RESISTING ELEGY: ON GRIEF AND RECOVERY. Joel Peckham to Sign Copies of His New Book in the Winkler Center May 30

Joel Peckham, author and UC Clermont College associate professor of English, will read and sign copies of his new book Resisting Elegy: On Grief and Recovery on Wednesday, May 30, 2012, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Stanley J. Lucas, MD, Board Room of the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions, which is located on the E Level of the Medical Sciences Building (MSB). Continue reading

The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project at the Society of Ohio Archivists Annual Conference

Hello! I want to welcome our blog visitors from the Society of Ohio Archivists’ Annual Conference! Today, the University of Cincinnati Libraries’ Special Collections division is presenting during the 10:00am concurrent session:

We Look at Giants: The University of Cincinnati Archival Grant Projects
This session will look at two federal grant projects of University of Cincinnati special collections division, examining their implementation and the efforts at building diverse research audiences throughout the grant periods rather than at the conclusion of the projects. Important to the success of the grants is the concerted effort to develop outreach methods that effectively generate public support as the work progresses, and to clearly convey the national or international importance of the individuals whose papers were the subject of the grants. In this way, the sustainability of the projects and the preservation of the heritage they represent is strengthened for future research and pedagogical assignments from secondary through collegiate levels, as well as by professional scholars and journalists.
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Ireland Trip Launches an International Research Network With Key Ties to UC

Photos By: Provided by the Archives & Rare Books Library


A UC Libraries collection – and efforts to make it available to scholars around the world – will be presented this month at an international conference.


Irish theatre critic William John Lawrence (1862-1940) was considered a major figure in documenting the history of Irish theatre.

William J. Lawrence
William J. Lawrence

Yet, dozens of his notebooks on Irish theatre history from the 17th-to-20th centuries were never published. Efforts and outreach to make collections stored at the University of Cincinnati and at other institutions accessible worldwide will be presented at the 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. The conference takes place May 22-25 in Limerick, Ireland, and brings together librarians from around the world as they explore best practices on making their resources available for research.

Kevin Grace, head of the UC Archives and Rare Books Library, will present at the conference. Grace says 99 of Lawrence’s unpublished notebooks are stored in UC’s Archives & Rare Books Library. They were purchased from the estate of William Smith Clark II, a former UC English professor and theatre historian, who acquired the notebooks in the 1940s. The notebooks have been housed in the Archives & Rare Books Library since the late 1960s. Continue reading

The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project: The Sabin-Feldman Dye Test

Letter from Dr. Sabin to Dr. Hogan, December 1948

Recently, I have been working with letters in the Sabin collection about toxoplasmosis, a disease that Dr. Sabin and several of his colleagues researched for quite some time. Some of this correspondence contains health information, so I have been reading letters quite closely to make sure we protect the privacy of those mentioned.

Here is some background information: Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii and generally has few symptoms for those with healthy immune systems. However, those who are pregnant or have compromised immune systems are at risk for serious health problems if they are infected with Toxoplasma.[1] Many of the letters in the collection discuss congenital toxoplasmosis, which is when an unborn baby is infected with the parasite during the pregnancy, including labor and delivery. This infection can cause premature birth, as well as hearing loss, low birth weight, vision problems, seizures, and mental retardation. As you can imagine, mothers whose children were born with these types of symptoms were concerned for the health of the child, as well as concerned for their future children. Continue reading

URC Funds Granted for Study of ARB's Van Meter Ames Collection

By Lauren Fink, ARB Intern, 2011-2012

When I began working at the Archives and Rare Books Library last June, I never could have imagined all that I would learn in the following year.  As my one year anniversary at ARB is quickly approaching, I find myself reflecting on all of the great collections I have had the opportunity to process and research, all of the priceless books I have gotten to Betty and Van Meter AmesJohn Cagebrowse every day, and all of the help and support I have been given from my wonderful co-workers.

By sheer chance, the very first collection I was given to process, during my initial weeks of working here, was directly related to my percussion performance major and my academic interests.  Continue reading

UC Commencement - A Time-Honored Tradition

By: Dawn Fuller 

(Re-posted from UC News:

Look through historic photos of UC Commencement Ceremonies and discover some of the university’s traditions that continue to thread through Commencement today.

Who remembers Commencement at Nippert Stadium?

As depicted in the video that features Commencement photos stored in UC Archives, Nippert Stadium – for decades – was the venue for June Commencement.

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UC last held Commencement in Nippert Stadium in 1984. UC President Henry Winkler delivered the Commencement address at the 1984 cerermony in Nippert Stadium. In 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988, June Commencement was held downtown, when the spring ceremony took place in Riverfront Coliseum, now called U.S. Bank Arena. Continue reading

Taking Part in Something New: Participatory Archives and the Midwest Archives Conference

Cincinnatian 1958

It looks like these students are moving into new territory. From the 1958 Cincinnatian Yearbook

Often when I tell family or friends that I’m going to be going to an archives conference, they say “How Boring!”  I find it exciting though.  It is my chance to see what other archivists are doing, if there is anything new we can try here at UC, and it allows me to meet other archivists who might be able to answer one of my questions or one of your future questions.  I recently attended the Midwest Archives Conference Annual Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and learned about some new projects using “participatory archives,” and how these collections can be used in research, teaching, learning, and just for fun.  (To learn a little more about the conference, read Stephanie Bricking’s blog post about her poster presentation on the Sabin papers.) Continue reading

Discover Experimental Techniques: Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE)

Journal of Visualized Experiments

Through a shared subscription of the College of Engineering and Applied Science Library and Health Sciences Library, UC researchers now have have access to the online Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE).  JOVE consists of “video articles” that capture biological, medical, chemical, and physical research and experimental techniques.

Our subscription includes 3 sections:

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