An Exhibit on Hair: Books from the Collection, DAAP Library

This exhibit highlights some selections from the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library of DAAP about hair. Come take a look and feel free to check out the books if your research needs demand it (please ask for staff assistance taking them out of case).

exhibit showing books about hair

Exhibit showing books about hair from the DAAP Library.

“The meaning of hair for individuals within any given society varies according to their particular social position, gender, race, and age, just as the meaning of hair more generally in a particular society may differ in others, in both place and time. Thus, the meaning of the long hair of a Tamil sᾱdhu priest in Coimbatore, India, differs from the long hair of a village bride in Anatolia, Turkey, with the former suggesting the priest’s celibate withdrawal from the sexual conventions of social life and the latter, the young bride’s introduction to them. For as anthropologist Carol Delaney observes, head, facial, and body hair—its cutting, growing, styling, and shaving—may have similar meanings in different societies, but the “specific cultural context” of these practices and related beliefs about hair are quite particular. It is indeed, often unassuming, small details concerning hair that are revealing of underlying social mores and suggest the ways that changes in women’s and men’s hair practices and hairstyles are related to and reflective of larger historical and social processes.”

-Elisha P. Renne vol. 6 of “A Cultural History of Hair: In the Modern Age.” Edited by Geraldine Biddle-Perry. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.

-curated by Andrea Chemero with technical assistance from Cade Stevens

Artists’ Books Exhibit-DAAP Library

The Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library of DAAP is hosting Professor Mark Harris’s BFA “Topics in Contemporary Art-Art Criticism” class exhibit.

Professor Mark Harris writes this about the exhibit:

This display of artists’ books comes from the DAAP Library Special Collections. Last spring semester these books were selected by BFA students in my Topics in Contemporary Art—Art Criticism class for a writing assignment. Students were asked to select two books by different artists and write a 1,000 word evaluation and comparison. They were welcome to experiment with writing approaches. What you see here are short extracts from their essays.

Mark Harris

The writing samples are by these students—

Sabrina Argotte, Sheridan Ave, Aliesha Caldwell, Trinity Campbell, Grace Casella, Katherine Donaghy, Sam Engel, Callie Gaines, Kat Hardy, Catherine Hummel, Vicky Lee, Nathalie Lorenz, Nicole Moore, Ashton Morris, Hugh Moscoe, Arisa Nakahata, Emma Schutte, Vidushi Shrivastava, Kara Yeomans

Professor Harris installed the exhibit with shelves askew and books displayed at haphazard angles, which makes the exhibit a colorful, jumbled visual delight. It will be up until October 20th, 2022; come and take a look.

Exhibit of artists' books on shelves

Exhibit of artists’ books on shelves

Exhibit of artitsts' books on shelves

Exhibit of artists' books on shelves

Exhibit of artists’ books on shelves

Updates to Libraries website for fall semester

screen shot of updated libraries websiteNext week, UC Libraries will make updates to the website in order to improve usability and discoverability, as well as to simplify navigation. These changes are reflective of results from user testing, analytics and edit requests received throughout the year. Where possible, redirects will be included, but please note new URLs listed below and update any bookmarks as necessary.

Updates include:

Please note, other library resources, including Summon, the Library Catalog and Library Guides integration into Canvas, have had or will also have updates. If you use these resources in your courses or research, we also recommend checking that your links, bookmarks and information are still up to date.

As always, contact us with questions.

Celebrating Emeritus Dean of DAAP, Jay Chatterjee

The Robert A. Deshon & Karl J. Schlachter Library of DAAP is celebrating Dean Chatterjee’s career with a dedicated study room. News articles from Dean Chatterjee’s career are hung on one wall. Four shovels are hung on another; each designed by a different school in DAAP to commemorate the ground-breaking of Peter Eisenman’s building in 1996. The study room is located on the second floor of the DAAP Library-Room 6480C (take elevator to second floor and turn to the right). Come take a look.

news articles highlighting Dean Chatterjee's career

Framed news articles highlighting Dean Chatterjee’s career as Dean of DAAP.


Lori Harris named interim dean and university librarian

lori harris

Lori Harris

Lori E. Harris has been named interim dean and university librarian of the University of Cincinnati Libraries effective July 1, 2022. Harris initially joined the Libraries in 2015 as an associate fellow from the National Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). She permanently joined the University of Cincinnati Libraries in 2016.

Harris previously served as assistant dean and director of the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library and the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions. More recently, she co-led the development of the Libraries’ strategic framework NEXT Directions, which outlines the Libraries’ Guiding Principles and Pathways to operational excellence with special emphasis on initiatives relating to research, diversity, equity and inclusion and aligns with the University’s Next Lives Here framework. She has helped to support the College of Medicine’s LCME process by serving as a member of the reaccreditation committee and she currently sits on the College of Medicine’s Education Committee representing the Health Sciences Library.

Harris has worked tirelessly to build external relationships for the University of Cincinnati Libraries. Recently, she worked with Dr. Phil Diller, College of Medicine and the Henry R. Winkler Center Board, to bring to the university campus the six-part lecture series and exhibits that examined the work of Andreas Vesalius. Building upon her continued relationship and collaborations with colleagues from NIH/NLM, Harris helped bring to the Health Sciences Library the Native Voices traveling exhibition and lecture series, which honored the native tradition of oral history.

“I look forward to working with my University of Cincinnati Libraries colleagues in this new capacity,” said Harris. “Our recently completed Strategic Framework will provide the guiding principles and pathways for us to continue to advance our mission and realize our vision.”

Harris obtained her M.A. MSLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her B.A. in American studies, museum studies and archives from Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts.

In her new role, Harris will provide leadership and coordination for the daily operations of the University of Cincinnati Libraries, working collaboratively with the library leadership of UC Blue Ash, UC Clermont and Law Libraries. Harris will continue to work directly with UC Libraries’ senior leadership, faculty and staff to ensure that continuity, growth and development of the University of Cincinnati Libraries is maintained throughout her tenure as interim dean and university librarian.

UC Libraries closed Monday, July 4th

The University of Cincinnati Libraries will be closed, Monday, July 4 for Independence Day, with some locations also closing Sunday, July 3. Check each library location for specific hours. Normal hours for all library locations will resume Tuesday, July 5.

Have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July.

july 4th graphic.

Hello, Central!: Telephones in Illustrated Sheet Music

hello centralBy Theresa Leininger-Miller,

This two-part exhibition commemorates the 145th anniversary of the invention of the telephone (1876) that took place in 2021; COVID-19 slightly delayed the celebration. Displayed on the 4th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library are reproductions of 68 vibrant, chromolithographic covers of illustrated sheet music dating from 1877 to 1939.

The display outside and inside the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art & Planning (DAAP) features two dozen original pieces of sheet music, along with ten vintage telephones. The name of the device, from the Greek, means “far speaking” a way of increasing human earshot. With it, people can make themselves heard and understood around the world with a whisper. Continue reading

Check out library Spring Break reduced hours, March 12-20

spring break vine with lemonsMost University of Cincinnati Libraries locations have reduced hours for Spring Break, March 12-20. Check the library website for a list of hours by location.

Have a safe and relaxing Spring Break, Bearcats!