Welcome New UC Clermont Staff, Brea McQueen

UC Clermont Library has made some exciting changes to its staffing. Emily Wages transitioned to a new role and is now UC Clermont’s Collection Manager. Emily will now work with new acquisitions, course reserves, donations, and weeding projects.

To fill Emily’s previous role as Operations Manager, UC Clermont is excited to welcome Brea McQueen to the team. Brea will handle technology lending, library spaces & events, library accounts, and student employment.

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Course Prep Checklist for Library Materials

The Clermont College Library hopes that faculty are enjoying their summer and have had opportunities to connect with their loved ones.  As we get closer to the beginning of the fall semester (yikes!), we want to help you prepare for the semester with library resources and EZ Proxy information.  Please feel free to reach out to your liaison librarian or contact us at clermontlibrary@uc.edu.


Print textbooks will be available for checkout again this fall.  Students can ask at the first-floor checkout desk for the textbooks and they are available for 2 or 4 hours depending on the book.  You can fill out a course reserve request to have a textbook put on reserves.

Collection purchase requests

Contact your liaison librarian for books that you would like to see added to Clermont Library’s collection.

Modules & Videos

Library instruction video are available through the library’s Information Literacy webpage and ready-made modules are found in our Information Literacy Canvas Community

EZ Proxy

In May 2021, UC Libraries changed its proxy server which effects ALL library resource links.  This change can cause problems with accessing library materials online.  Please remember to check ALL the library materials links that are in Canvas or in any other part of your courses to see that they work.  More information on the EZ Proxy can be found at the Access Library Resources: FAQs page.


Clermont College Student Assistant Positions Now Hiring

Clermont College Library needs you! We are now hiring in preparation for the Fall 2021 & Spring 2022 semesters.

Now Hiring Student Workers with 3 people icons

Students with an interest or experience in customer service, technology, and research will find this dynamic and inclusive work environment appealing. If you’re an enthusiastic and reliable individual, we encourage you to apply to join our team.

UC Clermont Library Summer 2021 Hours and Information

As the summer course session begins, UC Clermont Library would like remind the campus community that we will be open Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 3 pm, starting on Monday May third. Our chat service will be staffed Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm.  Materials and technology checkouts continue to be available during these open hours. If you would like to request to check out a piece of technology over summer, you can do so via the online form here. Additionally, there is a return bin outside of the library that you can access at any time for book returns, but if you have technology like a laptop or iPad to return you can drop those off during open hours or make an appointment to drop off at another time. UC Clermont Library will be closed on Fridays throughout the summer.