Next LIFE OF THE MIND Lecture Series Scheduled for today, November 29

The second in the “Life of the Mind” lecture series on the theme of “War” is scheduled for Tuesday, November 29 from 3:30-5pm in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center. This event will also be live streamed via the libraries web site here. Free and open to the UC community and public, “Life of the Mind” features interdisciplinary conversations with UC faculty around a one-word theme. Each quarter, there are two “Life of the Mind” sessions with three “thought provocateurs” contributing to each session. Each scholar provides a 15-minute talk followed by audience Q&A.

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Travel the World with UC Libraries: Guides, Phrase Books, and other Helpful Information to Aid You in Your Travels

People love to travel; and UC students really love to travel. According to UC International, over the past five years, between 830 and 874 students participated in the study abroad programs annually. In addition, numerous UC faculty, students, and staff travel abroad for pleasure, business, performances, community service, and other reasons.

So what makes a successful travel experience? A good guidebook. UC Libraries’ print and digital collections provide excellent resources for travelers. Travel the World with UC Libraries, an exhibit currently on display on Langsam Library’s 4th floor, features guidebooks, phrase books, and websites that will aid people in their travels.

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Fall LIFE OF THE MIND Lecture Series Kicks Off October 18

The fall “Life of the Mind” lecture series will kick off Tuesday, October 18 from 3:30-5pm in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center. Free and open to the UC community and public, “Life of the Mind” features interdisciplinary conversations with UC faculty around a one-word theme followed by audience Q&A. The fall “Life of the Mind” theme is “War.”

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A new exhibit in the DAAP Library Exhibit on the Terrace Plaza Hotel September 12-October 31

By Elizabeth Meyer

The Terrace Plaza Hotel by Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill is a Modernist masterpiece in Downtown Cincinnati.  The exhibit features over 40 photographs of the hotel from its heyday in the 40s and 50s.

In addition to photos, architectural plans, letters, newspaper articles, and quotes from those involved in the project, one can also view Rookwood ashtrays, a bottle of Terrace Plaza Kentucky Bourbon, Gourmet Room and Skyline Room menus, other restaurant objects such as spoons, forks, knives, ladles, aperitif glasses, cocktail shakers all adorned with either TPs or rooster logos. Also on view is what is believed to be the only surviving piece of furniture from 1948 –a restored barstool from the cocktail lounge. 

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"Banned Books" in the Archives and Rare Books Library

Cover of Huckleberry Finn

By Janice Schulz

In observance of Banned Books Week, celebrated this year from September 24 through October 1, 2011, the Archives & Rare Books Library has compiled a list of Rare Book titles that have appeared on the American Library Association’s (ALA) most challenged books lists. Each book on our list is presented with an image, challenge incidents, and reasons for challenges.

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Extra! Extra! UC Student Newspapers in the University of Cincinnati Libraries

A new exhibit on display on the 4th floor of Blegen Library traces the development of student newspapers at the University of Cincinnati from the publication of the first paper in 1880 to today. 

The exhibit features a timeline of events in the history of student newspaper production, highlighting the run dates, a short description, and the groups behind the various publications. Examples of each newspaper are displayed.

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HSL Website Switching to HTML

On Wednesday August 17th at 9 am,  the Health Sciences Library website is switching from using Cold Fusion to HTML.

What does this switch mean?

It means that the URL extensions for HSL web pages will switch from .cfm to .html.   For example:

will switch to

It also means that if you have bookmarked any HSL internal web pages, you will need to update your bookmarks.

There may be a brief period during the transition when HSL web pages are unavailable.  Once the page redirection is in place, access should return to normal. We will be checking behind the scenes for access issues throughout the day and the rest of the week.

If you have any questions or discover an access issue, please contact Edith Starbuck at 513-558-1433 or

Langsam Library Exhibit Features Graphic Novels

By Janice Schulz

You would probably not be surprised to learn that UC Libraries hold copies of Malcolm X’s biography, Fahrenheit 451, Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and Treasure Island. What might surprise you, however, is that these are all titles of graphic novels. A new exhibit currently on display on the fourth floor of Langsam Library features these and many of the other graphic novels available in UC Libraries’ collections. The exhibit was curated by Janice Schulz, University Records Manager and Archives Specialist, and designed by Cole Osborn, former design student.

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