Kyle McGill joins UC Libraries as the GIS Research Consultant

Welcome to Kyle!

Kyle McGill is the new GIS research consultant in the UC Libraries Research and Data Services Unit.

Kyle is a Master’s student in the Department of Geography and GIS. He completed an undergraduate degree in Geography, but also took classes in Urban Planning, both at UC. His primary interests are in remote sensing and environmental geography. He tends to spend his free time reading science fiction, playing video games, or playing with his two cats, Jojo and Nebula (pictures below).

Graduate Student Kyle McGill

Kyle is here to help you understand how to use GIS software, think about project plans, and find data for your project.  He can share information, offer advice, and even partner on projects on a case by case basis. Please come by the Data & GIS Collab, located in the Geology Math and Physics Library (240 Braunstein Hall).

Kyle’s hours will be:

Monday10 am to 2 pm
Tuesday10 am to 2 pm
Wednesday10 am to 2 pm
Thursday10 am to 2 pm
Friday12 pm to 4 pm

Journey to Challenger Deep

Have you ever wondered what it really looks like at the bottom of the ocean? Few people in the world can answer this question, and Dr. Dawn Wright (@deepseadawn) is one of them. In the summer of 2022, she ventured to the deepest point on Planet Earth known as Challenger Deep in a two-person submersible. Through this historic journey, Dr. Wright became the first Black person and only the fifth woman to travel so deep in the ocean. The purpose of the journey was to collect data to add to the efforts to map the entire ocean floor. Currently, researchers have only mapped 24% of the ocean floor.

To learn about the journey and Dr. Wright, visit the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library, 240 Braunstein Hall, and explore the exhibit on the expedition and Dr. Wright.

 a diorama of Challenge Deep, the deepest point in the ocean.

A representation of the depth of Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench by John Nelson

Love Data Week 2022

graphic representation of International Love Data Week


Love Data Week

UC celebrates International Love Data Week. Feb 14-18, 2022.

UC Libraries will celebrate Love Data Week by hosting several workshops and events around campus.

Love Data Week was started to promote data use in higher education by a collection of academic librarians. It has grown into an international movement where data resources, workshops and collections are showcased during Valentine’s Day week. Learn more about its history and other events at #LoveData22

The theme this year is “Data is for Everyone.”
Sponsored by the Research and Data Services Department at UC Libraries along with Office of Research -Research Technologies-Research Computing and Data and the Graduate School, there are events daily to support researchers in every aspect of the data lifecycle from Library, Research Computing, and graduate student team members.

Featuring classes on storage and sharing (GitHub), using GIS to tell a story in a user-friendly format (Intro to Story Maps), data analysis, Introduction to XSEDE Big Data and Machine learning, organizing information (for Grad Students), protecting your own data (Consumer Data Protection), and finding data through patents (Find Patents!), this week will have something for everyone! Continue reading

3C GIS Day(s) Registration is open

Celebrate National GIS Day

GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems.  It is a powerful research tool to create, manage, analyze, and map data based on spatial attributes.

As in 2020 and again in 2021, UC is participating in the statewide 3C GIS Day and there are several ways for you to join the celebration:

1) Register to watch all the virtual events including the Keynote by Chris Fisher of the Earth Archive Project: Register for 3C GIS Day(s).

2) On Nov 17th @ 11 am in 400TUC, watch the Keynote over lunch with your UC Colleagues: Register for in person viewing event Deadline 11/8/2021

3) Showcase your own GIS work by giving a Lightning Talk: Lightning Talk Submission Form – Deadline 10/27/2021

4) Participate in the Map Gallery showcase:  Map Gallery Submission Form – Deadline 11/10/2021

Find more in-depth information on each part of the GIS Day celebration, please visit the event website –


The event is free and open to all.  Registration is required.


For general event questions, please contact

For the UC specific event, please contact

UC Libraries Research And Data Services Team is here to help you

Welcome back to campus and a really big Welcome

to new students, staff, and faculty.

