Women of the Movement: Leaders for Civil Rights and Voting Rights

women of the movement graphic
The exhibit, Women of the Movement: Leaders for Civil Rights and Voting Rights, currently on display on the 4th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library, profiles female leaders of the fight for civil and voting rights. Beginning with Sojourner Truth, former slave and abolitionist, and including contemporaries Diane Nash, a key player in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Cincinnati’s Marian Spencer, a champion for Civil Rights both locally and nationally, the exhibit spans history into current times.

Included in the exhibit are women instrumental to the Suffrage fight – Sojourner Truth who worked closely with Susan B. Anthony; Mary Church Terrell, founder of the National Association of Colored Women in 1896 as part of the Suffrage Movement after black women were excluded from the Women’s Suffrage Movement; and Mary McLeod Bethune who led voter registration drives following passing of the 19th Amendment.

Civil Rights activists on display include Fannie Lou Hamer, who famously said, “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired;” Daisy Bates, an integrated schools advocate; and Ida B. Wells, a journalist, educator and one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The exhibit’s design is inspired by a recently created ArtWorks mural in Cincinnati’s Avondale neighborhood honoring Louise Shropshire, composer of the hymn, “If My Jesus Wills,” that became the well-known mantra “We Shall Overcome” during the Civil Rights Movement. Louise Shropshire’s papers are located in the Archives and Rare Books Library.

Women of the Movement: Leaders for Civil Rights and Voting Rights was curated by June Taylor-Slaughter, public services supervisor in the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library, and was designed by Michelle Matevia, UC Libraries communication design co-op student. A handout is available at the exhibit with more information on the women featured in the exhibit.


  • Alexander, Shawn Leigh. An Army of Lions : The Civil Rights Struggle Before the NAACP. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. Print. LANGSAM; CLERMONT E185.61 .A437 2012
  • Bracey, Earnest N. Fannie Lou Hamer: The Life of a Civil Rights Icon. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2011. Print. LANGSAM E 185.97.H35 B73 2011
  • Brooks, Maegan Parker. A Voice That Could Stir an Army: Fannie Lou Hamer and the Rhetoric of the Black Freedom
    Movement. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Print. LANGSAM E 185.97.H35 B76 2014
  • Harwell, Debbie Z. Wednesdays in Mississippi: Proper Ladies Working for Radical Change, Freedom Summer 1964. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Print. LANGSAM E185.93.M6 H37 2014
  • Christenson, Dorothy H, Keep on fighting: the life and civil rights legacy of Marian A. Spencer. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2015. LANGSAM  F499.C553 S643 2015
  • Frontline feminism 1975-1995 : essays from Sojourner’s first 20 years / edited by Karen Kahn ; foreword by Robin Morgan. San Francisco : Aunt Lute Books, c1995. LANGSAM. HQ1402 .F76 1995

Three UC Libraries employees accepted to participate in RMD 102: Beyond Research Data Management for Biomedical & Health Sciences Libraries course

UC Libraries’ Rebecca Olson, Tiffany Grant and Don Jason have been accepted into the RDM 102: Beyond Research Data Management for Biomedical & Health Sciences Librarians (Spring 2020) course, offered through the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Training Office (NTO).  

The major aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the support of data science and open science with the goal of developing and implementing or enhancing data science and data literacy training and services at UC. Threaded throughout the course will be the librarian’s role in research reproducibility and research integrity and include practice in using Jupyter Notebooks. The course topics include an overview of data science and open science, data literacy, data wrangling, data visualization and data storytelling. 

Rebecca, business and social sciences informationist, Tiffany, research informationist, and Don, clinical informationist, are all members of the Research & Data Services Team and are working on forwarding the mission of the team and digital integration efforts across the Libraries. Participation in this course will afford both the opportunity to demonstrate improved skills in research data management, as well as to gain the knowledge and ability to support data science services here at UC.

 Please join us in celebrating their initiative and accomplishment!

