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Tag Archives: Research
Discover Experimental Techniques: Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE)
Through a shared subscription of the College of Engineering and Applied Science Library and Health Sciences Library, UC researchers now have have access to the online Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE). JOVE consists of “video articles” that capture biological, medical, chemical, and physical research and experimental techniques.
Our subscription includes 3 sections:
- General
- Bioengineering
- Neuroscience
Travel Writings in the Archives and Rare Books Library
By Janice Schulz
Among the strengths in our Rare Books collection is our diverse assortment of travel writings ranging from the reports of explorers to stories of leisure travel. Travel writings can offer unique perspectives to historical research about a region, providing accounts of outsiders without local views, agendas, and prejudices. They can also be valuable for comparative histories, showing change over time and varying cultural viewpoints. Among the many research areas that travel writings can support are social, ethnographic, geological, botanical, and architectural issues. Continue reading
Celebrating the Theodore M. Berry Project
By Kevin Grace
Yesterday evening a special event celebrated the processing of the Theodore M. Berry Papers. Hosted by the Office of the President, UC Libraries, UC College of Law, UC Alumni Association, and the UC Foundation, the gathering attracted over a hundred people to recognize the outstanding contributions of civil rights leader Berry to his alma mater, his community and his nation. Theodore “Ted” Berry (1905-2000) was the first African American mayor in Cincinnati, served the Lyndon Baines Johnson presidential administration in civil rights programs, and was an active attorney for the NAACP. The Berry papers, acquired by the UC Libraries many years ago, were able to be fully processed through a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission of the National Archives. The materials are now available for research and teaching. Continue reading
CampusGuides: Taking Research Guides to the Next Level
The UC Blue Ash Library, in conjunction with UC Libraries, is transitioning the subject and class guides to a more user-friendly, robust CampusGuides interface during the 2011-2012 academic year. CampusGuides incorporate search boxes, RSS Feeds, embedded media, surveys and can be easily accessed on mobile devices. See the UCBA Psychology guide for an example of a new and improved guide. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions in order to make these guides as useful as possible for our users. Continue reading
Historical City of Cincinnati Birth and Death Records Now Available Online
The City of Cincinnati Birth and Death Records from 1865 to 1912 are now fully online and available for research and study at
UC Libraries Pay Tribute to UC Authors, Editors & Composers
The 25th annual Authors, Editors and Composers reception and program was held Tuesday, April 12, in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center. At the event, UC Libraries honored 250 faculty members and their 340 creative and scholarly works published in the year 2010. Participating faculty members represented every UC college plus the Career Development Center, the Division of Professional Practice, the Institute for Policy Research, the Office of Research, and the Libraries.
Notice Anything Different about the Site?
The UC Libraries website has been updated to incorporate the new UC header with links to other UC sites including “About UC,” “Admissions,” and “Health.”
In addition, we have added a powerful new search tool, Summon, to the website. From a single search box located prominently on the Articles & More tab on the homepage, Summon provides easy and fast discovery of relevant information from the UC Libraries collections on any topic. It is the place to start research in journal and newspaper articles, books, government documents, maps, music recordings, videos, digital collections, and more.
CECH Library Creates New E-Library Guides
Early Childhood Education, Instructional Design & Technology, Special Education, Teaching English as a Second Language, Sign Language Interpreting: not only does CECH have programs in these areas, the CECH Library has created new online library guides to assist you as you navigate the CECH and UC Library websites.
Have a Question? Text a Librarian.
text ohiolink to 66746
Through KnowItNow24x7, an online and texting reference service for the citizens and residents of Ohio brought to you by the State Library of Ohio and libraries throughout the state, users can now text their questions and a librarian will text the answer. To reach a college or university librarian, text ohiolink to 66746.