Upcoming changes to OhioLINK delivery provider

books on a shelfIn order to address ongoing delivery issues with OhioLINK materials, the University of Cincinnati Libraries, along with the other college, university and public libraries in Ohio, is changing the OhioLINK delivery provider.

There are three important points that impact OhioLINK borrowing immediately:

  • Between now and March 10, users should request any needed items from OhioLINK, SearchOhio and the SWORD/SW Depository as early as possible as delays are anticipated. University of Cincinnati librarians and staff are happy to discuss research needs and help locate alternate formats or other ways to secure materials such as using Interlibrary Loan, which does not rely on this intrastate delivery service.
  • From March 11 through the end of April, users will not be able to request materials through the OhioLINK Central Catalog, SearchOhio or SWORD/SW Depository. This is necessary to avoid a backlog of materials in the system during the transition.
  • Currently checked-out materials can still be renewed and returned during this time.

Beginning April 18, we will return to working with the company that provided delivery prior to July 2021 and are confident that they will be able to deliver your library materials efficiently once again. As we transition from one company to another, however, there will be slower than usual delivery times.

We ask for patience as we implement this long-term solution.

Questions? (513) 556-1424 or https://libraries.uc.edu/about/contact.html. In addition, OhioLINK has created a FAQ.

Seeing the Story in Data Series – Kick off Talk – Vetria Byrd PhD

logo for the Data and Computational Science Series 20200


JOIN us for the first in a four part data visualization series entitled:

Seeing the Story in the Data

A well thought out and designed visualization can convey meaning and deep insight into vast amounts of data.  In this four part lecture series, data visualization researchers and experts will discuss visualizations from different disciplines and highlight choices made to find the “so what”.

This series is a part of the Data and Computational Science Series.

Our first speaker will be Vetria Byrd PhD Assistant Professor of Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University.  Dr. Byrd is interested in interdisciplinary research topics such as uncertainty visualization (it’s role and impact on reasoning in decision-making), big data, and high performance visualization.

Title: The Role of Data Visualization in Science and Computational Science

Date: March 2, 2022

Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST

 Please register https://ce.uc.edu/FacDev/Workshops/Details/17323 for the zoom link

This free event is hosted by UC Libraries Research and Data Serivces and the Office of Research – Research Computing and Data and funded by the Office of the Provost Universal Provider Grant and is open to all.

New science e-journals

UC now has access to the many new e-journal titles, thanks to our OhioLINK statewide licenses. If you have questions, please contact Chemistry & Biology Ask-A-Librarian. Visit the Ralph E. Oesper Chemistry-Biology Library website to search for other e-journals.

Here are the newly available e-journals for chemistry.

Cover of Microscopy TodayMicroscopy Today

Microscopy Today (MTO) provides information of interest to microscopists working in all fields. Coverage spans all microscopy methods including development and applications in light microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy, ion-beam techniques, and a wide range of microanalytical methods. 

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New engineering and technology e-journals

UC now has access to the many new e-journal titles, thanks to our OhioLINK statewide licenses. If you have questions, please contact Science & Engineering Ask-A-Librarian. Visit the College of Engineering and Applied Science Library website to search for other e-journals.

Here are the newly available e-journals for engineering and technology subjects.   

Cover of the journal 2D Materials 2D Materials

2D Materials™ is a multidisciplinary, electronic-only journal devoted to publishing fundamental and applied research of the highest quality and impact covering all aspects of graphene and related two-dimensional materials. 



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The Illustrated Human – 5th lecture in the Vesalius series to focus on “Presenting and Interpreting the Different Organ Systems”

vesalius illustrationsThe Illustrated Human: The Impact of Andreas Vesalius lecture series continues Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 5:30 p.m. in Kresge Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 231 Albert Sabin Way with a presentation titled Vesalius: Presenting and Interpreting the Different Organ Systems. The four speakers, all University of Cincinnati College of Medicine faculty, will present on the anatomy of their respective organ specialties. They will discuss what Vesalius discovered, what he got right and what he got wrong being limited by the current functional understanding of the day.

