Learning with Videos

Debbie Tenofsky, Head of Reference and Instructional Services, is quoted in an article in the April 2010 issue of Academic Connection published by Athletics Academic Services. The article, “The Campus that Never Sleeps,” highlights iTunes U, a source of free video and audio files produced by universities including UC.

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UPDATE: All services have been restored.

Please note that on Saturday, December 19th from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm electric power to Langsam Library will be out for planned maintenance. This power outage will cause the UC Libraries Web site, the Library Catalog, and Interlibrary Loan services through ILLiad to be inaccessible during this time.

In addition, UCit@Langsam will be closed 5:00 am to 1:00 pm because of the power outage.

Thank you for your patience.

Cincinnati Birth and Death Record Availability

One of the many filing cabinets filled with birth and death records.

One of the many filing cabinets filled with birth and death records.

Digitization has begun on the City of Cincinnati’s birth and death records prior to 1909.  For the next several months, portions of the records will be unavailable for research while they are being digitized.  If you wish to view any of the birth and death records, please contact the Archives and Rare Books Library by phone at 513-556-1959 or by email at archives@ucmail.uc.edu to ensure that the records are available.  Also, please be aware that replies to research requests may be delayed while certain records are inaccessible.  Further information on these records and guidelines for submitting a research request can be found on the Archives and Rare Books Library website.  Full web access to the digitized records should be available by Summer 2010.