchases each month on our New Books Blog. You can browse this month’s newest titles or take a look at previous months. By clicking on the titles, you can see them in the catalog and put a hold request on any you are interested in. There is also the option to subscribe to the new books blog so you never miss a month!

New iPads Available at UC Clermont

iPad with key boardUC Clermont has updated its offerings of iPads. There are now 5 new iPad kits available for UC Clermont students and faculty to borrow. The kits include an iPad, keyboard, Apple pencil, USB-C charger, charging adapter, USB-C to lightening adapter, and carrying case. They can be borrowed from the UC Clermont Library front desk for up to one-week. The included apps are Canvas, OneDrive, Zoom, and more.

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Coming Soon: Updates to the UC Clermont 2nd Floor

Empty shelves with a pardon our dust signIf you’re visiting UC Clermont’s 2nd floor this summer, you may notice some strange things: empty shelves, full carts, or moving furniture. We’re hard at work in order to have a new floor layout and new services offered on our quiet study floor by fall semester. We’re confident that the updates will provide an improved student learning experience, so stay tuned!

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Graduating Student Workers: Thank you!

The UC Clermont College Library is grateful for all of the assistance and hard work provided by our Student Workers. These helpful people can regularly be found behind our information desk, checking out items for you or locating that exact material you need. They also keep all of our books shelved and organized.

As the academic year comes to a close, we want to specifically recognize our two graduating Student Workers: Hannah Johnson and Jeremy Ison. Continue reading