Offering their insights will be Richard Becker, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Health and Disease; Alvin Crawford, MD, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery; Myles Pensak, MD, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Charles Prestigiacomo, MD, Department of Neurosurgery. With anatomy being foundational to these medical specialties, it is important to consider the role of human dissection in acquiring this foundation for research and practice.

Please register to attend.

More information about The Illustrated Human: The Impact of Andreas Vesalius lecture series and accompanying exhibits, can be found on the series website.

The Illustrated Human: The Impact of Andreas Vesalius is sponsored by Stephen and Sandra Joffe.


New Books in the Science Libraries

Do you need something new to read to start your new year?  The Geology-Math-Physics and Langsam Libraries have added many new books to their shelves.

Click here to access the November-December 2021 list.

If you have any questions about these books, contact Ted Baldwin, Director of Science and Engineering Libraries, at Ted.Baldwin@uc.edu.



Love Data Week 2022

graphic representation of International Love Data Week


Love Data Week

UC celebrates International Love Data Week. Feb 14-18, 2022.

UC Libraries will celebrate Love Data Week by hosting several workshops and events around campus.

Love Data Week was started to promote data use in higher education by a collection of academic librarians. It has grown into an international movement where data resources, workshops and collections are showcased during Valentine’s Day week. Learn more about its history and other events at https://myumi.ch/ICPSRldw2022events. #LoveData22

The theme this year is “Data is for Everyone.”
Sponsored by the Research and Data Services Department at UC Libraries along with Office of Research -Research Technologies-Research Computing and Data and the Graduate School, there are events daily to support researchers in every aspect of the data lifecycle from Library, Research Computing, and graduate student team members.

Featuring classes on storage and sharing (GitHub), using GIS to tell a story in a user-friendly format (Intro to Story Maps), data analysis, Introduction to XSEDE Big Data and Machine learning, organizing information (for Grad Students), protecting your own data (Consumer Data Protection), and finding data through patents (Find Patents!), this week will have something for everyone! Continue reading

The University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Progress Report, 2020-2021

Looking back as we plan our NEXT Directions.

This year’s Annual Progress Report covers July 2020 through June 2021. It was an exceptionally complicated time, during which we entered the second year of the pandemic, developed and adopted new digital resources to support remote learning and remote research and prepared for the transition back to campus for the 2021 fall semester.

In these unprecedented times, library faculty and staff continuously found ways to transform and elevate library services by bringing their experience, talents and dedication to the forefront so as to continue to fulfill our mission to “empower discovery, stimulate learning and inspire the creation of knowledge by connecting students, faculty, researchers and scholars to dynamic data, information and resources.” Continue reading

Man Qi joins RDS team as a student research consultant

Man QiMan Qi is joining UC Libraries’ Research and Data Services (RDS) team as a student research consultant where she will provide consultations in the Data & GIS Collab in the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library.

Her expertise is GIS software, hydrological modeling, SWMM modeling, geographic data processing, spatial analysis, map design, Python and R.

Man Qi is a PhD candidate in Geography & GIS from UC’s College of Arts and Sciences. She is passionate about helping others with data visualization and spatial data analysis. Her main job is to provide support to our UC community in spatial data processing and analysis (e.g., location analysis, spatial interpolation), map design and making using GIS techniques and hydrological modeling using SWMM. In addition, she also works with UC RDS team to develop workshops according to the UC community’s needs in learning GIS techniques, such as ArcGIS StoryMaps workshop.

Welcome, Man!

UC Libraries commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a week-long online learning event

martin luther king, jr.The UC Libraries Racial Equity, Support & Programming to Educate the Community Team (RESPECT) will be hosting an online asynchronous, interactive program to commemorate and celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Visit the online presentation beginning Jan.17 to read and listen to Dr. King’s speech, “The Other America,” then engage in conversation and learning throughout the week of Jan. 17-21.