Liebig and Combustion Analysis : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 40, September/October 2016

Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) posing with his apparatus for combustion analysis.

Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) posing with his apparatus for combustion analysis.

Issue 40 outlines the history and importance of the chemical technique known as combustion analysis and highlights a reproduction of Liebig’s famous 1831 instrument for this purpose made by the late Dr. Melvyn Usselman of the University of Western Ontario and donated to our museum collections in 2005.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from the Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.





Visit UC Libraries Welcome Weekend for Treats and Selfies with Einstein and Neil Armstrong

LangsamoutUC’s Welcome Week kicks off Wednesday, August 17 as new students begin moving in. UC Libraries is part of the weekend festivities to acclimate students to campus.

Stop by Langsam Library Saturday and Sunday, August 20 & 21 from 1-5pm for lemonade, cookies AND a free print of your class schedule.

Neil ArmstrongVisit any of the three Science and Engineering Libraries (College of Engineering and Applied Science, Geology-Mathematics-Physics, and the Chemistry-Biology) from 1-5pm on Sunday, August 21 for treats, beverages and brief tours of the libraries.  At CEAS Library, visitors are welcome to grab a respectable selfie with Neil Armstrong (outside the library entrance) or with Albert Einstein (in the reading room)! 

Welcome to UC Libraries!


The Steelyard Balance : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 39, July/August 2016

A recently acquired 19th-century Chinese steelyard or so-called “opium balance” with an 11” ivory beam and accompanying “teardrop” storage case

A recently acquired 19th-century Chinese steelyard or so-called “opium balance” with an 11” ivory beam and accompanying “teardrop” storage case

Issue 39 briefly outlines the history and principles underlying traditional single pan or “steelyard” balances and illustrates their evolution using examples from our museum collections.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from The Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.







Free NCBI Training Workshop Series

The Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library of the University of Cincinnati is partnering with The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) to bring a series of workshops to educate researchers on a number of database housed within the NCBI domain.

The workshops will be held November 8th-10th 2016 in Kresge Auditorium in the College of Medicine. Each workshop will be 3  hours long and will be facilitated by NCBI experts and trainers.

Workshop topics include:

  1. Practical Guide to NCBI Blast
  2. Accessing Genomes, Assemblies and Annotation Products
  3. Accessing NCBI Human Variation and Medical Genetics Resources
  4. Exploring Gene Expression Information at the NCBI
  5. Principles of PubChem

Each workshop is free and open to the public, so please free to share this information with your friends and colleagues. We are extremely excited about these workshops and we hope you will be as well. More information about the workshops, registration, and the NCBI expert trainers can be found at

We look forward to seeing you in November!


Epicurus and Atomism : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 38, May/June 2016

Our recently acquired bust of Epicurus (341-270 BC)

Our recently acquired bust of Epicurus
(341-270 BC)

Issue 38 describes a recently acquired bust of the Greek philosopher Epicurus and his importance to the history of atomism.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from The Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.







Updated Room! Making Sense of Biomedical Literature, a Clinical & Translational Research Training Workshop

Given the popularity of this workshop, “The Making Sense of Biomedical Literature – a Biostatistician’s Perspective” Clinical & Translational Research Training Workshop will be held in MSB 5051

Registration for the workshop can be completed here. | For more information, please contact Emma Jones (


Big Data Training for Translational Omics Research

Announcing a new summer workshop!

Big Data Training for Translational Omics Research

Purdue University is pleased to announce the first Annual NIH-funded workshop on “Big data training

for translational omics research” in West Lafayette, IN on July 11 – 22, 2016. The two-week workshop will focus on providing biomedical researchers inexperienced in biomedical big data science with entry level training in big data science. The format of the workshop includes a series of problem-based activities to build familiarity and basic competency with established tools and publically available resources. These activities will be complemented by formal lectures on various topics important for big data science. The course is open to faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students.

The costs of tuition, room, and board are covered for accepted applicants!

For additional information and the online application please visit:

Application reviews will begin on April 11, 2016.

Please distribute this e-mail and the attached flyer to anyone you think might benefit from attending.

Intro to GIS workshop


Want to work with a geographic information system (GIS) but are not sure where to start?

This workshop is for individuals who want to visualize spatial patterns in data but have no experience with a geographic information system (GIS) software or who want to learn about resources available to the UC community through UC Libraries and the Department of Geography.  Workshop instructors will guide participants as they create a GIS using the software ARCGIS to visualize a dataset and create a map providing further insight into the data.

Monday March 14       1-3 pm GIS Lab – 415 Braunstein Hall

Friday March 18           12:30- 2:30 pm HSL Classroom

To register visit: