A Display of Human Rights and Human Wrongs

Basic RGBIn celebration of International Education Week, the Marx Law Library and UC Libraries collaborated on a display in support of UC’s First-Year Student Common Reading Program and the book Justice. The display, titled “Justice Around the World: Human Rights and Human Wrongs,” features the College of Law’s Human Rights Quarterly and the Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights.  Both are edited by Bert Lockwood, Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Director, Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights. The display, on view through the end of the semester, is located on the 4th floor lobby of  Langsam Library. Continue reading

Neil Armstrong: Engineer, Pilot, Astronaut, Teacher; the Neil Armstrong Commemorative Website

Neil Armstrong at UC

Neil Armstrong teaching at the UC College of Engineering, in 1974

Did you know that Neil Armstrong was a professor at the University of Cincinnati after being the first man to walk on the moon?

To further preserve Armstrong’s accomplishments and specifically celebrate his years from 1971-1979 as a professor and researcher in aerospace engineering at the university, the UC Libraries created a dynamic commemorative website.

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Librarian Spotlight: Kellie Tilton

Kellie Tilton, Instruction Technologies Librarian, is the newest member of the UC Blue Ash Library faculty. Kellie comes to us from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. In her current role, she leads the development of new online tutorials and learning objects. She also works closely with the Art & Visual Communication, Behavioral Science, Electronic Media and History, Philosophy & Political Science departments to provide library instruction, collection support and research assistance.


Kellie at the very end of the Homer spit, in Homer, Alaska.

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The Bunsen and Grove Cells : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 23, November/December 2013

An actual surviving example of the Grove cell and a spare ceramic spacer.

An actual surviving example of the Grove cell and a spare ceramic spacer.


The 23rd issue of Notes from The Oesper Collections highlights the famous Grove nitric acid cell and its later modification by Robert Bunsen which made it into a standard commercial and laboratory source of electrical energy for more than 50 years.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from The Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.

The Right Thing to Do: Maintain Academic Honesty

During the month of October designated as National Information Literacy Awareness Month UC Libraries invited students to think about scenarios that have to do with the ethics of using information. At the end of the month we posted the following scenario:


A few responses suggested reversing the time. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to do that?! While we are waiting for the invention of the time machine (if you are working on it, please let us know), let’s look at some other suggestions. Continue reading

Myth Manor: See It to Believe It

Photos from the UCBA Library’s Myth Manor…part of UCBA College’s 2013 Halloween Bash.

Enjoy Music in the Gorno Library November 14

IconwebThe next concert in the Music in the Gorno Library series will take place on Thursday, November 14 at 5 pm in the Albino Gorno Memorial Music Library Reading Room, 6th floor of Blegen Library. Presented by UC’s College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) and UC Libraries, the concert will include works by Wagner and Schoenberg.

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New: Comprehensive Physiology

compphysComprehensive Physiology is an authoritative collection of review content assembled in the physiological sciences.

This publication includes the complete content from the Handbook of Physiology series and will be continually expanded through a dynamic program of updates.  The audience for Comprehensive Physiology is academic scientists in the life sciences, advanced students in the life sciences and medicine, instructors in these disciplines, and academic clinicians.

Key Features:

  • More than 30,000 pages of classic content from the Handbook of Physiology series
  • A publishing program that will add 4,000 pages of new content per year
  • An editorial team comprising leading names in the field
  • Fully citable content, qualifying for abstracting, indexing, and ISI ranking

Go to the Health Sciences Library eBook page to find a link to Comprehensive Physiology in the A-Z list.

Common Core Standards Books Display

The CECH Library has a new display of books on the Common Core standards:

Display of Common Core Standards Books

Display of Common Core Standards Books

The display includes books like The Common Core Writing Book , Common Core for the Not-So-Common Learner : English Language Arts Strategies for Grades K-5 and The Road to Knowledge : Information and Research : a Staircase to Standards Success for English Language Arts.

Come discover our new collection of resources to support your study and application of the Common Core standards!  You may also want to consult INFOhio’s Common Core Toolkit. This toolkit provides information about the Common Core Standards as well as resources that you can download and use for instruction.  And you may want to consult the Common Core Standards tab of our Curriculum Standards online guide for information about databases and websites with useful tips and resources for teaching with the Common Core standards.