Announcing the 5th Annual University of Cincinnati Libraries 2018/19 Annual Progress Report – A Year of Reflection.

annual progress report coverThis past year the University of Cincinnati marked its Bicentennial led by the tenants: To Honor the past. Elevate the present. Bend the future. While
celebrating the Libraries’ vital role in the past 200 years of the university, we also took this opportunity to reflect on our goals, objectives, accomplishments and gaps as the next phase of our strategic direction.

Our year of reflection has resulted in the need for the creation of an emerging, and even bolder, Strategic Framework – one built upon the knowledge of our strengths and challenges, coupled with the needs and perspectives of our users, and that will propel us forward as we strive to become the globally engaged intellectual commons of the university – now and well into the future.

The University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Progress Report, 2018/2019, available online at https://issuu.com/uclibraries/docs/uclannualreport18_19, makes note of the accomplishments and happenings of the previous year, as well as celebrates the people and donors integral to us fulfilling the work of our mission to empower discovery, stimulate learning and inspire the creation of knowledge by connecting students, faculty, researchers and scholars to dynamic data, information and resources.

Questions? Request a print copy? E-mail melissa.norris@uc.edu.

Happy Reading!

UC Libraries Closed Monday, Jan. 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. from LIFE Magazine

UC Libraries will be closed Monday, Jan. 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with the exception of the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, which will be open 9am-5pm. The libraries will resume normal hours on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

This closing includes the 4th floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library, which will close at 11pm on Sunday, Jan. 19 and re-open at 7:45am on Tues, Jan. 21.

Want to read up on Martin Luther King, Jr., his impact and legacy? Check out these library resources.

Edith Starbuck Named Distinguished Librarian of the Year at the Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association

edith starbuck

Edith Starbuck, information services librarian in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, was presented with the 2019 Distinguished Librarian of the Year Award at the Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s Annual Meeting held October 4-7 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

The award is publicized and nominations solicited annually from chapter members. Criteria used to evaluate nominees on meaningful and measurable service to the chapter may include leadership, advocacy, scholarship, research, publications, teaching, mentoring, outreach and professional activities. Edith has been a member of the chapter since 1993, serving continuously on committees since 2015 including Co-Chair of the 2018 Ohio Program Planning Committee, Recording Secretary and the Government Relations Committee. Her most recent contribution, and the one in which she was given the award, is taking the lead in establishing an annual scholarship fundraiser and committee.

In 2015 while serving as Awards and Scholarships Committee Chair, Edith learned that the chapter budget had taken a severe hit and funds to adequately support scholarships and awards were lacking. After successfully lobbying the Executive Board to fund certain scholarships, Edith was charged with fundraising to fill the deficit. After two successful fundraising years, Edith then asked the Executive Board to make the Fundraising Committee official so it could be integrated into annual conference planning, agreeing to serve as chair for 2019. With input from committee members Edith developed committee documentation that defined committee member roles, outlined procedures, and established an annual calendar based on the conference planning calendar, thus the Fundraising Committee was made official.

Congratulations, Edith!

Welcome, Katie Hillery, the New Library Services Assistant in the Science and Engineering Libraries

Tuesday, Nov. 12 marks the first day at UC Libraries for Katie Hillery, the new library services assistant in the Science & Engineering Libraries.

Katie has a B.A. in history and classics from Hillsdale College, and recently began the M.L.I.S. program at Kent State University.  She brings a valuable combination of work experience in library operations (public services, technical services) and archives/special collections (including the Hillsdale College archives, Carus Coin Collection, E.O. Grosvenor House archives).

Katie’s primary workspace is in the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library (Braunstein Hall) where she will provide critical operational support and help to elevate our initiatives with STEM special collections.

Welcome to UC Libraries, Katie!

Illiad (Interlibrary Loan) Unavailable Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 8am-12pm

The Libraries Illiad (Interlibrary Loan) server will be offline for maintenance the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. During this time the library IT department will be updating the Illiad application to the latest version. Thank you for your patience.

