UC Clermont Library maintains several book displays across the UC Clermont campus: one that features new materials in the library and three other throughout campus that pertain to timely issues. We feature all of the materials available in these physical displays on our digital display website and on our New Books Blog so that you can explore what is on our physical display shelves from the comfort of your home, access electronic materials, and request items from each display. Our display topics for the month of February 2025 are Black History Month, the Great Backyard Bird Count, and World Day of Social Justice.
Category Archives: UC Clermont Library News
Quiet Floor Quest at UC Clermont
In Fall 2023, the UC Clermont Learning Commons joined the Marcotte Library space on the 2nd floor. After a year and half of the collaboration, we’ve heard your feedback! The 2nd floor of the library will return to a quiet study space. Learning Commons activities and sessions will now be held on the 1st floor, which will make it easier to access and allow for the noise that accompanies group activities.
Open study space will still be available on the 1st floor. If space should be tight, the second floor will be available. Check in for Learning Commons activities will now occur at the front desk. To help increase visibility of the upstairs study space, UC Clermont will be hosting the Quiet Floor Quest through January 24.
Locate 5 hidden bearcats in the library who each have secret word to share with you. Submit the hidden message in our online form to show you found each of the wily bearcats. Participants in the scavenger hunt will be in raffle for stuffed bearcat of their own with other UC swag.
Online Meeting? Reserve Clermont’s Video Conferencing Rooms
UC Clermont’s Marcotte Library now has video conferencing rooms available to students. Two group rooms on the first floor now include a new mounted display with a built-in camera and microphone. You can sign in to the display using a mouse and keyboard available at the front desk or connect your laptops to the display to host your meeting. The rooms can be reserved online through our website or through the QR codes posted on the doors.
The rooms remain first-come, first-served when no reservations have been made at least 1-business day in advance. Just stop by the front desk to have the room unlocked!

Frederick A. Marcotte Library Digital Displays
UC Clermont Library maintains three monthly displays that pertain to timely issues; one is inside the library and two are in display cases in the Snyder and Edith Peters Jones buildings. You’ve probably seen these throughout campus and maybe even checked out materials from one. For these physical displays we lay out books, DVDs, periodicals, and QR codes relating to a particular topic. We feature all the materials available in these physical displays on our digital display website so that you can explore what is on our physical display shelves from the comfort of your home, access electronic materials, and request items from each display. Our display topics for the month of September 2024 are Appalachian and Rural Studies, US Elections, and AI.
UC Clermont Marcotte Library, 2023-2024
The last year was another great one. Some top highlights from the year:
- Naming the library in honor of Frederick A. Marcotte, UC Clermont’s first librarian
- Welcoming the Learning Commons onto the 2nd floor
- Deploying a public access computer for community members to access online library resources
- Offering a faculty workshop on integrating the libraries in Canvas with UC Blue Ash
- Reviving pre-pandemic events, such as Pi Day and Edible Books.
For more highlights and photos on the Marcotte Library @ UC Clermont’s year, view our Sway report.
Fall 2024 Course Reserves at Clermont College’s Frederick A. Marcotte Library
Did you know that students at UC Clermont can check out some course textbooks from the library?
Every semester the library receives a textbook list from the bookstore and we work to put items on course reserve here. We identify course textbooks that are over $100 and try to buy those from the bookstore, our vendors, or by other means if we can. If we happen to have a course book that is under $100 that is already in our existing collection, we will also put those items on course reserve when we find them. Unfortunately we aren’t able to buy some textbooks even if they’re over $100 because they are custom, loose leaf, subscription, or rental only, but we do our best! As of last year, we default to ordering an eBook copy if it is available. If no eBook copy is available for library purchase and circulation, then we will buy a physical copy.
The reserves we have can be seen organized by instructor name at this link. They can be seen organized by class name/number at this link.
Physical reserves check out for four hours and can be used in the library, some are available as ebooks and can be accessed online any time. Visit UC Clermont Library’s front desk to check out physical reserves.
If you have any questions about course reserves or are an instructor that would like for us to add an item to reserves for any of your courses, please contact the library at clermontlibrary@uc.edu.
New Health and Business eBook Collection from Taylor & Francis
UC Clermont students have requested more access to digital resources in their fields of study and the library is here to help! This summer, the Frederick A. Marcotte Library at UC Clermont has established perpetual access to a new collection of Health and Business eBooks through Taylor and Francis. You can follow this link to check out the whole digital collection here.
Spring Semester Review for UC Clermont
This spring, we had many exciting things happening in the Marcotte Library @ UC Clermont.
- Our first floor upgraded the computers, including installing a public access computer for visitors.
- Faculty in our ATIP program began the work in replacing their traditional textbook with affordable materials.
- We partnered and offered exciting events for everyone, such as the Women’s History Month series, Poetry Readings, and more.
This summer we hope to make more facilities changes based on feedback from our student survey. Keep an eye for these changes in the Fall semester!

Two UC librarians elected to the SWON Libraries Consortium Board
Ted Baldwin, director of the Science and Engineering Libraries and the interim head of Library Collections, and Emily Wages, collection services manager at the University of Cincinnati Clermont’s Frederick A. Marcotte Library, have been voted in by the Directors Council to join the SWON Executive Board in June. They join existing UC Board member Gerry Wagner, unit operations manager in UC Libraries Collection Development Services and Engagement Department.
SWON Libraries formed in 1973 as the “Greater Cincinnati Library Consortium” (GCLC) when a group of library directors in Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky wanted a vehicle for pooling resources, sharing knowledge and collaborating to better serve their patrons. They continue that mission today as one of the State Library of Ohio’s Regional Library Systems.
Learning Commons at the Library: Survey question 6
Thank you for the feedback you’ve given throughout this academic year regarding the Marcotte Library and Learning Commons space collaboration. Your responses are helping us to make our space into what you need it to be.
Starting today, we have one final survey question for you: What, if anything, should the library adjust in our partnership with the Learning Commons? Please submit your response by Friday, April 19th.
As always, you can answer the survey question through one of the drop boxes located in Jones across from the library’s entrance or in the McDonough lobby. You can also anonymously submit your response via this online form.