Pardon Our Dust… New Student Spaces, Coming Soon!

If you’ve been on the library’s first floor lately, you may notice power tools and construction crews — that’s because student-centered improvements are in the works!

Based on feedback from prior spring student surveys we’re proud to add two premium group study spaces on the library’s first floor this semester. Set to debut in early March 2019, the rooms will feature glass dry erase surfaces, wall-mounted flat screens, and modern finishes galore. We’ll also be adding additional soft seating all over the library’s first floor for meeting with groups or relaxing between classes.

This exciting project, made possible by a generous donor, is yet another example of the power of our supportive community. Thanks to everyone who worked tirelessly in support of this project.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Popular Reading Collection

Looking for a good read? Check out our Popular Reading Collection at your Clermont College Library!

Brought to you by community partner Clermont County Public Library, the popular reading collection includes:

  • Mysteries
  • Paranormal Romance
  • Graphic Novels
  • Humor, Science Fiction, and much more!

New titles added each semester so check back often for great reads.

To recommend a title for this collection, please contact Natalie Winland, Public Services Manger.

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Lexicomp App Available

Lexicomp Online

Lexicomp Online is a collection of clinical databases and clinical decision support tools that provides users with an extensive medical library.  It provides clear, concise, point-of-care adult and pediatric drug information as well as in-depth information on interactions, toxicology, and more.  Lexicomp also includes support tools like drug ID, calculators, and patient education.

Unlimited Lexicomp Online access is available in a responsive design that will resize to your device.

New Lexicomp App Access – Previous App Has Expired

50 access codes are also available with this institutional subscription.

  • Lexicomp app registration is first come, first serve
  • App accounts expire annually

Lexicomp Academic Discount Program

UCBA Library Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

MLK Day graphic

The UCBA Library will be closed Monday, January 21st in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  We will resume our regular Spring Semester hours on Tuesday, January 22nd at 7:30 am.

Please visit our hours webpage to view all UCBA Library hours, including holidays and any exceptions to our regular schedule.

Welcome Back DAAP Students!

The DAAP Library would like to welcome back the students. We are in the process of moving Special Collections in the room down near the circulation desk where the old computer lab used to be. The room and collection will be available by appointment once the move is complete. The computers complete with scanners and WEPA printer have moved out to the reading room. Please let us know your information needs. We hope you have a great Spring semester.


Nathan Wysinski Begins Work in the Health Sciences Library as the New Computer User Support Specialist

On January 7, 2019, Nathan Wysinski began work as the computer user support specialist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library.

Nathan is not new to UC Libraries having served as a contract IT employee since April 2018 providing exemplary support of faculty, staff and student computing. Prior to this position, Nathan worked for the IT firm Pomeroy for three and a half years.  Nathan will be bringing his experience, expertise and professionalism to the Health Sciences Library in support of technologies and services for the faculty, staff and students on the health sciences campus.

Please join us in congratulating Nathan and welcoming him to the Health Sciences Library!

Paying Tribute to Leslie Schick as She Retires from the University of Cincinnati

leslie schick

Leslie Schick poses in the Walter C. Langsam Library, 2018

This December, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will say goodbye to a valuable employee and one that has played a central part in great change in the Libraries. Leslie Schick, senior associate dean of library services and director of the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, will be retire at the end of UC’s fall term.

Leslie has enjoyed a long, storied career with the university, beginning as an information services librarian with UC’s Health Sciences Library.

“When I started, everything was print. We had card catalogs – none of the local, regional or international online library catalogs we do now,” Leslie remarked. “When people would come looking for a particular book, if we didn’t have it in our card catalog, meaning we didn’t own it at the Health Sciences Library, as a reference librarian I’d pick up the phone and call other libraries. If it was a nursing book, for example, I would call the Raymond Walters Library (the former name for UC Blue Ash) to see if they might have it because they had a nursing program. You would have to think about who at the university might have this book and then you would call that library. It was our own version of OhioLINK or Interlibrary Loan. Looking back…the whole world has changed.”

leslie wth reference colleagues

Leslie with her fellow reference librarians in the 1980s

Over the course of her career, Leslie has seen an incredible amount of change. This nurtured a deep appreciation for her colleagues, one that would serve her well as her responsibilities increased and she took on roles in library management. She watched as new waves of talent joined the library, as well as those times when years of institutional knowledge were lost to retirements.

“For some people, the change from print to online was more difficult. We had the most amazing reference librarian at the Health Sciences Library when I started, Ruth Epstein. She’d come from the hospital library, which was consolidated into the medical center libraries when it was formed in 1974. Whenever someone had a difficult question in our library, she’d be the one to find the answer. We had a site visit for one of our IAIMS grants (Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems) back in the 80s, and one of the members of the site team asked her one the most awful reference questions anyone could think of. After she found what they were looking for they told her that they’d asked the same question at over 25 academic health science libraries in the country and she was the only person who’d given them an answer. She read everything, every issue of 15 to 20 medical journals – she said that was how you kept on top of things. That was the old-school way. When we started putting a computer at our reference desk and moving away from the traditional card catalogue, she retired…she wasn’t able to deal with the change.” Continue reading

Another Successful Year of Spreading Warmth

Heather Maloney and Jen Ellis with donated items

Heather Maloney and Jen Ellis

Thank you to all who generously donated new and gently used coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and even blankets to support our UCBA Cares – Spread the Warmth Drive 2018. We collected over 200 items and donated them this week to the Talbert House. Our donations will help make this winter and the holiday season a lot warmer for so many who are truly in need!

The Spread the Warmth Drive was sponsored and coordinated by Heather Maloney, director of the UCBA Library, and Jen Ellis, chair of our Nursing Department.