Shannan Stewart joins the Classics Library as Library Specialist in Classics

Shannan Stewart will be joining the staff of the John Miller Burnam Classics Library as Library Specialist in Classics on November 4. Shannan holds a PhD in Classics from the University of Cincinnati. She received a BA in Classical and Near Eastern Studies from the University of Minnesota and an MA in Classics from the University of Wisconsin. She also studied at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and at the American Numismatic Society, and she taught various classical civilization courses at the University of Illinois for a number of years. However, since she felt that she belonged in Cincinnati, she now lives here, and in her own words, “for good.” Her professors in the Classics Department are thrilled, describing Shannan as an outstanding student; her dissertation defense was considered one of the best. Shannan is a classical archaeologist with much field experience, including working with the former chair of the UC Classics Department, Brian Rose, in Turkey and Albania and with the current chair, Jack Davis, in Greece. Her book on Hellenistic pottery from Gordion is forthcoming from the University of Pennsylvania Press.

Please join us in welcoming Shannan to the Classics Library and to UC!

Join us for “Zorro Turns 100: The Hispanic Legacy of America’s First Superhero”

Zorro Turns 100: The Hispanic Legacy
of America’s First Superhero

In 1919, an unknown U.S. pulp fiction writer created a masked California hero who fought for the people against tyranny. The dashing Zorro not only became America’s first superhero—he influenced the creation of Batman and other cape crusaders in years to come.

Join us to learn about Zorro’s Hispanic legacy and why, without him, we wouldn’t have today’s superhero universe.

Who:  Dr. Mauricio Espinoza, Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature

When: Wednesday, October 23, 2 PM-3:30 PM

Where: Walter C. Langsam Library Digital Commons (by the Triceracopter)

New Library Exhibit Showcases Artful Books

“Artful Books,” on display now through the end of fall semester on the 4th and 5th floor lobbies of the Walter C. Langsam Library, features books created by members of the Cincinnati Book Arts Society (CBAS) inspired by and in celebration of UC and UC Libraries.

Earlier this year, CBAS members visited the Archives and Rare Books Library where they researched and reviewed various collections for inspiration – the results of which are now on display in two cases with over 15 artists’ books covering a wide range of subjects, forms and mediums. Select highlights of the exhibit include:

shooting star artist book

Jan Thomas, “Shooting Star”

Jan Thomas, “Shooting Star.” In 1952, Marian Spencer, along with her sons, was not permitted at segregated Coney Island, Ohio, Amusement Park. This singular event became the catalyst for a life of public service as a civil rights advocate, community leader and champion.

Marguerite and Doug Katchen, "Bearcats and the Past,"

Marguerite and Doug Katchen, “Bearcats and the Past”

Marguerite and Doug Katchen, “Bearcats and the Past.” Bearcats have been symbols of UC at least since the early 20th century. Wooden plagues of the map of Ohio were used as pages on which was described a brief history of the University of Cincinnati and on which were displayed Bearcat and Ohio patches.

queen's icons artist book

Beth Belknap Brann, “Queen’s Icons”

Beth Belknap Brann, “Queen’s Icons.” This hand-drawn book is a celebration of Cincinnati’s architectural gems of the late 19th century. It was inspired by the historic photo archives in UC’s Archives and Rare Books Library.

Smruti Deoghare, “200 Years of Red, Black (and White)

Smruti Deoghare, “200 Years of Red, Black (and White),” the University of Cincinnati colors are more than just college colors. This bold palette of tricolor represents unity in diversity. Over the last 200 years, the University has provided education to people from all walks of life and colors – red, black, white, and all shades in between. The artist feels Tangeman University Center is the ideal architectural symbol of inclusivity on campus.

A brochure describing all of the books on display is available at the exhibit and online.

“Artful Books” was curated by Jessica Ebert, conservation technician in the Preservation Lab and CBAS member, and was designed by Michelle Matevia, communication design co-op student.

The Cincinnati Books Arts Society began in 1998 and is a non-profit organization comprised of professional and amateur book artists, paper artists and creators. Their membership includes bookbinders, print makers, paper marblers, book artists, archivists, conservation professionals and book enthusiasts interested in learning more about books and how they are created. Interested in learning more about CBAS? Check out their website and follow them on Facebook (Cincinnati Book Arts Society).