UC Forward Course Takes Hands-on Approach to Teaching and Learning about a Fashion Icon

By Jennifer Krivickas

ucforward1First offered in the fall of 2013 and then again in spring 2014, “Documenting a Fashion Icon: The UC Bonnie Cashin Collection” is a ‘test kitchen,’ hands-­on course that incorporates trans-disciplinary inquiry and discourse, student crowd sourcing power, and Millennials’ innate love for technology, social media and images, to investigate, interpret, digitize and widely disseminate authoritative information about an important collection of garments (from the DAAP Historical Garments Collection) designed by Bonnie Cashin.

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NEW Library Research Process Guide

Research Process Guide: Your Step-by-Step Approach!
by Lauren Wahman

The new Research Process guide is now available!  This guide provides a step-by-step approach to library research and moves you from topic to determining the quality of sources.  You’ll also find a Citing Sources tab with links to citation resources and a Build Your Project tab where you’ll find contact information for experts at UC Blue Ash’s academic support centers and labs.guideimage

New Digital Repository for Scholarly Works of Faculty and Students Will Enhance Teaching, Learning, and Research

The University of Cincinnati has embarked on a project to build a next-generation UC digital repository, and has joined two new consortia that will greatly advance the creation of this new repository. The initiative is being led by the University of Cincinnati Libraries in partnership with UCIT, the Office of Research, and the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP), the initial partners in what is expected to be a university-wide effort.

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Welcome Newest Bearcats

signThis summer, Langsam Library was a busy place as over 4,000 incoming students participating in UC New Student Orientation visited and learned about all that UC Libraries has to offer. While here, they engaged in activities designed to be entertaining while at the same time informative about the various research resources, assistance, and library services they can take advantage of when they return in the fall.

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Student Project Shows Value of Libraries

Librarians are used to getting any kind of questions and requests at the InfoCommons. However we were pleasantly surprised when one day student Ashley Kraus approached us with a question about UC Libraries. She wanted to get all kinds of facts and numbers about libraries. Ashley explained that she needed to do a visual project for a class assignment. We were delighted that with any topic in the world to choose from, Ashley chose to demonstrate the value of libraries. Following is more about her work. Continue reading

Undergraduate Discovery: Cross-Disciplinary Discussion with UC Undergraduates

ugdiscoveryIn partnership with UC Libraries, the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarly Endeavors & Creative Practice (URSC) presents a new undergraduate student lecture series on Tuesday, March 12, 4-6 p.m., Langsam Library 4th floor (near Triceracopter). Scheduled once per semester, Undergraduate Discovery: Cross-Disciplinary Discussion with UC Undergraduates will feature recipients of the URSC Student of the Month Awards for spring 2013 semester.

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Procrastination? Trouble finding just what you need? We have a book for that!

During the Information Literacy Awareness Month we used chalkboards in Langsam to learn more about our patrons and how they use the library and information sources. A couple of weeks ago we asked you to tell us what your biggest challenge is when doing research.

We got a variety of responses ranging from difficulty getting organized and pulling yourself away from Facebook or Pinterest to problems related to putting the results on paper and getting the research findings published.


To help our patrons to address some of these problems we put together a virtual exhibit Tips for Effective and Efficient Library Research. The exhibit features current e-books and print books from the UC Libraries’ collections related to various aspects of library research projects, from finding and evaluating sources to presenting your research results and getting them published. It also includes resources on successful management of your research projects.

While the books on finding sources are targeted primarily to undergraduates, books in other categories might be useful to broader audiences, including graduate and doctoral students and faculty.

We hope to expand this exhibit in the future by adding more online resources in a variety of formats. Please help us by using the Comments link to to share tutotials, books, and websites that helped you to improve your research skills. Let us know what libraries can do to help you to find, evaluate, and use information more effectively.