National GIS Day 2016 UC Celebration

National GIS Day is November 16, 2016.

UC’s celebration will be held in 201 Braunstein from 8:45 am to 12:45 pm.

Schedule of Speakers:

8:45 – 9:00 AM Welcome, Ryan Herman, PDS, Kenton County, KY & President of Cincinnati GIS User Group and C.J. Changjoo, UC Dept. of Geography

9:00 – 9:20 Transportation Planning/GIS, Dave Shuey, OKI Regional Council of Governments
9:20 – 9:40 Urban Planning/GIS, Jessica Moss, GIS Analyst, City of Covington, KY
9:40 – 10:00 UC Utility Inventory Project/GIS, Jeff Lovin, Senior Vice President, Woolpert, Dayton, OH
10:00 – 10:20 Questions & Coffee Break / Breakfast Snacks
10:20 – 10:40 GIS Jobs & Job Prospects, Joey O’Brien (& presenters), GIS Analyst, Clermont County, OH
10:40 – 11:00 Surviving the Next Plague: Disease Prediction, Diego Cuadros, UC Dept. of Geography
11:00 – 11:20 Help Solve Environmental Problems/GIS, John Hurd, CH2M Consulting, Cincinnati, OH
11:20 – 11:40 Open Source Solutions for Live Data/GIS, Jesse Glascock, Prime 3SG, Cincinnati, OH
11:40 – 12:00 Questions & Coffee Break
12:00 – 12:45 ESRI, Current and Future GIS Applications, Wei-ming Lin, ESRI

Jerry Sheehan Post’s on Federally Funded Research Results and Accessibility

At the close of the 8th Open Access Week, Jerry Sheehan of the White House Office of Science And Technology Policy blogged about the impact of openly accessible research findings, especially federally funded research.

Three more agencies have announced public access plans (Department of Education (ED), Agency for International Development, and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)), bringing the total to 19.  A good resource for understanding the requirements of the plans is the  the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition – and the data sharing resource available through SPARC.

To read the complete blog post,  click here.

Georgian Researcher Dr. Tengiz Simashvili Visited the UC Libraries

Dr. Simashvili with Library Faculty

Left to right: Sally, Mark, Hong, Tengiz, Arlene, and Ted

Dr. Simashvili with library faculty

Left to right: Sally, Ted, Mark, Tengiz, Arlene, Tiffany

Sponsored by UC’s Office of Research, the UC Libraries welcomed the first IREX scholar, Tengiz Simashvili, with six library faculty members at Langsam on October 25, 2016. Dr. Simashvili is the head of Caucasus Scientific-Research Center at Telavi State University, Georgia. He came to UC with a mission of learning how American universities utilize new strategies and methods to support researchers. As a collection of research hubs on campus, the UC Libraries have a lot to share with him. Continue reading

Dr. Henry R. Winkler

Thursday, October 27, marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Henry R. Winkler. Winkler served as President of the University of Cincinnati from 1977 to 1984.  Among the 29 presidents who have stood at the helm of the University, Winkler remains the only one who also was an alumnus.

Henry R. Winkler, UC, c. 1978. Image Courtesy Archives & Rare Books Library, University of Cincinnati.

Henry R. Winkler, UC, c. 1978. Image Courtesy Archives & Rare Books Library, University of Cincinnati.

He is remembered as a president who “was the epitome of the learned gentleman,” says Kevin Grace, University Archivist at UC’s Archives and Rare Books Library. “He was a very kind man who deeply cared about UC heritage and its academic mission.”

The greatest of Dr. Winkler’s characteristics “was his community involvement,” Grace continued. “He knew that the university needed to be a public servant to the city of Cincinnati and that was the way he conducted his life as well – serving community organizations in the sincere belief that that was the way we bettered ourselves.” Continue reading

My Deepest Apologies for the Three Bears

By: Sydney Vollmer

The Three BearsIn our present time, it seems stories are constantly being changed or redone to make them more applicable to our lifestyle.  This certainly isn’t an entirely new phenomenon in the course of literature, but the frequency seems to be picking up.  Like any other content, fairytales are not excluded in this world of remakes, but how much are we allowed to change things?  How does it impact the future generations who are learning these stories for the first time? Continue reading

Art Referential: Emil Robinson

DAAP Display Case

DAAP Display Case

What ideas are you currently considering/ pursuing?

