Join us April 16 for Poetry Stacked + music, dancing and art!

The University of Cincinnati Libraries and the Elliston Poetry Room announce the next roster of poets for Poetry Stacked, a semi-regular poetry reading series held in the 6th floor east stacks of the Walter C. Langsam Library.

At the next event, scheduled for Wednesday, April 16 at 4:30pm, a celebration of both National Poetry Month and the final event of the academic year, three poets will read their work:

paige webb

Paige Webb is an interdisciplinary poet-scholar. Other categorical boxes to aid legibility: they’re a queer, neurodivergent being of settler descent and a doctor untrained in basic CPR. The aim of their work is to create space for curative touch in concert with the creative vitality in all beings (thanks to Gabrielle Civil, Hortense Spillers, and CAConrad for help with this language). They are a Charles Phelps Taft Fellow at the University of Cincinnati and recipient of [accolade], [accolade], [accolade]. You can find some of their work at Anomaly, Blackbird, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, DIAGRAM, Indiana Review, The Kenyon Review,, Poetry Northwest, Verse Daily, Vinyl Poetry and Prose, West Branch and the chapbook Tussle.

Kristi Maxwell is the author of nine books of poems, including Wide Ass of Night (Saturnalia Books, 2025); Goners (Green Linden Press, 2023), winner of the Wishing Jewel Prize; Realm Sixty-four (Ahsahta Press, 2008), editor’s choice for the Sawtooth Poetry Prize and finalist for the National Poetry Series; and Hush Sessions (Saturnalia,2009), editor’s choice for the Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize. She’s the director of creative writing and an associate professor of English at the University of Louisville. Kristi holds a PhD in literature & creative writing from the University of Cincinnati and an MFA in poetry from the University of Arizona.

kristi maxwell
dior stephens

Dior J. Stephens is a Black, Queer poet, writer and the co-editor-in-chief of Foglifter Journal and Press. They are currently in the final year of their PhD in philosophy with a focus on creative writing at the University of Cincinnati. Dior’s debut full-length poetry collection, CRUEL/CRUEL (2023), was nominated for the 2024 Ohioana Book Award, and their collection Atomic I is forthcoming from Nightboat Books. A Cave Canem, Sewanee and Lambda Literary fellow, Dior has also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net. Their work critically engages with themes of language, identity, and resistance, contributing to the broader conversations in poetics and the Black/Diasporic experience. 

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Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.


Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this issue of Source, Liz Kiscaden, dean and university librarian, writes about how UC Libraries is taking advantage of funding opportunities to Invest in Strategic Priorities. The Archives and Rare Books Library announces receipt of a national grant to process historic Cincinnati schools desegregation case records.The Carl Solway Gallery Archive in the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) Library is featured. Ted Baldwin, head of the Sciences Libraries, writes about how the razing of the iconic Crosley Tower will necessitate the move of the current Chemistry-Biology Library space to Braunstein Hall where it will merge with the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library to become the Science Library opening fall semester.

Beginning in 2025, the Preservation Lab expanded its mission to provide expertise and services to the larger cultural heritage community, moving to a regional lab model. Under this new model, the Preservation Lab is now entirely managed, staffed and equipped by the University of Cincinnati. Two articles: Re-introducing the Preservation Lab and Exploring Historical Bindings: A Hands-On Workshop at UC’s Archives and Rare Books Library celebrate the Preservation Lab. Open Access publishing opportunities are discussed in this issue and upcoming Library Events are listed.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the website. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Hungry? Bite into an edible book with UC Libraries

Celebrate books good enough to eat at the International Edible Books Festival April 1st

Once again, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, from 11 a.m. to noon on the 4th floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library.

At the event, over 20 participants will present edible creations inspired by an book. There are few restrictions in creating an edible book — namely that the creation be edible and have something to do with a book.

edible book

Popular books represented on screen and now as edible books will be “Dune,” “Bridgerton,” “Pride and Prejudice,” and “Twilight.” Numerous children’s books will make people smile with such titles as “Charlotte’s Web,” “Freckle Juice,” “Too Many Carrots,” “Black Hearts in Buttersea” and “Matilda.” Young Adult books have a presence this year with “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and “Harry Potter.”  Animals are a theme this year with “Penguin Island” and “Dragons Love Tacos.” Both fiction, “The Silver Bone” and “White Teeth,” and non-fiction, “Eyes on the Prize” and “How Infrastructure Works: Inside Systems that Shape our World” are represented. See these delicious entries and more at the event.

As in past years, entries will be judged according to such categories as Most Literary, Most Delicious, Most Adorable and Most Gruesome. In addition, the Top Student Entry and Best Overall Entry will receive UC merch. After the entries are judged they will be consumed and enjoyed by all in attendance.

According to the International Edible Book Festival website, the edible book was initiated by librarian and artist Judith A. Hoffberg during a 1999 Thanksgiving celebration with book artists. It became an international celebration in 2000 when artist Béatrice Coron launched the Books2Eat website. Traditionally, the event is celebrated on April 1st (April Fools’ Day) to mark the birthday of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), a French lawyer and politician who became famous for his book, “Physiologie du gout” (The Physiology of Taste).

The Libraries International Edible Books Festival is free and open to the public. Following the event, pictures of the edible books and their awards will be posted on the Libraries Facebook page. Come to celebrate (and eat) “books good enough to eat.”

