From the Desk of…Lauren Wahman, Instruction Program Coordinator

The next stop on our tour of offices finds us at the doorstep of Lauren Wahman, Instruction Program Coordinator at UCBA Library.

Welcome, Craig Person, New Operations Manager & Student Supervisor for the Science & Engineering Libraries

UC Libraries is pleased to welcome Craig Person as the operations manager and student supervisor for the Science and Engineering Libraries.

craig person

Craig comes to the university from Northern Kentucky University (NKU) Libraries where he was the head of access services since 2008, and was previously the circulation and reserves supervisor and the evening circulation supervisor.  Craig may be a familiar face to some as he was a temporary staff member at Langsam Library from September 1996 – June 1997.  He is also active as a continuing education instructor for programs at NKU and with the American Library Association (ALA).

As operations manager and student supervisor, Craig will manage daily operations and service points at both the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Library and the Chemistry-Biology Library.  His major duties include supervising the student workforce, overseeing interlibrary services and collections maintenance, assisting with facilities and technology initiatives, providing reference and training support and assisting with unit-wide planning.

Welcome to UC Libraries, Craig!

Free Writing Assistance at the HSL During Spring Semester!

Academic Writing Center-Health Sciences Library Banner

Free Writing Assistance During Spring Semester!

Visit the Health Sciences Library and sign up for a same-day appointment with a writing tutor. 

Receive free writing assistance on all documents, including:

  • Personal Statements
  • Grant Applications
  • Reports
  • Articles

Writing Tutor available in the HSL Informatics Lab from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM on these dates:

January 18th
February 1st
February 15th
March 1st
March 22nd
April 5th
April 19th

This service is open to all.  If you would like to make an appointment during these hours (reserve time in advance) please email AWC Coordinator, Dr. Joseph Cunningham, at

What Is the Ohio Electronic Records Committee?

By Eira Tansey, Digital Archivist/Records Manager

Public-sector archivists, records managers, and other information professionals across the country share similar challenges: electronic records are getting more complex, public institution budgets are leaner (and sometimes cut to the bone), and citizen’s interest in access to public records grows. In Ohio, we are addressing some of these challenges through the Ohio Electronic Records Committee (OhioERC). Continue reading

Student Art at Clermont College

Spring semester the library is pleased to exhibit the art of Scott Hempleman.  Scott’s colorful paintings stem from years of drawing fun, imaginative cartoons. Encouraged by his grandfather as well as art teachers at Clermont College, Scott’s vibrant works display a study in color relationship and contrast.

Come check out Scott Hempleman’s work in the library’s Student Art Spotlight through spring 2018.  As always, we thank Fine Arts faculty Kelly Frigard and Kim Taylor for their dedicated support of the Student Art Spotlight since 2015.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

By Eira Tansey, Digital Archivist/Records Manager

The transition from paper-based workflows to electronic records-based workflows has been one of the most profound ways in which work has changed over the last several decades. The “paperless revolution” has created many unanticipated challenges, but perhaps one of the more underrated ones is how it has affected institutional archives. Continue reading

Happy Holidays from Clermont College Library

Happy Holidays from UC Clermont and your Clermont College Library!

We  our students, staff, and faculty! We’re also so incredibly appreciative of our amazing donors — your generosity has paved the way for some impactful improvements to the library this year. You can check out our renewed first floor in January 2017.


Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

The Passing of Henry Heimlich (1920-2016)


This gallery contains 7 photos.

The Winkler Center was saddened over the weekend to learn of the passing of Dr. Henry J. Heimlich. In lieu of writing another obituary or quick biography like the ones that can be read here at the Cincinnati Enquirer or … Continue reading

But what about Robert Kehoe?

Recently, published a brief article on the history of leaded

Dr. Robert Kehoe, Kettering Laboratory, UC, date unknown

gas.  The article, seen here,, is informative though by no means exhaustive.  The story begins in 1920, 55 miles up I-75, in Dayton, Ohio, at the General Motors Research Corporation.  An engineer there, Thomas Midgely, and his boss, Charles F. Kettering, had developed an anti-engine knock additive called TEL or tetraethyllead.

At the time, “engine knock,” which was due to a malfunction between the fuel, air, and ignition explosion in a car’s cylinder, was at best a mild annoyance causing a light knocking sound and at worst a problem capable of destroying an automobile engine. Midgely’s solution was to add TEL to gasoline which would raise the combustability, or octane, of an engine lessening its chances of malfunctioning.

It worked.  Which was all well and good, but TEL contained lead, and as people have known for ages, lead isn’t particularly good for us.  In fact it’s rather deadly.  The author goes on to discuss the outcry that erupted after several workers died after being exposed to TEL on a regular basis.  A federal study was authorized in 1925 and it was decided that the amount of risk associated to every day exposure for most people was minimal and the production of leaded gasoline continued.  It was not until the 1970s that growing evidence over leaded gas’s danger became evident.  In January, 1996, the U.S. Clean Air act, officially banned the sale of leaded fuel for use in vehicles. Continue reading