My work is concerned with interior space. I was raised conservative Catholic and so one of the first and most enduringly beautiful spaces for me is the inside of a church. This space is psychologically complicated as it is supposed to be a place of worship where God is accessible. A place of ritual prayer and even magic. Even though I am less religious now, the idea of space for worship is very important to me. I am trying to paint spaces that feel holy and mystical.

The paintings on display in the showcase are the result of two kinds of interior space. A simple description of a shallow room references the chapels found in early churches in Europe. I include windows into a deeper dark space in some of paintings to create questions in the viewers mind about the reality of what they are seeing. The abstract patterns that fill the paintings are done in a state not unlike automatic writing, where the shapes are almost forms- they remind me of writing words and drawing pictures at the same time- Like the alphabet of a foreign language. When these two things are combined they create tension between legible space and fanciful decoration.

Who are your favorite artists and why?

My favorite artists are Italian painters from the 13th and 14th centuries before the height of the renaissance such as Giotto and Sassetta, and the Indian painters from the 16th century through the beginning of the 19th century primarily from the Mughal Court. These artist all made richly colored and highly personal depictions of real and fantastic events. The lack of coherent linear perspective in many works produced exquisite and creative spatial compositions that are lost with the bombast of later developments. Another point of influence are the incredibly focused paintings made by Tantric Hindu artists. Of course there are many other modern and contemporary precedents, but these non traditional painters are my very favorite.

What books, blogs, magazines, etc., do you reference the most and why?

I love going into the beautiful Daap library and looking at the magazines Frieze, Artforum, Modern Painters, and Art in America to name a few-these magazines have the requisite pretty pictures for me to keep my eyes tuned, and also some thoughtful writing occasionally. The real treasures are upstairs in the shelves… If you are a student, you owe it to yourself to spend a few hours. There are just too many favorites to list. Online I love the blogs: Painters Table, Hyperallergic, and Artcritical.

Emil Robinson is a professor in DAAP’s School of Design. His works are currently on display just outside the DAAP Library.

Chess and Checkers in the Clermont College Library

This fall, you’ll notice two custom-made game sets near the windows in the Clermont College Library.


The anodized aluminum chess/checker combo was produced by capstone students in the Manufacturing Engineering Technology program at UC East in spring 2015.  Led by Profs. Dexter Hulse and Chris Goodman, students designed the set using CAD and CAM software and produced it on our campus, utilizing conventional and computerized numerical control machine tools.


The 3-D printed checkers set was created in fall 2016 by the IT Pros, an award-winning Clermont College student organization. The project was led by Patrick Voto (President, 2015-16) under the guidance of the faculty advisor Prof. Bill Nicholson. The printer produces pieces using an additive manufacturing technique. Each square took approximately 20 minutes to print, checker pieces took 12 minutes to print. The total production time added up to around 36 hours.

We love our new games – and so do our students.  Thanks again to the Manufacturing Engineering Technology students and the IT Pros for these amazing (and usable) works of art.


Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

James Lee Next Speaker in the Digital Humanities Speaker Series on Nov. 1

james lee
UC Libraries and the College of Arts and Sciences present James Lee, assistant professor in digital humanities with a specialization in early modern English literature, on Tuesday, Nov. 1 in Langsam Library 462 as the next expert in the Digital Humanities Speaker Series. Open to any and all interested in digital humanities and digital scholarship (DH/DS), Lee will present a research talk and lead a hands-on experimental session. Participants are encouraged to come to either or both sessions that are of interest to them and to their work.

11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.:
Research Talk – A Digital History of Race before Empire: Mapping a Global Renaissance with 53,829 Texts

12:30 to 1:30 p.m.:
Lunch – all are welcome

1:30 to 3:00 p.m.:
Hands-on Experimental Session – Data Visualization and Social Justice

Continue reading

Winkler Center Marks Halloween with Creepy Exhibit of Medical Artifacts

winkler halloween

Do you want to attend a Halloween event that promises to give you hauntingly horrific, history nightmares…nightmares that include visions of amputee kits, maggot and leach therapies, pharmaceutical potions from the 1800s and much much more?

Then come visit the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions on Monday, October 31, 2016 on the R- Level of the Health Sciences Library from 10am to 2pm.  On display will be historic documents, photos and artifacts from a variety of the health professions.

We guarantee you will leave the exhibit appreciating the advances made in modern medical treatments, therapies and technology available today.  All are welcome. Come if you dare!!!!!!!  Bwwaahhhahhhaaaaaa!!!