New Look for Lexis/Nexis

Try Lexis/Nexis’s new user interface for their Academic product. The new user interface is easy to use.  The results default to relevance rankings, but users can change this to publication date to reverse chronological. Features include: Easy Search, Power Search, a Tip that provides assistance in using the interface, as well as search categories, and a Help section.

Libraries Receive a Grant to Make Available the Papers of Theodore Moody Berry

The University of Cincinnati Libraries have received a $61,287 grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to process the papers of Theodore Moody Berry (1905-2000), a civil rights pioneer, community activist, and elected official from Cincinnati.

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JAMA & Archives Journal Backfiles Now Available

The newly digitized JAMA & Archives Backfiles offer online access to historical medical and clinical research.  Pivotal articles that helped shape the last century of medical research, clinical practice, and public health are now just a few clicks away.

The JAMA & Archives Backfiles feature:

  • Site-wide, simultaneous access for all of your patrons
  • Fully searchable, high-resolution PDFs
  • Fully searchable HTML abstracts and metadata

Go to the eJournals list to find current holdings as well as the new backfiles.  Search for the title you’re interested in. If you don’t see the backfiles listed for that journal, follow the link to the current  journal holdings and click on Past Issues to access the backfiles.

Backfiles included:

  • 1883-1997 JAMA
  • 1920-1997 Archives of Dermatology
  • 1992-2000 Archives of Family Medicine
  • 1959-1997 Archives of General Psychiatry
  • 1908-1997 Archives of Internal Medicine
  • 1959-1997 Archives of Neurology
  • 1919-1958 Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry
  • 1911-1997 Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine (formerly American Journal of Diseases of Children)
  • 1929-1997 Archives of Ophthalmology
  • 1925-1997 Archives of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery
  • 1920-1997 Archives of Surgery

Recycle Your Magazines and Journals

Recycle your magazines and journals

Don’t throw away previously read magazines and journals. Donate your gently used magazines and journals to the Give & Take Exchange Rack. Please remove names and addresses from materials and drop them off at the information desk. Browse the rack and pick up something new to you.  It’s an easy and inexpensive way to add to your collection and broaden your reading horizons. The Exchange rack is currently located in the Reference section of the RWC Library. Leftover materials are recycled. Stop by today!

Fair Housing in Cincinnati: The Records of Housing Opportunities Made Equal

HOME Bus Advertisement, undated

In 1969, Mrs. Estelle Busch attempted to rent an apartment in Avondale, but was unable to secure an appointment to view the property.  A short time later Mrs. Ruth VanDerzee viewed the apartment and was assured her deposit would be accepted.  Mrs. Busch was black.  Mrs. Vanderzee was white.[1]

In 1990, Joanna Ahlers attempted to acquire an apartment for herself and her two children in Milford, Ohio.  An apartment manager told Ahlers that a 2 bedroom apartment would be available soon, and Ahlers offered to put a deposit on the apartment.  When the manager discovered that Ahlers had children, she told Ahlers that she was not renting to families with children and refused to rent the apartment to her.[2] Continue reading

Maloney Named RWC Library Director

Heather Maloney

Heather Maloney, Associate Senior Librarian, has been appointed the new RWC Library Director after serving as Interim Director since July 2009. Heather has been with the RWC Library since 2002 serving as Assistant Library Director (2008-2009) and Interim Director (2009-2010). Her primary responsibilities include personnel, budget, programs and services, collections and facilities. She also provides reference services, instruction and collection development for the Allied Health, Nursing, Dental Hygiene and Radiation Therapy departments.

Libraries Awarded a LSTA Minigrant to Digitize The Cincinnatian Yearbook, 1951-2006, to Join First Set of Yearbooks Already Digitized

1940 CincinnatianThe University of Cincinnati Libraries have been awarded a $15,900 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Minigrant from the State Library of Ohio to digitize copies of The Cincinnatian, UC’s yearbook, for the period of 1951-2006.

A previous LSTA grant provided for the digitization of The Cincinnatian from 1894-1950, viewable on the Web at  This second project will complete access to all issues of the yearbook via the Web.

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Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine Meets for First Time in 30 years

Medical College, University of Cincinnati

Before the May 26, 2010 meeting of the “new” Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine, the Society had last met in 1980, shortly after Dr. Striker’s death.  Recently, as the latest phase of the Winkler Center’s own history began to blossom, the idea of resurrecting the Society made eminent sense.  Cincinnati’s medical history is the envy of most cities, large and small, but with the passing of a generation of physicians and historians who knew and understood their community’s prominent role in medical history, appreciation of this illustrious history began to pass with them.

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Snapshots in Time

A new exhibit, on display on the 5th floor of Langsam Library, features monthly calendars produced by the Strobridge Lithography Company.

Ranging from 1897 to 1917, the calendar cards are exquisite examples of Art Nouveau design in America, showing the artistry and printing skills of the company. The cards functioned as “home advertising” for the firm and were meant to be displayed on a kitchen or office wall. The color separations are remarkable, and the vivid beauty of the illustrations perfectly captures the collaboration between artist and craftsman.

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