Come Get Some Ink on Your Hands at a Cheap Copies! Workshop

Before social media, even before xerox-copied zines and flyers, marginalized communities used simple copying techniques- hectography (gelatin printing) mimeography (stencil printing) and spirit duplication (alcohol transfers, also known as “ditto”)- to make their voices heard. From political activists struggling for independence in India to the early gay rights activists in New York City, and from the dissident writers of Samizdat (self publishing) in the Soviet Union to the striking migrant farm workers of Southern California, these analog copiers were used to spread the word through words and pictures in the 20th century.

Each year, librarian, zinester and lover of “arcane technologies” Rich Dana sets out across the US on a series of in-person workshops to demonstrate these low-cost techniques and how contemporary artists and writers can use them to publish editions of zines, chapbooks, prints, and flyers. The Archives and Rare Books Library and the Elliston Poetry Room are sponsoring Rich’s Cincinnati stop of his Obsolete Roadshow series on April 7, 2025.

Rich will present a hands-on workshop for UC students in the morning (sign up online or via the QR code below; space is limited to 25). In the afternoon, the public is invited to hear Rich talk about the history and use of the technologies and receive a hands-on experience, as well.

Both events will take place in the Elliston Poetry Room (Langsam Library 646). Come join us and get some ink on your hands!

rich dana workshop flyer

Adventure is out there with the CECH Library & IMPACT Innovation

Travel the world this March at the CECH Library with a special display created in collaboration with the IDD Education Center’s IMPACT Innovation associates!  

As a part of the collaboration, IMPACT associates had the opportunity to become more familiar with library collections and engage in concepts of display building, such as creating visual elements to a theme. The beautiful visual elements found on the display were created by associates to represent places in the world they’d like to visit. Explore what wonders the world holds by reading books set in or about the places they’ve selected!  

Rachel Hoople, CECH Library operations manager and student supervisor

Check out library Spring Break reduced hours, March 15-23

Most University of Cincinnati Libraries locations have reduced hours for Spring Break, March 15-23. Check the library website for a list of hours by location.

Have a safe and rejuvenating Spring Break, Bearcats!

spring break vine with lemons

    Women’s History Month at the UCBA Library 

    by Lauren Wahman

    The UCBA Library is featuring a selection of books highlighting the 2025 theme for Women’s History Month – Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations. Visit the Women’s History Month virtual featured books or stop by the UCBA Library during open hours to browse the full selection and check out an item with your UC ID.  

    Women’s History Month Books

    Fidgets, sound muffs, and more coming soon to CECH Library

    Sometimes the hardest part about studying is staying focused. Whether you’re antsy or someone’s phone call is more interesting than tomorrow’s exam, focusing on school work can be a challenge.

    CECH Library is building a new Study and Focus Tools Collection (SFTC) to debut in Fall 2025. Checkout two great opportunities to get a sneak-peak of the collection and play with some awesome fidgets!

    Wednesday, March 12 (10am-12pm):
    Get a first look at the collection. We’ll be tabling in the Teachers-Dyer Complex lobby (3rd floor).

    Thursday, March 13 (1-4pm):
    Come to the CECH Library and visit our Fidget Petting Zoo. A table will be set up near the MakerLab.

    Wednesday, April 2
    See our fidgets and study tools during the Tech & MakerLab Playground in CECH Library.

    After doing research and surveying library users, CECH Library selected 20 items to support students’ focus and study habits – white noise machines, sound muffs, fidgets, and more! These items will be available for anyone in the UC community to use and checkout beginning Fall 2025. 

    –Madeleine Gaiser, CECH Library

    UC Libraries seeks books good enough to eat for the International Edible Books Festival

    Know of a good book to eat?! Create an Edible Book for UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival!

    It’s time once again for the fan-favorite International Edible Books Festival scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 11 a.m. on the 4th floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library. UC Libraries is seeking people interested in creating an edible book for the enjoyment of all in attendance. There are few restrictions – namely that your creation be edible and have something to do with a book – so you may let your creativity run wild.

    As in previous years, entries will be judged according to such categories as “Most Delicious,” “Most Creative,” “Most Checked Out” and “Most Literary.” Those awarded “Best Student Entry” and “Best Overall” will win UC swag.

    If you’re interested in creating an Edible Book, fill out the entry form Edible Books Entry by Tuesday, March 25. And if you’re looking for inspiration, visit The Facebook Album to see Edible Books from years past. 

    Edible Books Festival

    HSL visits Heart of Northside Health Fair

    Don Jason at the Health Sciences Library table.

    On Saturday, February 15, Don Jason, clinical informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, represented the University of Cincinnati as a sponsor of the Heart of Northside Health Fair. This fair allowed community members to connect with approximately 15 different vendors. They were able to get screened for issues such as hypertension and diabetes, as well as receive educational materials and meet local healthcare providers.

    The Heart of Northside Health Fair was organized by UC College of Medicine Faculty member, Florence Rothenberg. Rothenberg is a cardiologist who has been treating Cincinnati patients for almost 20 years. When the North Presbyterian Church dissolved and closed its doors, Rothenberg purchased the building in 2022 with the goal of creating a wellness center for patients who do not have as much access to the resources needed to maintain a healthy diet and exercise.