Have a Question? Check UC’s Knowledge Base for Answers!

The answer to many common questions are now in UC’s Knowledge Base. 

The Knowledge Base contains articles on connecting to the VPN (with specific instructions for many devices), printing from your Dorm, where to get software, setting up Secure Wireless, and more.

The database is searchable, and you can even ask for new topics to be added!

Visit the home page: https://kb.uc.edu/Pages/default.aspx

Looking for a Good Book? New Popular Reading Collection in Langsam Library

popcollectionwebHave you read the latest Stephen King novel? Are you excited for the Gone Girl movie and want to reread the Gillian Flynn best seller? Now you can check out these popular titles and more in Langsam Library courtesy of the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County.

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Chem-Bio Library Welcome Event! Sun, Aug 24 1-5pm

The Chemistry-Biology Library Welcomes New & Returning Students! The Chem-Bio Library, 5034 Rieveschl Hall, invites all students, parents, and faculty to stop on Sunday of Welcome Weekend: Sunday, August 24.  Stop by and visit the library anytime from 1 – 5 pm. Students and parents are welcome to stop by for treats and fun. Learn more about the library through a brief tour.  See our upcoming group collaboration space, reserve collections, Info Commons workstations, and study spaces.


Else Schulze Info Commons


GMP Library Welcome Event! Sun, Aug 24, 1-5 pm

The Geology-Math-Physics Library Welcomes New & Returning Students!

The Geo-Math-Phys Library, 240 Braunstein Hall, invites all students, parents, and faculty to stop on Sunday of Welcome Weekend: Sunday, August 24.  Stop by and visit the library anytime from 1 – 5 pm.

Students and parents are welcome to stop by for treats and fun. Learn more about the library during a brief tour.


Study spaces at GMP Library


Globe at GMP Library


CEAS Library Welcome Events – Sun, Aug 24, 1-5 pm

CEAS Library Welcomes New & Returning Students!

The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Library, 8th floor of Baldwin Hall, invites all students, parents, and faculty to stop on Sunday of Welcome Weekend: Sunday, August 24.  Stop by and visit the library anytime from 1 – 5 pm.

Circulation Desk images

CEAS Library’s Circulation Desk









Meet CEAS Library staff, enjoy treats, and get a short tour of library highlights.  Learn more about our textbooks on reserve and online, computers & scanners, group & individual study spaces, and our extensive collection of books, e-books, journals & databases for engineering and applied science.

Some good links to know as you start classes:

Welcome Bearcats


Dean Xuemao Wang (center) with UC students.

UC’s Welcome Weekend kicked off Wednesday, August 20 as new students began moving in. UC Libraries is part of the weekend festivities.

Stop by Langsam Library Saturday and Sunday, August 23 & 24 from noon-5pm for lemonade & cookies AND a free print of your class schedule.

Visit any of our 10 library locations August 21 through September 7 and  enter your name in a drawing for a chance to win 1 of 10 flash drives. Entry forms are available at the public service desks in each library.

Welcome to UC Libraries.



UC Libraries Welcome International Students

 This year UC Libraries were honored to participate in UC’s first International Conference for incoming international students. Planning for the Conference was a huge collaborative effort and we enjoyed working with many present_hollycampus partners under the leadership of UC International. Graduate students Holly Zhang and Yu Mao and UC Alumna Ankita Singh, who have been active users of libraries and wanted to let new students know how libraries can enhance their academic success, prepared a great interactive PowerPoint presentation. Even though the library session was offered at the same time as the sessions on internships, housing, being a TA, and other important topics, we got a great interested audience, who actively participated and asked good questions. More students stopped by the Libraries’ table at the Resource Fair. They got to meet librarians Rosemary Franklin and Olga Hart and doctoral student Holly Zhang, introduce themselves, and ask questions in an informal setting. Some students used our interactive exhibit to learn more about plagiarism and finding help with plagiarism avoidance.

isor_langdeskOn August 18 Langsam Library hosted a fun, hands-on orientation session for international undergraduates. The students were pleasantly surprised to hear Dean Xuemao Wang’s welcome in English and Chinese followed by greetings in various languages from the UC international community. Led by friendly and energetic SOLs, the students learned a lot about UC Libraries in just an hour and a half.

We hope that UC Libraries will be home away from home for our international students. Once again, welcome! We are very happy to see you at UC and looking forward to helping you with your learning and research. We also hope to see you at library events.


Many people from UC Libraries and beyond contributed to making the library orientation for international students a success. Lots of thanks to everyone to everyone who helped! This brief video shows how much we had. Please join us next year!

[embedplusvideo height=”318″ width=”565″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/VFfs6C” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/__zHzssFCfw?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=__zHzssFCfw&width=565&height=318&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2503″ /] 

 Olga Hart

RESCHEDULED – ARB’s "50 Minutes" Lunchtime Series Returns for the 2014-2015 Academic Year

By:  Kevin Grace

This presentation has been rescheduled for TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25.  The series of monthly talks in the Archives & Rare Books Library will return this fall  for its fifth year.  Each month at noon, ARB holds a casual presentation in 814 Blegen Library with a focus on its collections, local heritage, or book history.  In the past, we’ve hosted talks ranging from the Depression-era Cincinnati WPA guide to the smallest book in the world, from Frankenstein to a book bound in human skin, from William Blake to John Milton; and from Don Quixote to the Arabian Nights.  Our presentation originally scheduled for Wednesday, August 27 has been rescheduled for Tuesday November 25.  This presentation will be about rare books and coffee, looking at how coffee production, trade, heritage, and lore have been portrayed by ethnographers, historians, and explorers.

Please join us for this 50 Minutes-One Book talk.  Bring your lunch and your conversation, and of course, coffee will be served!  Other upcoming presentations include the first female graduate of UC back in 1878; Irish poetry during the Great War, the Easter Rising, and the Irish Civil War; UC during World War II; the Hellfire clubs of the 18th century; and fairy tale and fantasy illustrators.  We are also open to any ideas or presenters for these talks.

50 Minutes November


Cincinnati Subway and Street Improvements: your feedback needed!

Have you used the Cincinnati Subway and Street Improvements collection yet? See digital.libraries.uc.edu/subway. You’ll find the story of the unfinished Cincinnati subway and a map showing the route the subway would have taken, linked to the photographs themselves.

Please complete our brief survey to help the University of Cincinnati Libraries improve the support and delivery of digital collections and to plan future digital collections.

full screen map
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SSL VPN and Junos Pulse


On August 11, 2014, SSL VPN will be modified so that the Junos Pulse client is presented when you log into the SSL VPN.

Mobile users (iOS, Android, etc.) have used the Junos Pulse client for several years and now UC is transitioning the SSL VPN to present Junos Pulse as the default client for SSL VPN connections.

This change will primarily only affect “new” SSL VPN users, users that have the “Network Connect” client installed will still be able to connect using the “Network Connect” client.

Click here to see Junos Pulse installation and setup instructions.  These instructions will also be available from the HSL Off Campus Access page.

If you have any questions or problems with setting up the Junos Pulse client, please contact UCIT Help Desk at 556-435.

(SSL VPN connectivity information provided by Bruce Burton, Director, Network  and Telecommunication Services, UCIT Enterprise Shared Services.)