After you settle in and start to plan and implement your research projects, you may have questions about doing research here at UC.  The UC Libraries Research & Data Services is one of many support groups on campus to help you. We have information professionals and physical locations within various UC Libraries locations on East and West Uptown campuses to help all UC researchers.

We have vast and varied expertise and we can help you by

  • Supporting you throughout the research lifecycle
  • Helping you use tools such as:
  • Supporting Bioinformatic resource
  • Teaching and consulting on Data and Spatial analysis tools
    • SPSS, R, QGIS, ArcGIS (Desktop and Online)
  • Supporting data preservation and sharing resources
  • Explaining, finding, and using scholarly metrics i.e. impact factor, H-index, etc.
  • Explaining, finding, and using persistent identifiers such as ORCID and DOIs
  • Encouraging you to register for our workshops in Faculty OneStop
  • Teaching workshops focused on research and data recommended practices
  • Coming in for a consult at one of our locations.
  • Partnering with you on projects in scope with our mission and skill set.

We sponsor signature events such as Data Day (Nov 5th) and GIS Day (Nov 17th) through our Data and Computational Science Series and invite you to attend.  Here is a brief list of upcoming events and workshops focused on research.

August 31: Machine Actionable Data Management Plans And The Dmptool

September 8: R Introduction Workshop

September 14: ESRI’s StoryMaps

We are here to help you develop research efficiencies and make the most of your research.  We look forward to meeting you and hope to see you at our workshops and events.   And we are here so you get the information and resources you need, and we hope to partner with you on your research projects.

Contact us at:


Website –

The Data & Computational Science Series presents – GIS Day 2019 Nov 13th

This year’s UC’s Celebration of National GIS Day is coming up on Nov 13th, 2019 and is organized by UC Libraries, UC Department of Geography and GIS, UC Joint Center of GIS & Spatial Analysis, UC Environmental Studies Program and the UC College of Arts and Sciences.

We invite you to come and celebrate with us.  Lunch will be provided and this event is free and open to all.

Please register at

Dr Hao Hu, Product Engineer with ESRI is the featured speaker and will present on the intersection of Machine Learning and Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) and how ESRI is addressing these opportunities in spatial applications with ArcGIS.   Dr Hao Hu is a product engineer in the Geoprocessing/Raster Analysis team at Esri, and works on large raster data processing that leverages distributed computing and storage technology. Before joining Esri, Dr. Hao completed his Doctoral degree in Geography from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) researching on GIS and cyberinfrastructure, spatial decision support system, geospaital data uncertainty, and spatial optimization.

This talk is co-funded by the Provost Funded Data & Computational Science Series (awarded to UC Libraries and IT@UC Research and Development), the Graduate Student Association of UC and the Department of Geography – College of Arts and Science of UC.

The event will be held in 400 A-B TUC from 10 am to 2 pm

Hour Talk
10:00am Main talk (colloquium) -Machine Learning with ArcGIS
10:45am Coffee break
11:00am Practical session (Showcase) – Machine Learning in ArcGIS Platforms
1:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Link-GIS talk


Research Labs @ GMP Library News update – Zhiyuan Yao Attends the AAG-UIUC Summer School

Zhiyuan Yao is one of two GIS support students working in the Research & Data Service research labs at the Geology Math and Physics Library.  The Data & GIS collab is open to students, staff and faculty seeking help with their geospatial data needs, and the Visualization lab is open for data visualization consultations and collaborative work.  Email us at for more information.  

Great learning and collaboration experience in AAG-UIUC Summer School

This summer in July, I was honored to be offered the opportunity to attend AAG-UIUC 2019 Summer School, which focused on Reproducible Problem Solving with Cyber GIS and Geospatial Data Science. During the one-week summer camp, I met many scholars, got access to the supercomputer Virtual Roger through CyberGIS-Jupter, learned the cutting-edge advances regarding geospatial data science, and got a deeper understanding about reproducibility and replicability. I absolutely had a wonderful time there, and this experience provoked me to think more about how we could develop novel solutions to complex problems.


Participants in the AAG-UIUC summer school with mentor Diana Sinton (Ex Director of UCGIS in the  green shirt) in the middle.

Continue reading

News from the RDS Research Labs @ GMP

As we begin the UC Maymester session, we are excited to share news about our students working in the Research and Data Services Research Labs @ the Geology Math and Physics Library.

We say farewell to one of our students working in the labs.  Sobiya George will return to the Chemistry Department for the summer and continue her research projects in Dr. Anna Gudmundsdottir’s lab.  We appreciate Sobiya’s hard work on the ImageJ and Zotero workshops, and wish her luck on her research.

Zhiyuan Yao, Sobiya George, and Jenny Latessa

And we offer many congratulations to Zhiyuan Yao on her acceptance to the AAG-UCGIS Summer School 2019.   Through this NSF supported program, Zhiyuan will be working with “30 graduate students and early career scholars to learn and collaborate in developing novel solutions to complex problems and to take advantage of geospatial data science and cutting-edge scientific advances and technical capabilities of cyberGIS (e.g., CyberGIS-Jupyter and Virtual ROGER: Participants will experience the types of collaborative and professional interactions that are key to addressing reproducible geospatial problem solving in the context of computation- and/or data-intensive research involving confidential geospatial data.”  This is an amazing opportunity for Zhiyuan to grow her skills and meet other researchers in the GIS field.  To learn more about this program, visit their website.  Good luck and enjoy the program.

Zhiyuan Yao in the Data & GIS Collab

Zhiyuan Yao

The lab will be open for consultations and workshops over the summer.  Check the Research Labs website  for the latest information on hours and any closures due to vacations.  Please note that many changes are coming to the libraries website as part of the greater UC website refresh.  For now, one easy way to find the Research Labs website is to visit the library libguide page and type in GIS.  The parent RDS website can now be found under the Research tab on the main website.  Email if you have any questions.

Missing Maps Mapathon held at UC Libraries

On Nov 3rd, the Red Cross and UC libraries partnered to hold a second Missing Maps Mapathon. Missing Maps is an open, collaborative project in which you can help to map areas where humanitarian organisations are trying to meet the needs of vulnerable people.

During the mapathon, participants used the Open Street Map platform to identify buildings in satellite images and place them on a regional map (georeference).  The Red Cross uses this information to set up emergency services in areas that are impacted by natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes.  The mapping will be verified by Red Cross volunteers working in the mapped country and will help prepare response teams in the area to better assist if disaster strikes.

This year’s project covered three areas in the Lake Chad region in Niger.  This region of the world is experiencing a great humanitarian crisis due to poor infrastructure, conflict, poverty, and climate change.  It has been reported that nearly 17 million people are affected by the dire situation and 10.7 million are in need of humanitarian assistance.  The International Red Cross has been working in the area for thirty years and coordinates efforts with local relief agencies.

At this year’s event, UC Geography student Rachel Byrd led UC Cincinnatus Scholar students, UC Librarian Amy Koshoffer, UC Press Director Liz Scarpelli,  and Red Cross International Services Manager Paula McIntosh through the 4 hour mapping session.  In the span of four hours, volunteers were able to map three regions around the lake and identified 6065 buildings.  Many thanks to all who participated and contributed to the mission of the Red Cross.








UC Celebration of National GIS Day

Please mark your calendars on November 14, 2018 as UC Libraries will join the Department of Geography & GIS, GISSA and the Geography Graduate Student Association in celebrating National GIS Day.

This year’s speaker will be Dr. Daniel Sui , Vice President for Research, University of Arkansas and former Division Director for Social and Economic Sciences (SES) at the U.S. National Science Foundation.


Venue – 402 Braunstein Hall

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Open meet and greet

Venue – TUC 427

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Lunch

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Featured Speaker: Dr. Daniel Sui

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Question and Answer Session

This event is free and open to all

Flyer – UC_GIS_Day