The Albert B. Sabin Digitization Project

Polio is a devastating disease that is currently found in four countries in the world – Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan. However, this wasn’t always the case. Throughout the 20th century, polio was a disease that caused much anxiety and fear among parents all over the world. This disease was most likely to affect young children and caused paralysis, which could lead to death.

Dr. Sabin in his military uniform

During the mid-20th century, several researchers were trying to find a way to prevent more children from being affected by polio. One of the front runners, Albert B. Sabin, developed the oral polio vaccine for this purpose. Much of the research for this vaccine was done here in Cincinnati, and one of the first trials for the oral polio vaccine in the United States was held in Hamilton County. Continue reading

City of Cincinnati Birth and Death Records

City of Cincinnati birth and death records from 1865 to 1908 with surnames beginning with the letter “A” through the surname “Bach” are now available online. The remaining records are being loaded as quickly as possible. Please continue to check the Digital Collections and Archives and Rare Books Library websites for further updates.

The University of Cincinnati Libraries was awarded a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant from the State Library of Ohio to digitize the records. Read more about the project online.

– By Janice Schulz

Libraries Awarded a LSTA Minigrant to Digitize The Cincinnatian Yearbook, 1951-2006, to Join First Set of Yearbooks Already Digitized

1940 CincinnatianThe University of Cincinnati Libraries have been awarded a $15,900 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Minigrant from the State Library of Ohio to digitize copies of The Cincinnatian, UC’s yearbook, for the period of 1951-2006.

A previous LSTA grant provided for the digitization of The Cincinnatian from 1894-1950, viewable on the Web at  This second project will complete access to all issues of the yearbook via the Web.

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Libraries Awarded NEH Grant to Digitize the Correspondence and Photographs of Albert B. Sabin

Albert SabinThe University of Cincinnati Libraries have received a $314,258 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to digitize the correspondence and photographs of Albert B. Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine and distinguished service professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Research Foundation from 1939-1969.

The primary source documents to be digitized include 35,000 letters totaling 50,000 pages of correspondence between Sabin and political, cultural, social, and scientific leaders around the world. Also included will be 1,000 photographs documenting the events and activities worldwide that were part of Sabin’s crusade to eradicate polio.

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UC Libraries Put 16th-Century Spanish Antiphoner Online

Spanish AntiphonerThe University of Cincinnati Libraries have made available via the Digital Projects Web site the Spanish Antiphoner, a 16th-century Gregorian chant choir book handwritten on vellum pages approximately 16 by 24 inches in diameter with neumatic notation and illuminated capitals.  Pages 65 through 72 of the choir book are missing, but 242 pages remain intact. 

Available online at, the Spanish Antiphoner can be viewed in its entirety as both PDF (download Adobe Acrobat Reader) files or by using Book Reader software. When viewing the Spanish Antiphoner through the Digital Projects database option, viewers can view thumbnails and large versions of the images, and then can rotate, zoom in and out, magnify particular areas, download, and print the images.

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UC Libraries Make Cooperative Engineer Available Online

v17n02-1The University of Cincinnati Libraries have digitized Cooperative Engineer, a quarterly publication produced by students and alumni of UC’s College of Engineering from 1921 to 1975.

Accessible via, each scanned issue of Cooperative Engineer can be viewed in its entirety. The issues are also searchable by keyword and by phrase. In addition, viewers of the collection can browse by issue cover.

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