Illiad (Interlibrary Loan) Unavailable Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 8am-12pm

The Libraries Illiad (Interlibrary Loan) server will be offline for maintenance the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. During this time the library IT department will be updating the Illiad application to the latest version. Thank you for your patience.

Libraries Moving to Mediated Service Model for Kanopy Streaming Videos

kanopy home screen
Kanopy, the University of Cincinnati Libraries’ on-demand streaming video service available at, is a content-rich, much-used resource. However, the Libraries’ materials budget cannot sustain the current level of spending for Kanopy. It is important to note that films obtained in Kanopy are not owned, but leased for one year at $135 per lease. When the lease has expired, the film can then be triggered for another one-year lease.

In the past, Kanopy films were automatically leased after 30 seconds of viewing by any user with access to the library, including walk-in visitors. In an effort to eliminate purchases triggered by casual users and to focus on course-related use of the rich academic material included in Kanopy, UC Libraries is moving to a mediated leasing model beginning the 2019 fall semester.

University of Cincinnati students, faculty, and staff will continue to have immediate access to films currently leased by UC (approximately 645 titles as of June 2019) until they expire. People will still be able to search in Kanopy for films the Libraries does not already lease, however, when attempting to access such a film, users will have the option to select the “request” button next to the film, fill out the form, and the Libraries will work to fulfill the request, typically obtaining a new lease within one business day.

For additional streaming video sources, or for further information on the mediation of Kanopy films, please visit the Libraries’ Kanopy LibGuide at

For more information regarding Kanopy’s streaming service please read the following article from the May 2019 issue of Film Quarterly at

Read Source to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

source graphicRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this issue of Source, Dean Xuemao Wang writes about the invaluable support of library donors, volunteers and faithful advocates that make events such as the inaugural Adopt-A-Book event, held this past March, a success. We celebrate the latest three publications from the University of Cincinnati Press and the graduation of the second cohort of 56 students from the Joint Co-Op Institute.

Students feature in three articles – one about a pilot program that integrates new technology into the Critical Care Nurse Residency Program (CCNRP) curriculum, a second from a former graduate assistant discussing her experience working in the Digital Scholarship Center, and the third where a student assistant in the Archives and Rare Books Library writes about The Irish Fairy Book.

Lastly, we highlight the mixed materials collection available in the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) Library.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Library Databases, Proxy Server and Blogs Unavailable for Maintenance beginning 11pm, Thurs, June 20

Select UC Libraries servers will be updated and rebooted to patch security vulnerabilities. The servers listed below will be rebooted tonight (Thursday, June 20, 2019) at 11:00 p.m. It will take approximately 30 minutes per server to patch and reboot. During this time the server will be unavailable.

Servers to be rebooted:

  •  –  web server (Tricerashopper)
  •  –  web server (library blogs & apps)
  •  –  database server
  •  –   web server (Luna)
  •  –  proxy server (offsite access)

Thank you for your patience during this important security maintenance.

Poetry in Motion – A Grad Student’s Interpretation

During summer semester, Sarah Nordgren and her colleagues are spending a couple of days shooting a video in the STRC Production Room. Sarah is a graduate student (getting her doctorate of philosophy, English and comparative literature). Her specialty is poetry. The video is part of Sarah’s dissertation.

Green room production

Sarah (far right) and colleagues shooting a scene for her video.

green room red outfit

The outfits were designed just for this video.

green room strc

Try to find just the right angle.

Traveling to Hogwarts with the STRC

Recently, eight students from Dr. Brittany Rosen’s HPE 7040 Social & Behavioral Health class used the services of UC Libraries and the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC) to create a video about the importance of dental care. The students borrowed several pieces of equipment from the Desk@Langsam. They then shot the video in the STRC production room and worked with Jay Sinnard, manager of the STRC, to edit the video.

To view the videos produced in the STRC, visit their YouTube channel at

Continue reading

UPDATED: Interlibrary Loan Service Unavailable Monday, March 18, 8am-5pm because of Maintenance

UPDATE TWO:   Correct link to Illiad:

If you have problems logging into Illiad, please use the above link to login.

We are working to correct all links now.


Thank you!

UPDATE: the scheduled maintenance is taking longer than anticipated. Please note we’ve changed the estimated up time to 5pm. Thank you for understanding.


The Libraries Interlibrary Loan (Illiad) server will be offline for maintenance Monday, March 18 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. During that time, Interlibrary Loan will be unavailable.

Thank you for your patience.

Sidney Gao Joins UC Libraries as the Digital Imaging Coordinator

On Monday, Oct. 15, Sidney Gao joined UC Libraries as the new digital imaging coordinator in the Preservation Lab. Sidney comes to UC from UC San Diego (UCSD) where she has over four years of experience working in a digitization, imaging and preservation studio for Geisel Library. During this period, she perfected the ability to lead a production team in digitizing and archiving thousands of historical artifacts, documents, books and art pieces. As such, she has extensive experience in the application of various types of scanners and scanning techniques, as well as in image post-processing and various capturing software. Working in collaboration with UCSD Special Collections ensured her ability to handle rare and fragile objects, while simultaneously maintaining high digitization standards.

Welcome to UC Libraries, Sidney!

Bernstein, Shakespeare, Preservation Photographs and Dedicated Staff are All Featured in the Latest Issue of Source

source headerRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this edition of Source we celebrate Leonard Bernstein at 100 with news of an exhibit on display in the Walter C. Langsam Library. Dean Xuemao Wang writes about how the occasion of the university’s upcoming Bicentennial has led him to reflect on the contributions of four staff members retiring this fall. We announce two grants received by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine that will promote good data and good health.

University archivist and head of the Archives and Rare Books Library Kevin Grace teaches readers and students in his honors class about Extra-Illustrated Editions. Jessica Ebert, lead photographic technician in the Preservation Lab writes about her work creating visual representations of the conservation treatments performed, and housing created, in the Lab. Mike Braunlin of the John Miller Burnam Classics Library offers his experience and insights gained working in the library for 42 years. The UC Foundation writes about a unique collection gifted to the Libraries from two former professors. Lastly, the annual Books by the Banks: Cincinnati USA Books Festival, of which UC Libraries is an organizing partner, is announced in this issue.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Tell Us About Your Research Practices and Needs

In order for the University of Cincinnati Libraries to provide the best possible research and data support services, we would like to encourage all faculty, staff and students to participate in a brief survey regarding your research practices and needs.

Taking part in this survey is completely voluntary, but your participation will help us to continue and create more meaningful services centered around your research and data needs. If you agree to participate, please complete the survey via the URL provided to give us more information about your primary research area, the type of data used for your research, and the assistance sought to deal with your data. We appreciate your time and look forward to serving you.