Online Contest: Image Detective. Day 4

As we celebrate Information Literacy Awareness Month, we challenge you to demonstrate your skills as an image detective.
There are asherlock lot of amazing picture posted on the web, but many of them are real and others are not – there are so many ways to alter images or pass them for what they are not by adding a misleading caption. Let’s see how good you are at spotting fakery!

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Government Resources on Ebola

fdlp-emblem-colorThe U.S. Government Printing Office’s Catalog of U.S. Government Publications offers access to a variety of Federal Government information Resources on Ebola.

A wide range of information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is available, including facts about Ebola; various preparedness checklists for patients, hospitals, and healthcare coalitions; and a handout on “What you Need to Know About Ebola.”

Online Contest: Image Detective. Day 3.

As we celebrate Information Literacy Awareness Month, we challenge you to demonstrate your skills as an image detective.
There are asherlock lot of amazing picture posted on the web, but many of them are real and others are not – there are so many ways to alter images or pass them for what they are not by adding a misleading caption. Let’s see how good you are at spotting fakery!

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Tennis at the Library

t_teamsUC Libraries and the UC Table Tennis Team co-sponsored a table tennis tournament Oct. 17th.  The collaborative effort was an event in the Langsam Connect Diversity Series.  A library team made up of Dean Xiamao Wang and other players from the library took on the four winners from the TTC, for a grand finale, with the TTC the champ!

Watch the video of the tournament highlights.

By Rosemary Franklin and Olga Hart


Online Contest: Image Detective. Day 2. You still CAN win additional prizes

As we celebrate Information Literacy Awareness Month, we challenge you to demonstrate your skills as an image detective.
There are asherlock lot of amazing picture posted on the web, but many of them are real and others are not – there are so many ways to alter images or pass them for what they are not by adding a misleading caption. Let’s see how good you are at spotting fakery!

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Online Contest: Image Detective

The University of Cincinnati Libraries are celebrating National Information Literacy Awareness Month by offering our students an opportunity to demonstrate their research and critical thinking skills and win prizes by participating in an online contest.

We challenge you to demonstrate your skills as an image detective.
There are asherlock lot of amazing picture posted on the web, but many of them are real and others are not – there are so many ways to alter images or pass them for what they are not by adding a misleading caption. Let’s see how good you are at spotting fakery!

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Looking at Campus From the Air

By: Iman Said, ARB Intern, 2014-2015

Last year, Morgens Hall reopened its doors as one of the nicest residence halls on campus. It had spent about a year in renovations that replaced the brick building with floor to ceiling glass and removed the balconies to allow for more interior space. With renovations for Scioto Hall scheduled to begin next year, I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about how fluid campus is.

Aerial Photo of Campus, 1937

Aerial Photo of Campus, 1937

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Coming Soon: Online Contest to Celebrate National Information Literacy Awareness Month

NILM2014_OHDuring the month of October the University of Cincinnati Libraries join other libraries nationwide in celebrating National Information Literacy Awareness Month.

Information literacy is a very important life-learning skill. It involves finding, evaluating, interpreting, managing, and using information to answer questions and develop new ones; and creating new knowledge through ethical participation in communities of learning, scholarship, and practice.

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Table Tennis Anyone? This Friday.

web carousel image table tennis final-01Attending the Table Tennis Tournament on Friday in Langsam?

The tournament playoff will be held at the Rec Center, 1st floor, Court 1 at 4pm.  When they are down to the final round, at around 5 pm,  the final four will be playing at  Langsam Library, 4th floor, against the Library team led by the Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang.

It is important that anyone who will attends the Rec Center game bring their UC ID for admittance.

Come and cheer on your fellow Bearcats.