Fall 2021 UCBA Library Research Workshops

by Lauren Wahman

The UCBA Library is offering two Research Workshops for fall 2021 – Finding Your Research Sources and Evaluating Your Research Sources. These are one hour sessions offered online and in person and registration is required. The sessions are open to all UCBA students. Refer to the 2021 UCBA Library Workshops flyer for schedule and registration information.  

Finding Your Research Sources
Need to find sources for your research assignment? Finding information can be frustrating and overwhelming, but the UCBA Library is here to help. Join librarians to discuss where to search, get some strategies for building better searches, and ask questions. 

Evaluating Your Research Sources
Not sure if the sources you’ve found are high quality? Deciding if info is trustworthy and credible can be challenging, but the UCBA Library is here to help. Join librarians to discuss source evaluation, get strategies you can use for your research, and ask questions.  

UCBA Library Needs You!  Now Hiring for Summer Semester 

UCBA Library Needs You! 

Now Hiring for Summer Semester 

Now Hiring Student Workers with 3 people icons


  • Friendly and welcoming?  
  • Eager to help students, staff and faculty?  

If so, consider joining the UCBA Library Team!  

Apply:  https://libraries.uc.edu/libraries/ucba/about/employment.html 


Research and Teaching Spotlight: Carla Cesare, Amy Miller and Patrick Owen

by Lauren Wahman

UCBA Library’s Faculty Lightning Talks showcase faculty research and share different aspects of the research process. This year, we’re revisiting UCBA presenters, Carla Cesare, Amy Miller, and Patrick Owen, for an update on their research projects.  

Carla Cesare | Art & Visual Communication
Networks of Design: Women at Work 

Amy Miller & Patrick Owen | Biology
Multifaceted Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Integrative Biology Using the Rusty Crayfish 

Find out about Carla and Amy and Patrick’s research project updates via Sway or use the visual link: 

screenshot of Sway post graphic

Upcoming changes in off-campus access links to library resources

User access to library electronic resources is controlled by UC credentials and the Libraries proxy server. To improve management of this, UC Libraries is changing proxy servers at the end of the spring semester. As a result, all URLs containing the library proxy will need to be changed to the new server address. The Libraries has created tools to assist users in changing/creating proxy URLs. For anyone who bookmarks or includes library resource links in communication, course syllabi, canvas, etc., please plan to change library resource links starting in the month of May to the new proxy URL.  The Libraries will maintain the old server through the end of 2021, so access will be continuous for summer semester and ample time is provided for the URLs to be updated.

If you have any questions about how to access electronic library resources, please contact a library liaison.

Research and Teaching Spotlight: Heather Vilvens and Linda Wunderley

by Lauren Wahman

UCBA Library’s Faculty Lightning Talks showcase faculty research and share different aspects of the research process. This year, we’re revisiting UCBA presenters, Heather Vilvens and Linda Wunderley, for an up

date on their research projects.  

Heather Vilvens| Allied Health
Creating Effective Safe Sleep Messaging 

Linda Wunderley | Business & Economics
Changing Leaders Mindsets 

Find out about Heather and Linda’s research project updates via Sway or use the visual link: 

Research and Teaching Spotlight in Sway

Faster Access to Full Text Articles Available at UC

Link to available full text with one click by downloading the browser extension, LibKey Nomad. You will be prompted to log in with your UC username and password as needed.

When the browser extension is in place and full text is available, you will see “Download PDF”, “Article Link”, or “Manuscript Link”.

Download PDF Full Text

When full text may not be available at UC, you will see “Access Options”.

Access Options indicates that full text may not be available.




Please note: When you see “Access Options”, locate the UC Article Linker button for that reference citation to ensure the best results in accessing existing full text or requesting the article.  The UC Article Linker button may be visible in the summary view or the full record view of the reference citation. Or the button may not be visible, instead you may see “Link to full text”.

Click the UC Article Linker button to find full text or request full text.

Browser Extension Also Works with Google Scholar

As you may know, you can search Google Scholar and connect to full text articles at UC once Google Scholar has been configured for UC Libraries access.

The browser extension also works with Google Scholar.  Instead of seeing “Find Full Text at UC”, you may see “[PDF]” or “[HTML]” and the journal or publisher website address.

Configure Google Scholar for UC Libraries access

Enable Google Scholar to identify UC-licensed full-text of journal articles.  Access appears as a “Find Full-Text at UC” link.

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Sign in to your Google account (or create one if needed)
  3. Click the icon in the upper left and select “Settings”
  4. Click on “Library Links”
  5. Search for “University of Cincinnati” and add.
  6. Check the box next to “The University of Cincinnati – Find Full-Text at UC” and click “Save”

Research & Teaching Spotlight: Ruth Benander & David Freeman

by Lauren Wahman

UCBA Library’s Faculty Lightning Talks showcase faculty research and share different aspects of the research process. This year, we’re revisiting UCBA presenters, Ruth Benander and David Freeman, for an update on their research projects.   Continue reading

Spring Semester Hours and Services for UCBA Library

clock and open book

The UCBA Library space will be closed until in person classes begin on Monday, January 25, 2021; however, the following services and support will still be available Monday-Friday, 10am-3pm. 

  • Virtual SupportLive Chat and email for general library questions/requests and research support. 
  • Click and Collect: Books and media on hold will be available for pick-up on a cart outside the library entrance. 
  • Equipment Pick-Ups and Returns By Appointment: Contactless pick-ups and returns are available to UCBA students for laptops and calculators. Students should reach out to us via email to set-up an appointment. 

Beginning Monday, January 25th the library space will reopen from Monday-Friday, 10am-3pm. The remote services and support above will continue to be available in addition to in person services and support (e.g. equipment returns/pick-ups, Click and Collect) as well as study room reservations.


Library Display: Celebrate Diversity!

By Lauren Wahman

This display showcases a selection of books (print/electronic) and streaming media available through the UC Blue Ash Library and includes a range of topics and authors. The display will be available until January 29, 2021 with physical items available to request via Click and Collect. Be sure to visit the Celebrate Diversity online display. 

 book display atop bookshelves