Support UC Libraries during National Library Week


April 10-16 marks National Library Week. Show your support for UC Libraries by making a gift at

Read why students love UC Libraries…

jcovingtonUC Libraries is important to me because the library is considered my “get-away” spot where I can do my work with little distraction, and just also relax. I have made a few friends with being in the library and I also love my co-workers! The library also hosts nice programs and seems like they cater to the staff/faculty and students as much as they can.

Jazmine Covington, junior, McMicken College of Arts & Sciences, organizational leadership

sscheidlerThe library is important to me for many reasons, however, I would have to say that the library supplies a quiet workspace with resources to databases, articles, journals and (of course) books. It provides all things that are necessary to complete an assignment (except motivation). I am current working as a communications design co-op in Langsam and it is providing me with real-world experience.

Sami Scheidler, sophomore, DAAP, communication design



tsnyderThe UC Libraries are important to me because they provide a place to efficiently get my school work done. There are many tools made available to students at the libraries such as printing, research databases and books that are required for our classes and if you need any help, there are plenty of employees to assist you.

Tate Snyder, junior, CECH, criminal justice and paralegal studies



svollmerWorking at the Archives and Rare Books Library has been one of the best experiences of my college career. Not only do I get to work with our collections–which contain so much of Cincinnati’s history, as well as pieces of the world’s history– but I get to work side-by-side with the people who bring that history to life each day.

Sydney Vollmer, junior, Lindner College of Business, marketing



For more about UC Libraries giving opportunities, visit our web page.

Register Now for the Second Annual THATCamp University of Cincinnati 2016

THATCamp-Carousel-jpgJoin UC Libraries for THATCamp University of Cincinnati 2016, an unconference, which is an open meeting where humanists and technologists of all skill levels and interests gather to learn and to build together in sessions proposed on the spot.
THATCamp (The Humanities And Technology Camp) University of Cincinnati 2016 is free and open to all and will be held on the 4th floor of Langsam Library. The event will begin at noon on Monday, May 2, and conclude on Tuesday, May 3 at 4:30pm. Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff, as well as scholars, archivists, museum professionals, developers and programmers, K-12 teachers and administrators from within and outside UC who have an involvement or interest in digital humanities are welcome and encouraged to attend. Sessions for THATCamp University of Cincinnati 2016 will be determined during the opening session on May 2; however, a preliminary schedule has been devised and posted online at    Continue reading

Big Data Training for Translational Omics Research

Announcing a new summer workshop!

Big Data Training for Translational Omics Research

Purdue University is pleased to announce the first Annual NIH-funded workshop on “Big data training

for translational omics research” in West Lafayette, IN on July 11 – 22, 2016. The two-week workshop will focus on providing biomedical researchers inexperienced in biomedical big data science with entry level training in big data science. The format of the workshop includes a series of problem-based activities to build familiarity and basic competency with established tools and publically available resources. These activities will be complemented by formal lectures on various topics important for big data science. The course is open to faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students.

The costs of tuition, room, and board are covered for accepted applicants!

For additional information and the online application please visit:

Application reviews will begin on April 11, 2016.

Please distribute this e-mail and the attached flyer to anyone you think might benefit from attending.

UCBA Library Celebrates National Library Week 2016

It’s National Library Week and the UCBA Library is celebrating! This year we are highlighting the ways libraries transform their communities. Check out our #librariestransform video to see some amazing UCBA faculty, staff, and students share their UCBA Library stories. Come into the library and celebrate this Thursday and Friday with Crayons and Candy. Relax a little with coloring therapy while enjoying an everlasting (and transforming) gobstopper. Want to capture your relaxation? Take a selfie in our #librariestransform selfie frame, or just stop by to check our new #librariestransform signs and celebrity READ posters.

We are proud and honored to be part of the UC Blue Ash community and look forward to celebrating with you this week!

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Display at UCBA Library

by Michelle McKinney

AAPIHeritageMonthA selection of books are now on display through April 29th in honor of Asian American and Pacific Island Heritage Month (usually celebrated during the month of May). Stop by the UCBA Library to check them out!


UCBA Librarian Judges Edible Books

By Michelle McKinney, Reference and Web Services Librarian

When Melissa Norris asked if I would like to serve as a judge for the 2016 Edible Books contest held on April 1st at the University of Cincinnati Libraries’ Langsam Library, I happily (and hungrily) agreed.

