All University of Cincinnati Libraries locations will be closed Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day. Regular library hours for all locations will resume Tuesday, May 28. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

All University of Cincinnati Libraries locations will be closed Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day. Regular library hours for all locations will resume Tuesday, May 28. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.
CECH Spotlight highlights recommended books in the the UC College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) Library.
This book was purchased with funding provided by a 2024 CECH Diversity Grant and selected using the Framework for Selecting Children’s Literature With d/Deaf Representation created by Emma Kist’s ASL 2003 students.
Give Me a Sign / written by Anna Sortino (2023)
Anna Sortino’s summer camp contemporary romance Give Me a Sign will pull at your heartstrings the entire read, while also leaving you giddy with what is to come next.
This novel follows Lilah, a seventeen-year-old who happens to be deaf in one ear. All her life, her parents encouraged her along the oral route, where she got hearing aids and took years of speech classes to blend in with those around her. To Lilah, the only time she’s ever felt seen is when she attended Camp Gray Wolf, a summer camp for the Deaf and Blind. So, when she gets the opportunity to be a junior counselor for the upcoming summer, Lilah can’t say no. Throughout the summer, Lilah immerses herself in Deaf* culture, American Sign Language, true friendship, and romance. But she still has some things to learn about herself, and parts of her identity to come to terms with.
Give Me a Sign is more than just a fun, summer romance. It shines a much-needed light on the spectrum of Deafness*, the importance of accommodations, the negative aspects of having a disability, and the struggle of accepting one’s identity. One of the biggest topics that carries throughout is the idea of ‘being Deaf enough’. Lilah struggles with this as she is surrounded by people who are fluent in ASL, who are more immersed in the culture, who are from a multi-generational Deaf family.
Early on we are introduced to Lilah’s brother, Max, who happens to have the same type of deafness, though slightly more advanced. Max acts as a foil to Lilah, being shown to prefer the oral route to Lilah’s manual preference. Max’s character helps open the discussion of hearing devices like hearing aids and cochlear implants, which are often given to young children in hopes of integrating them into the hearing world more easily. Sortino’s novel examines so many hard-hitting topics that impact the Deaf* community such as hearing people using ASL for clout or even faking disabilities when it is convenient.
There is a quote from Sortino’s author’s note that I felt extremely poignant: “I simply hope [my novel] gives readers a glance into the depth and complexities of Deaf culture, as well as an understanding of why I and so many others are proud to be Deaf”. This novel shines a light on the ups and downs of Deafness* and basks in the pride it has for the Deaf* community.
This book is available for checkout in the CECH Library, as well as via the OhioLINK and SearchOhio lending networks.
NOTE: In alignment with the UC ASL/Deaf studies department, I use Deaf* above to include and acknowledge the different cultures and ways of being Deaf.
Review by Alice Somers, CECH Library Student Assistant | Early Childhood Education and Deaf Studies, CECH 2026
CECH Spotlight highlights recommended books in the the UC College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) Library.
This book was purchased with funding provided by a 2024 CECH Diversity Grant and selected using the Framework for Selecting Children’s Literature With d/Deaf Representation created by Emma Kist’s ASL 2003 students.
Harriet Versus the Galaxy / written by Samantha Baines (2019)
If you were ever a fan of The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, Samantha Baines’ debut juvenile book Harriet Versus the Galaxy would be right up your alley.
The novel follows Harriet Green, a ten-year old from England who happens to be hard of hearing. After moving in with her Gran, she learns that her hearing aid can do more than just help her hear. She can understand alien languages. One day she’s moving in with her Gran, the next she’s being tasked to save Earth from aliens!
Baine explores more than just Deafness* throughout her novel, however. Gender identity, while small in detail, makes a mighty difference in the way it is presented in this novel. Baines shows readers that gender identity is a topic for all ages and can be mentioned without trauma being present. This novel represents the Deaf* and gender identity with compassion without calling attention to them.
Throughout the novel, Baines takes the opportunity to explore how bullying can have an effect on children, and how to handle it with grace. Harriet Versus the Galaxy stands tall and teaches readers how to be brave in the face of a problem, and how to be compassionate to one another without putting another person down. In the end, this book helps to encourage all of us to authentically be ourselves.
Throughout the novel, you can find artwork reminiscent of Diary of a Wimpy Kid or The Dork Diaries. With illustrations from Deaf artist Jessica Flores, you truly feel like you are with Harriet as she learns about the world of aliens — or should I say galaxy?
This book is available for checkout in the CECH Library.
NOTE: In alignment with the UC ASL/Deaf studies department, I use Deaf* above to include and acknowledge the different cultures and ways of being Deaf.
Review by Alice Somers, CECH Library Student Assistant | Early Childhood Education and Deaf Studies, CECH 2026
ORCID profiles can now be linked to Github profiles. What does this mean for you? Now you can include your ORCID number on your Github profile. It is also possible to add the URL of your Github account to your ORICD landing page. If you need some help setting up your ORCID or linking these two resources, please contact
To learn more check out the ORCID blog post on the memorandum.
