Ohio History on Display

by Pam Adler

ohio book display

From Youngstown to Cincinnati and all points in between. Come check out the history of the 17th State within the United States of America. Ohio is on display with books about the Ohio frontier and its people to panoramic views of the beautiful sites throughout this rich state. Books will be on display until December 20th.

UCBA Library Open Saturday Before Finals

photo of a clock

If you need a place to get some extra studying done before finals, the UCBA Library is here for you!  We will be open special hours on Saturday, December 8 from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm.  Come stop by to work on a project, use a computer, book a study room, or just focus on studying in a quiet environment.

The Library will resume regular Fall Semester hours on Monday, December 10th at 7:30 am.

Please visit our UC Blue Ash Library Hours page to view all of our hours, including holidays and any exceptions to our regular schedule.

Take a Break in the Clermont College Library

Colorful puzzle pieces jumbled


Free time between classes? Need to relax for a bit? Stop by the Clermont College Library.

We’ve set up a puzzle table in the library. Don’t have time to do the whole thing? No problem! Come in and add a few pieces. We’ll all work together to finish. Once a puzzle is complete, we’ll switch it out for another.

Taking a short break to play a game or work on a puzzle helps decrease stress and can improve critical thinking. It might be just what you need before you dive back in to study for a final or finish that research project!

Mercantile Library Celebrating UC’s Bicentennial with an Event Featuring two Books Published Recently by the University of Cincinnati Press

In Service to the City and From the Temple of Zeus book coversOn Wed, December 5, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm, the Mercantile Library will host Celebrating the University of Cincinnati Bicentennial, featuring David Stradling and Greg Hand who will speak about their books published recently by the University of Cincinnati Press. In Service to the City: A History of the University of Cincinnati, is a comprehensive history by Professor David Stradling. Its companion volume, edited by Greg Hand, From the Temple of Zeus to the Hyperloop: University of Cincinnati Stories, is an anthology that complements and enriches Stradling’s book by demonstrating the UC experience.

The event is free and open to the public. Registration is required at https://mercantilelibrary.com/calendar/celebrating-the-university-of-cincinnati-bicentennial/

More about the books:

In Service to the City: A History of the University of Cincinnati is a scholarly history by David Stradling, who holds the Zane Miller Chair in Urban History at UC. Stradling is a noted author of urban history, author of Making Mountains: New York City and the Catskills (University of Washington Press, 2007), The Nature of New York: An Environmental History of the Empire State (Cornell University Press, 2010) and Where the River Burned: Carl Stokes and the Struggle to Save Cleveland (Cornell University Press, 2015). Stradling’s book focuses on the evolving relationship between the University of Cincinnati and the City of Cincinnati and how these two entities influenced one another.

A companion volume, edited by Greg Hand, From the Temple of Zeus to the Hyperloop: University of Cincinnati Stories, is an anthology of 35 chapters that complements and enriches Professor Stradling’s book by demonstrating the breadth and diversity of the UC experience. Authors for this volume include Sarah Jessica Parker, former Governor Bob Taft, faculty, alumni, and current students. Most contributions are in the form of personal essays, but there is a play and a poem as well.

Ugly Duckling Presse Exhibit in DAAP Library

A gift from Ugly Duckling Presse for DAAP Library’s Special Collections is on display now through January in the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library of DAAP.

Please come see these interesting artists’ books by some Belgian surrealists, Zahra Patterson, Joyelle McSweeney & Johannes Goransson, Stacy Szymaszek, Michalis Pichler, and Ryan Haley.

The Classics Library Presents a Lecture by Professor Artemis Leontis

Professor ArtimisProfessor Leontis’ talk from October 26 can now be viewed in its entirety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9PfWpmR570&t=2610s

The John Miller Burnam Classics Library of the University of Cincinnati presented Professor Artemis Leontis, Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, who delivered a lecture titled The Hidden Correspondence of Eva Palmer Sikelianos and Natalie Clifford Barney in Athens and Paris: Archiving the Intimate Materials of a Life on Friday, October 26 at 1:30 pm in Room 414 (Main Reading Room) of the John Miller Burnam Classics Library, the Blegen Library building.

Professor Leontis gave  the keynote speech at an international conference organized by the Classics Library. The aim of this conference was to establish a consortium of research institutions in North America and Europe to provide open access to historic journals and newspapers in all disciplines published in Greece or among Greek diaspora communities outside of Greece during the Ottoman period and after the Greek War of Independence.






Data Visualization Lunch & Learn and Hands-on Shiny Workshop – Nov 28th 11:45 am to 3 pm

Join us Wednesday, November 28 for a Lunch & Learn and Hands-on Shiny Workshop with Dr. Olga Scrivner, Research Scientist at Indiana University’s Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center. REGISTER

Olga Scrivner is a research scientist at Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center (CNS) in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University, a faculty fellow at the Center of Excellence for Women in Technology, and a corporate faculty in Data Analytics at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. She has substantive expertise in developing web application tools for data mining and visualization using Shiny and R. Her current research at CNS focuses on mapping of occupational landscape and educational attainment, with specific emphasis in understanding the healthcare workforce in the areas affected by opioid epidemic.

Wednesday November 28 in Langsam Library room 475  LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED.

If a picture is worth of a thousand words, data visualization is worth millions: Toward a framework for actionable visual insights
Current shift in scientific landscape toward cross-disciplinary teams, evolving cyberinfrastructure and complex data requires a new kind of data analysis and visualization tools. This talk will introduce a visualization framework developed at Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center (CNS) at Indiana University, founded and directed by Professor Katy Börner, Victor H. Yngve Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Information Science (http://cns.iu.edu).

This two hour hands-on workshop will step through the process of building, visualizing, deploying, and sharing Shiny web applications. Learning this workflow will enable you to build your own interactive tools that can be used for research and teaching.

UC Libraries Closed Thanksgiving

thanks imageUC Libraries will be closed Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23 for Thanksgiving, with the exception of the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, which will be open Friday, November 23 from noon – 5:00pm. Regular library hours will resume Saturday, November 24.

This closing includes the Langsam Library 4th floor space, which will close Wednesday, November 21 at 6pm and re-open Saturday, November 24 at 10am.

Happy Thanksgiving!

UCBA Library Highlights Titles for Native American Heritage Month

by Christian Boyles

Native American Heritage Book Display

This commemorative month aims to provide a platform for Native Americans in the United States of America to share their culture, traditions, music, crafts, dance, and ways and concepts of life. This gives Native people the opportunity to express to their community, both city, county and state officials their concerns and solutions for building bridges of understanding and friendship in their local area. Your UCBA library is sharing a selection of our titles relating to many aspects of Native American life. The display will be available until December 8th and can also be browsed online on the Library Displays at UCBA guide.