UC Libraries’ Ben Kline to Talk at “I Am An American” Event

ben kline

Ben Kline performing at Cincy StoryTellers. Photo from the Cincinnati Enquirer

Ben Kline, assistance director of the Research, Teaching and Services Department, was invited to participate in this summer’s “I Am An American” nation-wide event sponsored by the USA Today Network. Ben will reprise his talk, “Barn’s On Fire,” he gave during last summer’s Cincy Story Teller’s Project. It promises to include funny stories from his time growing up on an Ohio farm and a nice lesson in the acceptance of our original gifts.

The event happens on Tuesday, July 18, 7:00-9:00pm at the Madison Theatre in Oakley. Tickets are required. The event will be live-streamed across the country!

“I Am An American” is part of a USA TODAY Network initiative celebrating our country’s diversity through the stories that bind us together. This summer, storytellers from a variety of lived experiences will share stories on stage. For more information, visit https://tickets.usatoday.com/e/i-am-an-american-cincinnati.

Shakespeare, Beethoven, Bearcats and More – All in Latest Issue of Source

sourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes an article with Xuemao Wang, dean and university librarian, about how UC Libraries is utilizing Organizational Development to help bring about transformational change. Kevin Grace, university archivist and head of the Archives and Rare Books Library writes about the Enoch Carson Shakespeare Collection and how it will be a part of autumn 2017 Shakespeare celebrations in Cincinnati. Another great reading collection, the Cohen Enrichment Collection, is also featured in this issue.

Other articles in Source include an update on two UC Libraries Strategic Plan initiatives – eLearning and Digital Literacy and the Digital Scholarship Center, a recap of the most recent annual Cecil Striker Lecture and the addition of Beethoven’s “Life Mask” in the Albino Gorno Memorial (CCM) Library. Read these articles and more.

Source is available on the web at http://libapps.libraries.uc.edu/source/ and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact melissa.norris@uc.edu to be added to the mailing list.

40th anniversary of University of Cincinnati state affiliation

By: Eira Tansey

Bennis Campaign 1976Many of us are looking forward to 2019, when the University celebrates its bicentennial. But another important anniversary is already upon us. On July 1, 1977, the University will mark its 40th anniversary as a state-affiliated institution. Prior to 1977, the University of Cincinnati was overseen by the City of Cincinnati. Continue reading

Dudes in Drag: An Exploration of Humor through Merry Wives of Windsor

By: Sydney Vollmer, ARB Intern

In my previous blog I mentioned that the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company would be putting on free productions of Merry Wives of Windsor this summer as part of its Shakespeare in the Park series.  If you’ve read the play or seen the show, you know a main plot point is about Sir John Falstaff and how he tries to seduce Mistress Page and her best friend, Mistress Ford—at the same time.  Both women, faithful to their husbands, decide to create quite the fool out of Falstaff by feigning interest and arranging secret meetings between Falstaff and Mistress Ford.  Those meetings are always interrupted by Master Ford coming home, thus putting Falstaff in precarious positions.  One of the most notable scenes involves Falstaff donning a dress, pretending to be the fat aunt of the Fords’ servant so he can leave the house without being recognized.  It’s been long thought of as one of the funniest scenes in the play…why? What is it about a man in a dress that gives us a big chuckle? Continue reading

Recent Scopus Enhancements

Check out recently enhanced features in Scopus!

Cited References:

  • Now goes back to 1970 for a more complete picture of author activity
  • Estimate 10,000+ articles will be re-processed to included cited references
  • Archives from all major publishers with available digital archives

Funding Data Expansion:

  • 2016 going forward; back fill to 2008
  • Provide full text funding information included with citation
  • Allows for verification & identifying additional funding sources

Open Access Journal Indicator:

  • ‘Sources’ or journals indexed in Scopus (click on Sources top right of screen) now provides ability to Display Open Access Journals
  • Click on ‘Browse sources’ and select  Display Open Access Journals


  • A simple metric for all Scopus Journals – look up a journal and see the CiteScore (similar to Impact Factor)
  • CiteScore value = (A) documents from past 3 years divided by (B) number of citations in a particular year


Image of CiteScore, a new feature in the database Scopus

Mark Konecny Selected as an OhioLINK Open Textbook Network System Leader

UC Libraries’ Mark Konecny, scholarly communications library publishing coordinator, was selected by OhioLINK as one of seven member librarians, faculty, and staff to become the OhioLINK Open Textbook Network (OTN) System Leaders. As system leaders, Mark and his peers will coordinate OhioLINK OTN awareness and advocacy initiatives regarding open educational resources and open textbooks as part of OhioLINK/Ohio Department of Higher Education affordable learning initiatives for higher education.

OhioLINK recently joined the Open Textbook Network, a high-profile and growing collaboration of schools, universities, and institutions that promotes access, affordability, and student success via open textbooks. Continue reading