OpenRefine Workshop on October 31

UC Libraries is pleased to offer a new data science workshop this fall on OpenRefine. Join us in 850D Baldwin Hall (CEAS Library classroom) on Tuesday, October 31 from 10:00am – 12:00pm.  Register here (Central Login required).

OpenRefine,, is a free, powerful, and easy-to-use tool for cleaning up and transforming datasets in order to prepare them for analysis and sharing. In this workshop, you will learn how to leverage OpenRefine’s interface and scripting language for basic data exploration and bulk transformations. No prior knowledge necessary.  Please bring your own laptop for the hands-on exercises.

Contact Ted Baldwin with questions, .

Ohio Supercomputer Center Workshop – Oct 10th

Posted on Behalf of Jane Combs –

The Ohio Supercomputer Center will offer two workshops on its resources and how to use them Tuesday, October 10, on both East and West campuses.

IT@UC Research & Development will be hosting the Ohio Supercomputer Center for two workshops on Tuesday, October 10. The morning workshop will provide an introduction to the Ohio Supercomputer Center resources and how to use them. In the afternoon, the workshop will cover Big Data Analytics and Spark.

Register for the workshops HERE

The Ohio Supercomputer Center, headquartered in Columbus, partners with Ohio researchers to develop proposals to funding organizations and is the state’s leading strategic research group.

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Most UC Libraries Closed Labor Day, September 4

labor dayUC Libraries will be closed Monday, September 4 for Labor Day, except for the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, which will be open 9am-5pm. This closing includes the Langsam Library 4th floor space, which will close Sunday, September 3 at 11pm and re-open Tuesday, September 5 at 7:45am.

A complete listing of library hours can be found online at

Enjoy the long holiday weekend.

GIS Learning Community – First Meeting for 2017-2018

 GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems.  GIS has applications for both teaching and research across many disciplines.

Do you need to visualize your spatial data but don’t know how? Do you have spatial data but don’t know how to map it?  Are you looking for guidance or have expertise to share regarding the analysis of spatial data?  Are you an ArcGIS, Q-GIS or other GIS program user and want to connect with other people who use these programs?  Are you simply curious about GIS and want to learn more?

The GIS Learning Community can help you address these and other questions.  The goal of the community is to be a user-driven forum for novice and expert practitioners to come together and discuss tools, resources, projects and solutions surrounding the spatial aspects of their data.   We invite interested individuals across all of UC to join us in building this community. The community is open to All Faculty, Staff and Students, as well as interested parties from outside of UC.  Please share with your colleagues and students.

The Details –

Date: September 6, 2017

Time: 3:00 to 4:30 pm

Place: (VENUE CHANGE 480 Langsam)

Light refreshments will be served

RSVP and Join the GIS LC at

If you are interested in the GIS Learning Community and are not able to come to the first meeting, RSVP or email ASKGIS@UC.Edu to be added to the GIS LC email list. Future invites will go to the GIS LC email list only.

More information is available on the GIS LC page on the GIS research guide:

ASTM Compass Now Available

ASTM Compass Logo




UC Libraries now has a subscription to ASTM Compass, which includes all ASTM standards, journals and STPs (Special Technical Publications).  Access to standards includes both current and historical versions.

ASTM standards and publications cover many topics: consumer products, science, design, architecture, engineering, 3D printing, medical devices, etc.  Go to to see an entire list of standards by category.

To access go to .  If you are off-campus, log in to the UC VPN:

Some help using the COMPASS platform:

Two Ohio Supercomputer Center Webinars coming in July

IT@UC is hosting the OSC for two live streaming webinars

Date: Thursday, July 20, 2017 – 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Streaming Location: Langsam 475

REGISTER ONLINE  (click yes to – Select if attending the remote event at University of Cincinnati)

Date: Thursday, July 27, 2017 – 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: 850D Baldwin Hall (CEAS Library)

REGISTER ONLINE (click yes to – Select if attending the remote event at University of Cincinnati)

These are live webex events. Brett Kottmann will
be on site. Questions?

Attached: OSC webcast ad flyer V2_201707

Sign into your ORCID account using your UC login

What is an ORCID?   ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID.

You can now access your ORCID account using your UC login.

Visit the ORCID login page and click the Institutional Account button.  Choose University of Cincinnati Main Campus.  You will be prompted to link the two accounts.

Don’t have an ORCID yet?

You can register directly on the website

OR Even Better

You can access a prefilled registration form linked to your UC email through Scholar@UC on your profile page.

Currently you can enrich your ORCID profile with content in Scholar using a DOI given to the work. (link to video- 2017-03-17)

For more information about this new login feature, please refer to the blog post from ORCID

Contact ASKDATA@UC.EDU for more information or with questions.

UC Data Day 2017 Featured its First Student Poster Session








The major focus of UC Data Day is to build community around best practices for data and to provide a forum for discussion about challenges and opportunities in data management, data sharing, reproducible research and preservation.

At the first UC Data Day held in 2016, faculty panelists began the conversation and highlighted the diverse and broad approaches to these challenges.  For the second UC Data Day, we wanted to include a student voice as well.

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