This was my first time attending the event let alone judging it. I was completely blown away by the creativity and complexity of some of the entries. It was truly a challenge for me and fellow judge, Michael Alfieri, to fairly assess and assign winners for 15 categories which included: Most Gruesome, Most Literary, Most Whimsical and Best Overall.

All those in attendance had the chance to taste the literary creations which included cheese balls, fruits,  veggies, cakes and cookies. Did I mention how tasty the entries were as well?

For more information about the participants and the International Edible Books Festival, read the News Record article. View the entries and the winners on theLibraries Facebook page.


UC Libraries Invests in Digitization

The UC Libraries strategic initiative, DigitizeUC, is working to grow in-house digitization capabilities at UC Libraries into a fully-fledged program. UC Libraries has a long history of digitization and even started a University of Cincinnati Digitial Press in the 1990s. However, we have had limited in-house equipment and relied heavily on grants and local vendors to carry out projects. While grants and vendors are still part of our program, we are beginning to expand our in-house capabilities.

Fujitsu fi-6670

DT RG3040 and PhaseOne IQ360

Our first purchase is a significant investment that will serve UC Libraries for many years to come. We purchased a PhaseOne Reprographic System from Digital Transitions. This system includes a 60 MP PhaseOne digital back, DT RCam with electronic shutter, Schneider 72 mm lens, and motorized copy stand. This system will allow us to achieve rapid, high-quality digitization workflows and take on mass digitization projects with a high degree of color accuracy.

Fujitsu fi-6670

Fujitsu fi-6670

Our second purchase is a high-speed, duplex, automatic-sheet-feed Fujitsu scanner that will help us quickly digitize paper materials from the 20th-century and after. We are currently using it in a project to digitize the Lucy M. Shultz Archive held by the Department of English and Comparative Literature. The archive comprises of high-quality photocopies of 19th-century textbooks and handbooks for English composition and rhetoric.

The Digital Collections and Repositories department will be testing this new equipment with pilot projects the rest of this academic year. The DigitizeUC strategic initiative will be proposing a short-term (12-18 months) operations plan for next year that will help us focus our efforts next year and produce digital content.

These efforts and investments are aligned with the first and fourth pillars of UC Libraries strategic plan and would not be possible without the support and vision of Dean and University Librarian, Xuemao Wang, and his cabinet. This represents the first step towards a UC Libraries Digital Lab, a strong foundation for our expanding services to support digital scholarship at the University of Cincinnati.


Celebrate National Library Week with a Gift to UC Libraries


April 10-16 marks National Library Week. Show your support for UC Libraries by making a gift at

Read why students love UC Libraries…

rknisely“UC Libraries are important to me because we preserve old volumes that cannot be replaced. They are an important part of our history that may be over-looked in this digital era.  The history of these documents are just as important as their content, and I am proud to be working with an institution that understands their value.”

Rhianna Knisely, freshman, DAAP, urban planning



stibbs“The UC Libraries have provided for my inspiration and education invaluably over the years. The availability of facilities, technology and people have always been here for me, boosting my productivity and opportunities, and allowing me to explore, not just books, but my real potential.”

Samuel J. Tibbs, senior, DAAP, Architecture


dmarcon“When I got to campus the library not only gave me a job but a place to be and a lot of new friends. My first year wouldn’t have been nearly as fun or productive without Langsam.”

Dante Marcon, freshman, Lindner College of Business, business economics


For more about UC Libraries giving opportunities, visit our web page.

Starbucks is Coming to Langsam Library

Construction will begin Monday, April 11 to build a Starbucks Cafe on the east wall near the entrance of Langsam Library.


This project is scheduled for completion late August in time to open the beginning of fall semester 2016. During spring exams, April 17-28, construction activity will be limited so that students can continue to study in the library.

The copiers will be relocated on the fourth floor near the existing stand-up kiosks. The reference cubicle will be disassembled and this service will take place in room 451.

Thank you for your patience during construction. The cafe is part of a larger renovation plan already underway in Langsam to make it more inspirational, flexible, dynamic and collaborative, conducive for group and individual work. Read more on past and future Langsam renovation plans.