As we enter Exam Week (Dec. 8-14), check out UC Libraries various library locations to find the spot right for you.
Langsam Library’s three floors offer a variety of study options from quiet (6th floor) to more communal (4th floor). Students can find a spot to meet their study goals at a carrel, group study room, the Langsam Living Room or a high-top table at Starbucks. During exams, Langsam offers extended hours.

Is Langsam getting a little crowded? Visit one of our other library locations. Some recommendations:

The Classics Library and the CCM Library, both located in Blegen, both have quiet Reading Rooms. The GMP and Chem-Bio libraries feature large, open areas with desks and flexible seating options. For those on the medical campus, the Health Sciences Library has three floors of study options.
In addition, to UC Libraries, the university offers multiple study spaces including in college buildings, coffee shops, TUC and other student centers.
Good luck, Bearcats!