Posted on behalf of Jane Combs
Associate Director, IT@UC Research & Development University of Cincinnati
The Ohio Supercomputer Center will offer two workshops on its resources and how to use them Tuesday March 13, on both East and West campuses.
IT@UC Research & Development will be hosting the Ohio Supercomputer Center for two workshops on Tuesday, March 13. The morning workshop will provide an introduction to the Ohio Supercomputer Center resources and how to use them. In the afternoon, the workshop will cover Big Data Analytics and Spark.
The Ohio Supercomputer Center, headquartered in Columbus, partners with Ohio researchers to develop proposals to funding organizations and is the state’s leading strategic research group.
The morning session will take place on West Campus, Langsam Library, room 475 from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. The afternoon session will take place on East Campus in MSBRCV, E602 from 1:30 – 4 p.m. Laptops are needed if attendees want to participate in the hands-on portions of the sessions.
Workshops are open to anyone interested in learning about OSC services and those who want to use their accounts more efficiently; this is a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about performing your computational research on our systems. There are no prerequisites for attending.
Morning topics include:
- High performance computing concepts
- Hardware and software available at OSC
- Storage and file systems
- How to start a new project and request resources
- How to use our web portal OnDemand
- Introduction to batch processing
Afternoon topics will include:
- Introduction to Big Data
- Data analytics at OSC
- Running Hadoop and Spark at OSC
Register HERE
For additional information, contact Jane Combs at
2018_313 OSC Workshop Flier-UC