The University of Cincinnati Libraries and the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) American Sign Language (ASL) Department are partnering in cross-campus exhibits in honor of National Deaf History Month.
On display on the 4th and 5th floor lobbies of the Walter C. Langsam Library, Deaf in Media: A Legacy of Impact chronicles the representation and achievements of people who are Deaf in film, television, social media and theater. The timeline begins in the late 1800s when Deaf theater begins at Gallaudet University and includes key moments in media such as in 1986 when Marlee Matlin was the first, and only, Deaf actress to win an Academy Award; the formation of the first all-male Deaf Dance company, Wild Zappers, in 1989; the creation of the Deaf-owned and operated production company ASL Films in 2005, and Nyle DiMarco, who in 2016, became the first dancer who is Deaf to win Dancing with the Stars. The timeline goes up to 2023 when ASL performer Justina Miles performed for 60,000 spectators at the Super Bowl halftime show with headliner Rihanna. A full timeline, with links to viewable media, is listed below.
The exhibit includes books from the collections of UC Libraries about Deaf representation in media and culture.
Also at the exhibit is a bibliography and QR codes for those who want to know more about Deaf Studies at UC.
Continue readingMost University of Cincinnati Libraries locations have reduced hours for Spring Break, March 9-16. Check the library website for a list of hours by location.
Have a safe and rejuvenating Spring Break, Bearcats!
Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.
In this issue of Source, Liz Kiscaden, dean and university librarian, writes about moving forging a path as we create our strategic plan. Readers can access the Strategic Plan to give a sense of what we accomplished in 2022/2023. Collections play a prominent theme in this issue, including in a new DAAP Library exhibit, Rediscovering Catherina van Hemmessen’s Flagellation of Christ: Women as Artists, Patrons and Rulers in Renaissance Europe, that features prints, books and manuscripts from the collections of UC Libraries and in the acquisitions of Blue Books in the Archives and Rare Books Library. Collaboration is another theme of this issue when we write about Poetry Stacked Beyond the Bookshelves and the efforts of several librarians and staff to present for school children participating in the College Mentors for Kids program. And don’t miss the article about the lost mural in the CEAS Library.
Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the website. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list
You’re invited… To recommend new children’s books for the CECH Library collection with d/Deaf representation, d/Deaf characters, and d/Deaf stories.
Using a framework created by ASL 2003 Psychosocial Aspects of Deafness, participants in this event will use their knowledge of d/Deaf culture and American Sign Language to recommend new books for the CECH Library children’s collections, including books for young children through young adults (YA).
WHEN: Wednesday, February 14th at 4:30pm
WHERE: CECH Library’s classroom, room 320
REQUIRED: An interest in d/Deaf culture, inclusion, and representation in books/media
All are welcome, RSVP to participate in this fun event on Valentine’s Day afternoon.
This event is co-sponsored by the ASL Club and the CECH Library and is funded by a CECH Diversity Grant. For further questions, contact Katie Foran-Mulcahy, CECH Library Head.
Announcing the 2022-2023 University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Report. My tenure as dean and university librarian began in mid-August 2023, a time of great growth at the University of Cincinnati. I’ve spent these past six months learning as much as I can about the Libraries – how our mission to “empower discovery, stimulate learning and inspire the creation of knowledge by connecting students, faculty, researchers and scholars to dynamic data, information and resources” supports the university’s NEXT Lives Here Strategic Directions. Documents such as the Annual Report have been key to my education.
In this Annual Report, we look back at the top News & Events, applaud Staff Accomplishments & Milestones and look at the Libraries By the Numbers and Financially. Under the leadership of interim dean and university librarian Lori Harris, we welcomed a significant number of new librarians and staff members who will provide essential library services and research support and help move the Libraries forward. We acquired, processed, preserved and made available collections used for research. We held events to bring people into the Libraries to interact with our facilities and collections. We created welcoming places – both virtual and in-person – for people to study, research and collaborate. And, we provided our expertise to the students, faculty and researchers who rely on UC Libraries for their academic pursuits.
While we celebrate the accomplishments of the past academic year, we also continue to move forward and plan for the future. This past fall we began the process of developing an updated strategic plan with goals and initiatives that will continue to advance the mission of the University of Cincinnati. This plan will build upon the successes of UC Libraries and respond to the rapidly changing landscape of higher education, as well as the increasingly diverse needs of our students, faculty and researchers. The strategic plan will be completed this summer and will guide our work for the next three years. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, enjoy reading the 2022-2023 University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Progress Report.
Liz Kiscaden,
Dean and University Librarian
The College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) Library cordially invites you to an open house on Wednesday, January 31 from 1-3pm. Stop by to learn about library offerings, chat with library staff, and enjoy a warm beverage and some cookies.
The CECH Library is located in 300 Teachers-Dyer Complex. All are welcome — hope to see you there!
Head, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) Library
University of Cincinnati Libraries | 513.556.1758